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Barack Obama

Pierrot Lunaire

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The sad part of this is that I believe Obama to be a good man who has been unable to get on with people in order to get things done.

What crtieria are you using to judge him as a good man?


Probably the sugar-coated image the press gave him...conveniently forgetting to mention him passing the NDAA Act permitting his government to detain anyone, for anything, with no reason given, indefinitely. Nice guy.

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Like I said, not being a religious fundie helps my opinion of being a nice guy.

Neither Stalin, Hitler or Mao were religious - were they nice guys?


Adolf Hitler was raised a Catholic. In his autobiography Mein Kampf (1.2), he stated: Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.


As a youth, Stalin spent five years in a Greek Orthodox seminary. Several biographers insist that his mysterious 'retreat' in June 1941 was he once again embraced Christianity.


Whether religious or not, both were certainly the products of religion.


Very true. There is a wealth of knowledge and information detailing how Hitler and Stalin were potentially Jesuit-trained.

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