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Decriminalise Drug Use, Say Experts After Six-Year Study


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disagree on one point Pierrot that if half the prisoners are drug offender I doubt half the staff are there to look after them. I would guess the drug offenders are generally moral and otherwise 'law abiding' and frankly shouldnt be there in the first place. Presumably the staff spend more time guarding the murderers and rapists than some poor unlucky bastard caught smoking a joint

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Yes, point taken, I was rather oversimplifying. But no-one can possibly deny that a halving of the prison population as a result of decriminalising recreational drugs would result in the possibility of decreased staffing levels. And therefore substantial savings. Here's an immediate potential saving..... ; )) But the post conviction savings would be minimal compared to the cost of actually getting these non criminals to prison. As in police time, court time, legal aid bills, etc, etc.... Whether or not it's the correct thing to do is another argument, but to deny that there are huge savings to be made by such a policy change is simply mental.

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absolutely, estimated value of illicit drugs is £6bn a year (Home Office report, 2007), money currently going to organised crime. Estimated cost of enforcing the current policy £14bn a year, money coming out of our pockets

cant argue the current drugs policy doesnt work, cost a fortune and no results. I can see it, you can see it, dont know why 'the man' cant see it

The Portuguese, Spanish, Italians and Swiss worked it out.

Half of Australia, a third of America worked it out.

Canada worked it out and of course the Dutch worked it out ages ago.


What a forward thinking, liberal country we are... (not)

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absolutely, estimated value of illicit drugs is £6bn a year (Home Office report, 2007), money currently going to organised crime. Estimated cost of enforcing the current policy £14bn a year, money coming out of our pockets

cant argue the current drugs policy doesnt work, cost a fortune and no results. I can see it, you can see it, dont know why 'the man' cant see it

The Portuguese, Spanish, Italians and Swiss worked it out.

Half of Australia, a third of America worked it out.

Canada worked it out and of course the Dutch worked it out ages ago.


What a forward thinking, liberal country we are... (not)

Just a quick point - At what age should kids take drugs like cocaine/heroin or doesn't it matter?
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Just a quick point - At what age should kids take drugs like cocaine/heroin or doesn't it matter?


Manxy, I forgive your being a woman most of the time, like me, you post stuff that you haven't really thought too much about...but this post ......WTF? no really, WTFF?


I am going to go away and play some music and have a cup of tea. At What age should kids take cocaine/heroin - what kind of mental talk is that? Do you know ANYTHING about heroin and/or cocaine? Pffft, oh clarinetty lets play some Debussy.

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I don't know if anyone has posted this yet but the US state of Colorado has become the first to legalise pot! Expect many to follow. So IOM legalising it is probably too late to make any huge financial difference. That ship has just left port

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yes, legalised. But many many more have decriminalised it, roughly a third last time I looked but thats increasing all the time


Obama said before his election, the first one, he would look at decriminalising it at a federal level. maybe he will now hes back in.

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Oh now I need to burn my clarinet along with my paints and pencils and pens, thanks PL. :( Sick skillz even if he does look like a hamster, I like yer man, Dizzy Gillespie, his cheeks are amazing, apparently it was to do with no one ever telling him not to blow his cheeks out, well, aside from it looking a bit mad it works. I'll hold off with the clarinet burning for a bit, it is not impossible that I will get to be that good one day and in the mean time, it gives me something worthwhile to aspire to.


Yeah, the feds huh? I was talking to my friend about the change of law and he said "Yes but federal law, blah blah blah" - people from America are becoming refugees in Canada because although state law says its ok, federal law will not and thus.....it's all a charade. Assshooooooooooles.

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Just a quick point - At what age should kids take drugs like cocaine/heroin or doesn't it matter?


Manxy, I forgive your being a woman most of the time, like me, you post stuff that you haven't really thought too much about...but this post ......WTF? no really, WTFF?


I am going to go away and play some music and have a cup of tea. At What age should kids take cocaine/heroin - what kind of mental talk is that? Do you know ANYTHING about heroin and/or cocaine? Pffft, oh clarinetty lets play some Debussy.

Here's some questions that need answering for those who wish to legalise drugs and as to why I posted a comment that was deliberately confrontational to get peoples attention. As there was no clarification as to what drug was to be legalised, then every drug is open to suggestion!


If people are wanting drugs to be legalised and therefore no-one is to be arrested for having or using drugs, then

1/ What age is the cut off point where its acceptable to take drugs? (Is 16 too high or too low?)


2/ What action would you take if a drug dealer sold drugs to kids? (Just because you stop the main players from buying and selling drugs, it doesn't mean that they won't sell drugs to kids.)


3/ What action would you take if a kid sold drugs to kids (It has been known that kids of nine have become drug dealers)


This is why I'm being confrontational, not because people have said legalise drugs, but the lack of thought or lack of information as to the boundaries or safeguards for our children. Do you see why I had to post this now?

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