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Kylie Minogue


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Let us hope that the media have the sense to give her peace to undergo her treatment and do not stress her out anymore than she will be already.


I still do not think people know enough about breast cancer. How to check themselves properly is usually written on a silly little leaflet that is not always clear. I think this is also the case with testicular cancer. At least now you do not have to whisper these words for fear of embarrassing anyone.

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My thoughts to anyone affected by this disease.


I think that we're all affected by this. It's very very real. My partner / long term gf is 31. My sister, my Mum and both of my sisters in law have been affected by this issue.


A few years ago I went to get my testicals checked because I had found a lump which I wasn't familiar with. Turned out to be nothing significant. But a difficult trip to the doctor. If I hadn't have visited the doctor then I would have worried more.


I'd have rather dealt with a doctor who wasn't also someone I half know via my Mum since I was a child - and who I also sometimes now meet at dinner parties. But I'm NHS. It's not easy meeting a doctor for dinner or drinks who has also touched your private bits. But better than not getting an opinion.


So we've got to be prepared to not feel awkward. It's difficult stuff to talk about but we (especially blokes) shouldn't be embarrassed to visit the doctor if there is something we aren't sure about. I think that's mostly blokes.


I think that blokes are worse than women about talking about their breasts and reproductive privates. It shouldn't be like that - and the more we talk about these issues (in the pure objective) - so then the easier it will be for people to talk openly and visit the doctor.


So lets all not be scared to talk about our balls and breasts. Especially, perhaps, blokes.

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So we've got to be prepared to not feel awkward. It's difficult stuff to talk about but we (especially blokes) shouldn't be embarrassed to visit the doctor if there is something we aren't sure about. I think that's mostly blokes.


I think your spot on with that. Some or most people have been brought up to believe that you can't disagree with your DR.


The most embarresing things that happan to your body should be an open topic with your DR but for some reason, we don't open up about them.

Don't know why. Maybe it was the way we were brought up?


Breast cancer and Testicular cancer are 2 are the most prevaliant cancers that are if found early, can give a %100 cure, yet thousands die every year from them.


The only thing I can add is that my auntie, my second mum, had a mastectomy 19 yrs ago. Gladly the procedures they had then gave my aunt and me another 19 yrs.


My heart goes out to Kylie but also to all who have cancer.

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Fingers crossed they have caught it early enough for her. It must be a terrifying thing to have to go through.


Although people are more aware of breast cancer these days and women know that they should check themselves regularly, not so much is publicised about ovarian cancer. Women should be aware of the signs for that as the symptoms are very often overlooked.


Ovarian Cancer

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Behind every cloud, perhaps...


Kylie Minogue's breast cancer has already increased awareness of the disease, charities said.

The charity Breakthrough Breast Cancer said it had been inundated with calls to its helpline over the last two days. Its website, which contains information about the causes and prevention of breast cancer, received double the number of hits since Kylie's management released her statement.


Some of the callers to its helpline could have been Kylie fans who want to show their support with donations or by organising fund-raising events, a spokeswoman said. Others could have been around Kylie's age and wanted information on how to check their breasts.


Meanwhile, the charity Breast Cancer Care said it received 129 calls to its hotline yesterday, compared with an average of 50-60 a day.

Really very sad, just went to see her at the MEN a few weeks ago (my daughter insisted :rolleyes: ), she was tremendous. Hopefully she'll be fine.

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