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Decriminalise Drug Use, Say Experts After Six-Year Study


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Manxy i think you're a bit mental. Where is any evidence that decriminalisation would lead to people selling drugs to children? You’ve already mentioned in your own posting that kids as young as 9 have been caught dealing to their friends, and that’s happening now whilst these things are illegal. So the current laws are not working. I was offered ecstasy & cannabis in my first year at Ballakermeen by someone in my class & this was over 20 years ago! However, I was never offered anything that was actually legal (ie cigarettes/alcohol/lighter fluid etc).


I think everyone would agree that children shouldn’t be able to buy anything that is legalised in the future, and it should be over 18s only in line with alcohol/cigarettes. But there would actually be more protection for children if these substances were legalised & their sale properly regulated. As someone else has already said, dealers are unlikely to ask for ID!

I see. I disagree with you in that I feel it's wrong for drug dealers to supply heroin, cocaine and hard drugs to kids, yet you say it's ok to do so and then you call me mental? Interesting.


Just because you take one funding source away from the dealers because adults could get it easily, it still makes it wrong in my eyes, to supply drugs to kids.

If a 5 year old popped a pill, was given an injection, had a snort, would you say that this is ok? REALLY/HONESTLY?

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Stop, please. Injecting kids...WTF? I'm off now, I feel sick.



I came back...... to show you

, it is one of my all time favourite shows, Corneilius awe, bless them, I love heroin addicts, unless they are the cunty attention whore types "Oooh look where my veins collapsed" - yeah go cut them, up the ways. Anyway back to Swansea love story, it is harsh, very harsh but it shows you the problems, it's not the drugs and drink oh noes, it is the fact that this place (and many others) had the heart ripped out of the community, the mines were closed, there were no jobs, the people went on the dole, and drugs and drink were the only thing blah blah blah blah blah. By the time these kids started with drugs they were already wrecked :( Awe Corneilius.
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  • 3 weeks later...


Taken from the same article;


Baroness Meacher, chairman of the all-party group on drugs policy reform at Westminster, said a full review of drugs laws was now needed to cope with the influx of new drugs.

She said: ‘These are coming on the market at the rate of one a week – we cannot cope any longer.’

Last night, a government spokesperson said: 'Drugs are illegal because they are harmful - they destroy lives and blight communities.

'Our current laws draw on the best available evidence and as such we have no intention of downgrading or declassifying cannabis.

'A Royal Commission on drugs is simply not necessary. Our cross-government approach is working.

'Drug usage is at its lowest level since records began and people going into treatment today are far more likely to free themselves from dependency than ever before.



The comment therefore states that drugs are illegal because they are harmful - they destroy lives and blight communities and if that is so, why hasn't the Government stopped the sale of alcohol?


Wouldn't it be worth looking into as members have suggested previously, that hemp be sold on the island over a couple of years on a trial basis, so that a fuller evaluation can be considered that would assist the UK Government to see what or if, any affects and problems are apparent.

Being a small island, I'm sure the UK would be interested in the results for this one particular drug and it therefore comes down to choices;

If the drug is reasonably harmless as suggested, it could become a little gold mine if marketed right and that there was fewer drug related offences on the island. It might even reduce the pressures on the Police, Prison, Hospital and Drug & Alcohol agencies.


What do other members say about this? (Amadeus - can you make this into a poll? Some suggested answers follows)

Worth having a go.

Not sure and more facts required.

No way to drugs being decriminalised and the Government should stop other drugs like smoking and alcohol at the same time.

Just stay the same as we are now.

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Look at

bunch of whoppers! What a waste of time and resources - pointless outdated laws. Although, I have to wonder if there was ever a time when it would have been ok to have the ridiculous drug laws that we do now, I don't even know what drugs are anymore, CV2, I thought it was a car like.
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umm, I think thats a little low, we spend that in pounds. USA must be many multiples of that


"The report said the combined effects of crime, health and costs relating to drug prohibition policies leave the taxpayer with an annual bill of £16.785 billion a year."



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  • 1 month later...

for those that didnt read the link I posted


"Although cannabis is better known for inducing hunger in those who smoke it, known as the munchies. when the scientists examined two compounds, called THCV and cannabidiol, they were found to have an appetite suppressing effect.

This effect only lasts for a short time, however. When the scientists looked closer, they found the compounds also had an impact on the level of fat in the body and its response to insulin, a hormone that controls the sugar levels in the blood.

Tests in mice showed the compounds boosted the animals metabolism, leading to lower levels of fat in their livers and reduced cholesterol in their blood stream."



cannabis really is a wonder drugs smile.png


it sure is,it "saved" my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Manxy i think you're a bit mental. Where is any evidence that decriminalisation would lead to people selling drugs to children? You’ve already mentioned in your own posting that kids as young as 9 have been caught dealing to their friends, and that’s happening now whilst these things are illegal. So the current laws are not working. I was offered ecstasy & cannabis in my first year at Ballakermeen by someone in my class & this was over 20 years ago! However, I was never offered anything that was actually legal (ie cigarettes/alcohol/lighter fluid etc).


I think everyone would agree that children shouldn’t be able to buy anything that is legalised in the future, and it should be over 18s only in line with alcohol/cigarettes. But there would actually be more protection for children if these substances were legalised & their sale properly regulated. As someone else has already said, dealers are unlikely to ask for ID!


this is the first sensible post re cannabis/marijuana i've seen on these forums,get real guys the usa has legalised pot in colorado and washington state for use by anyone wishing to use it,and about 15 states allow its use for medicinal purposes.

as for the taxation benefits to these states they are talking big money,

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Get real? Are you real? :) It was on the radio the other day, by criminalising drugs the governments have effectively passed the worlds third largest commodity to criminals, you do have to ask yourself if this was a mistake or not. I was reading about 'a certain off the grid shop' a few months ago, a university in Colarado put a load of crawler/data gathering programs on "the off grid shop" for one year, they were able analyse data on the type of stuff for sale they found £1.9million a month was going through the site and the main things being sold were drugs. £2million is not a lot of money if you consider the site holds all kinds and is a world wide thing. Given the shit the Isle of Man is in, the government could do (and are doing) far worse things than turning the place into a drugs haven.


Oh I just made myself really mad, just think about it, we've got all kinds of tax dodgers 'living' here, we allow CSP's to exist, we've all manner of "pay no tax contractor" blags going on...and yet you cannot have a smoke/pill/line/whatever? Yeah, the Isle Of Man where you can, rip every other country in the world off and pretend like its all ok, because you haven't broken any laws, yeah, morals of alley cats though, innit?

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Shame. Like I said a few times before, lagalising Cannabis on the IOM would be the solution to all our money worries.


not all our problems,but certainly quite a few,like police wasting time locking up guys for toking, and BIG criminal operations for a few grams of weed,man these guys are a waste of time,



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