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Burn A Poppy, Get Arrested


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We are all free to a greater extent than we would possibly have been under Nazi rule and we have to be grateful to your father and the many people like him.

If we had been invaded we would have had to give up all of our Jewish people, gays, freemasons. gypsies, disabled and mentally ill to the regime's death factories, and have to report any anti state activity which your neighbour may commit.

Burning a swastika would have carried a far greater punishment than a bit of a slapped wrist for offending a few people who respect the memory of those who fought and gave their lives that we should have the freedoms we have.


Sadly, we are losing our freedoms at an alarming rate. I find it impossible to feel free queuing to get through security, removing clothing, being groped. I suspect that those who cannot see that for what it is (how many suspects have been found??) are sadly simply not awake. That is only one of the many, many issues. Every day the media warns us of yet more possible threats. Conveniently, these scares usually herald more controls and less freedom. Yes, thankfully, we avoided a Nazi takeover but most people these days simply accept Big Brother and don't even notice their freedoms diminishing. The Berlin Wall wasn't hyped as a method of control. It was sold to the East Germans as safety. Keeping the dangerous neighbours out.


We owe those who sacrificed so much a debt. We must protect our freedoms. That is what they fought for and we are letting it slip away while feeling safe and gawping at Big Brother, Come Dancing, East Enders etc etc

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Totally agree with you, we hardly notice the slow erosion of the freedoms we once had until the realisation dawns when being groped after standing in a queue for half an hour.

I guess that since we gave up on religion the government need greater powers than the fear of eternal damnation gave them.

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We are all free to a greater extent than we would possibly have been under Nazi rule and we have to be grateful to your father and the many people like him.

If we had been invaded we would have had to give up all of our Jewish people, gays, freemasons. gypsies, disabled and mentally ill to the regime's death factories, and have to report any anti state activity which your neighbour may commit.

Burning a swastika would have carried a far greater punishment than a bit of a slapped wrist for offending a few people who respect the memory of those who fought and gave their lives that we should have the freedoms we have.


Sadly, we are losing our freedoms at an alarming rate. I find it impossible to feel free queuing to get through security, removing clothing, being groped. I suspect that those who cannot see that for what it is (how many suspects have been found??) are sadly simply not awake.


If it was not for those security measures how many more hijackings, terrorist attacks and smuggling would go on? The security checks must act as a detterent to some extent. They are inconvinient but I never have any problem with them and it is rare that I am ever subjected to a search - but maybe what I carry on a plane and what you carry on a plane are very different.

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We are all free to a greater extent than we would possibly have been under Nazi rule and we have to be grateful to your father and the many people like him.

If we had been invaded we would have had to give up all of our Jewish people, gays, freemasons. gypsies, disabled and mentally ill to the regime's death factories, and have to report any anti state activity which your neighbour may commit.

Burning a swastika would have carried a far greater punishment than a bit of a slapped wrist for offending a few people who respect the memory of those who fought and gave their lives that we should have the freedoms we have.


Sadly, we are losing our freedoms at an alarming rate. I find it impossible to feel free queuing to get through security, removing clothing, being groped. I suspect that those who cannot see that for what it is (how many suspects have been found??) are sadly simply not awake.


If it was not for those security measures how many more hijackings, terrorist attacks and smuggling would go on? The security checks must act as a detterent to some extent. They are inconvinient but I never have any problem with them and it is rare that I am ever subjected to a search - but maybe what I carry on a plane and what you carry on a plane are very different.


The brainwashing of the masses is still alive and well and working just fine, as so eloquently evidenced above. Oh dear.

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Lxxx - I am not brainwashed thank you very much and I am open to reasoned debate. Please can you provide evidence to show that airport security is unneccessary?


As someone who flies on a regular basis from numerous airports (and I have visited the US on several occassions) I am rarely stopped and searched. On the rare occasions I have been 'searched' I have never had a problem and certainly have never felt that I am being groped! I have never been stopped or searched passing through the US borders.


Clearly hijackings continue but at least it is a downwards trend - although no where near the figures for pre-1968. I do not believe that pre-1968 figures were low as a result of the lack of security - more likely as it was only at around this time that air travel was becoming widely available and international air travel became practicable.

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clearly poppy fascism is part of the spell to keep people under.


Next there will be war memorial hysteria, then prison for anybody who does not stand up to sing the national anthem or sing it loud enough.


how about public disembowellment for conscientious objectors? (Woolley for the record this is irony)

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Lxxx - I am not brainwashed thank you very much and I am open to reasoned debate. Please can you provide evidence to show that airport security is unneccessary?


As someone who flies on a regular basis from numerous airports (and I have visited the US on several occassions) I am rarely stopped and searched. On the rare occasions I have been 'searched' I have never had a problem and certainly have never felt that I am being groped! I have never been stopped or searched passing through the US borders.


Clearly hijackings continue but at least it is a downwards trend - although no where near the figures for pre-1968. I do not believe that pre-1968 figures were low as a result of the lack of security - more likely as it was only at around this time that air travel was becoming widely available and international air travel became practicable.


Can you tell me the last time a plane going to or from the isle of man was hijacked?

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Lxxx - I am not brainwashed thank you very much and I am open to reasoned debate. Please can you provide evidence to show that airport security is unneccessary?


As someone who flies on a regular basis from numerous airports (and I have visited the US on several occassions) I am rarely stopped and searched. On the rare occasions I have been 'searched' I have never had a problem and certainly have never felt that I am being groped! I have never been stopped or searched passing through the US borders.


Clearly hijackings continue but at least it is a downwards trend - although no where near the figures for pre-1968. I do not believe that pre-1968 figures were low as a result of the lack of security - more likely as it was only at around this time that air travel was becoming widely available and international air travel became practicable.


Can you tell me the last time a plane going to or from the isle of man was hijacked?


I take the point but does that mean that you would be happy to allow anyone to come and go as they wish? I have a suspicion that if there was no security at Ronaldsway you may find that people were subjected to much greater attention when arriving in any other country... I am sure that the world would love to hear about the "tax haven" that now offers unrestricted access for terrorists as well!

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if there was no security, we would just get on the planes faster and not have to faff about we would save loads of time and bother.


Pretty much all terrorism is fake, the IRA were mainly MI5 double agents. The KKK were 25% FBI double agents.


Research the bloody sunday massacre, ask why nobody stood trial for the Omagh bombing? What happened to Malcolm X and Martin Luther King?


Imagine the job advert in the situations vacant


Terrorist wanted - fuck all pay, highly dangerous, perhaps lethal and no pension. must have own suicide vest.


Only Woolley and P.K would apply (irony again)

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Cross Ross - If 25% of the KKK were FBI agents who were the other 75%? If the IRA were "mainly" MI5 double agents then who were the rest? I am afraid to say that I do not "buy" conspiracy theories such as these. The amount of people who would need to be silenced is ridiculous!!


As unbelievable as it may be people will do some pretty stupid things in the name of a deeply held belief. It can also be that they are willing to sacrifice themselves for what they view as a better future for their family. Going back to the original topic is that one of the reasons why so many people volunteered for the armed services despite the potential danger? Is it not also the same reason we have seen civil unrest in countries like Egypt, Libya and Iran? The "rebels" were willing to risk their life for what they view as a better future.


And if you think western Governments are so corrupt why not move to somewhere like Iran?

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We are all free to a greater extent than we would possibly have been under Nazi rule and we have to be grateful to your father and the many people like him.

If we had been invaded we would have had to give up all of our Jewish people, gays, freemasons. gypsies, disabled and mentally ill to the regime's death factories, and have to report any anti state activity which your neighbour may commit.

Burning a swastika would have carried a far greater punishment than a bit of a slapped wrist for offending a few people who respect the memory of those who fought and gave their lives that we should have the freedoms we have.


Sadly, we are losing our freedoms at an alarming rate. I find it impossible to feel free queuing to get through security, removing clothing, being groped. I suspect that those who cannot see that for what it is (how many suspects have been found??) are sadly simply not awake.


If it was not for those security measures how many more hijackings, terrorist attacks and smuggling would go on? The security checks must act as a detterent to some extent. They are inconvinient but I never have any problem with them and it is rare that I am ever subjected to a search - but maybe what I carry on a plane and what you carry on a plane are very different.


The brainwashing of the masses is still alive and well and working just fine, as so eloquently evidenced above. Oh dear.

Hardly brainwashing Lxxx? We have all seen what can happen on the admittedly rare occasion that a terrorist slips on to public transport, are you saying that it is worth the risk of not having security checks in order to get through airports a little quicker?

I don't like the loss of freedom any more than you do and can remember much easier times. Agreed that some precautions are over the top and heavy handed but overall they have to deter the odd lunatic from making a name for himself and his cause.

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The amount of people who would need to be silenced is ridiculous!!



perhaps you should make an effort to find out what derek bird did for a living before he was a taxi driver, put together a CV for the guy

his family his schooling his career and then the killing spree and his "suicide"

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The amount of people who would need to be silenced is ridiculous!!



perhaps you should make an effort to find out what derek bird did for a living before he was a taxi driver, put together a CV for the guy

his family his schooling his career and then the killing spree and his "suicide"


Worked at the Sellafield Nuclear plant as a joiner... Last time I checked that was not a terrorist activity!

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