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Barack Obama

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Manx Knobs from Reynoldsway


That's no way to talk about RonaldMcDonaldsway Airport Staff!


^^ How do you paste a picture like that which is permanently visible irrespective of log-in status? ^^


Use an image hosting service like Photobucket.com. Open a free account there, upload your desired picture to it and then use the image code from it to share it. Past that code in your MF post and Voila! If you can't be arsed with accounta and stuff, you can also try the likes of imageshack who just let you upload and share a picture.



Anyroads, I think the lesser of two evils has won. Both are far from perfect or even remotely good, but that's because the whole system is fucked up beyond repair.

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Manx Knobs from Reynoldsway


That's no way to talk about RonaldMcDonaldsway Airport Staff!


^^ How do you paste a picture like that which is permanently visible irrespective of log-in status? ^^


Use an image hosting service like Photobucket.com. Open a free account there, upload your desired picture to it and then use the image code from it to share it. Past that code in your MF post and Voila! If you can't be arsed with accounta and stuff, you can also try the likes of imageshack who just let you upload and share a picture.



Anyroads, I think the lesser of two evils has won. Both are far from perfect or even remotely good, but that's because the whole system is fucked up beyond repair.


imgur is the best free image host at the moment.Generates nice small URLs, doesn't force you to click through for bigger images like imageshack, etcetc.


Relevant to the current time example:


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As Franklin D Roosevelt said 'Presidents are selected not elected.'


You get given a pantomine every 4 years to choose option 1 or option 2, both masks on the same face, with slightly differing policies to get the buy in from large portions of the electorate, but the end result is always the same. Government agenda rolls on, always at the expense of true democracy and civil liberties. Frank Zappa summed it up correctly when he said;


“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

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Mitt Romney: "Well, now that you've been re-elected, what are you going to do about the 8 million unemployed?"


Obama: "Erm... that's actually 8 million and one now, Mitt."




As Franklin D Roosevelt said 'Presidents are selected not elected.'


You get given a pantomine every 4 years to choose option 1 or option 2, both masks on the same face, with slightly differing policies to get the buy in from large portions of the electorate, but the end result is always the same. Government agenda rolls on, always at the expense of true democracy and civil liberties. Frank Zappa summed it up correctly when he said;


“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

Sound familiar?

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The sad part of this is that I believe Obama to be a good man who has been unable to get on with people in order to get things done.


Interesting that the East and West Coasts plus Illinois were all Democrat and all the non passport holding states in the middle were all Republican voting.


Annoying the way that our TV channels seemed to be so wired in to another countries affairs to the point that they were referring to 'our president' and statements such as 'we will have a Republican Senate' etc.

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The sad part of this is that I believe Obama to be a good man who has been unable to get on with people in order to get things done.


Interesting that the East and West Coasts plus Illinois were all Democrat and all the non passport holding states in the middle were all Republican voting.


Annoying the way that our TV channels seemed to be so wired in to another countries affairs to the point that they were referring to 'our president' and statements such as 'we will have a Republican Senate' etc.


To deflect attention from away from how much of a basket case the UK has become, and keep this whole paedophilia and the establishment as far away from the front pages as possible.

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Certainly a 2 party system has serious disadvantages, especially with the polarisation we are seeing in the US. Still, what do you actually propose that would be a better approach, and how would you suggest we reach that goal. Whether you like it or not the US is still a democracy, where regardless of race or social status you can cast your vote. The fact that there is now a media hype and a lot of show, which convinces the vast majority there is no choice but to vote for 1 of 2 parties does not remove the democratic aspect. Even in countries where there isn't an electoral system but let's say a constituency system or even a direct vote system the same economic and social issues are occurring.


Those issues, such as the wealth gap, are there regardless of how the elections are run so don't raise that one point as the source of all evil. You'd be very arrogant to assume you're the only ones to see the issues and that all those at 'the top' are obviously corrupted and thus do not wish to see these issues fixed. There are undoubtedly people and organisations whose goal it is to further 'the gravy train' but equally so there are many who wish to make this world (or at least their part of it) a better place. People who do more than just sit here on a forum and whinge that it is all so unfair.


Change takes a long time and a lot of work; not because there are those working to stop it but also because of the socio-economic momentum in the world. You can not simply change things for what you think is better on a whim because the system, whether you like it or not, can not withstand that kind of jolt. We are far from the despotism, autocraties and facist states that were prevalent less than a century ago. So you can sit here and mewl like children, or wake up and realise this is the world you live in and if you care so much for the change, go and work on it where it matters. The people at the top are people too, not inanimate money-sucking black holes.

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