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Burn A Poppy, Get Arrested


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Agreed Amadeus.


IMHO it has fuck all to do with respect for the dead of our great and glorious nation.


It is part of a zero tolerance policing policy of treating everybody like criminals for just living their life.


IMHO it is part of Bill Bratton's policy to get in lots of private security firms and privately owned prisons and make the law even more fucked up than it already is.


The more people you can criminalise the bigger the profits are going to be. Hence we have "nonsense crimes" like this to keep the police courts and prisons very very busy.


First they need to discredit the police then the "solution" will be private security firms. Then posting this on here will make me a "nonsense criminal"


I dont think the above post is as mad as it first appears, CrossRoss is only really describing what has already happened in the world, in the USA.




1 IN 32 Americans either in prison or under prison control, ie parole.


Dont think it could not happen here if it has happened in the "Land of the Free"

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This thread is about poppies and remembrance day. As previously stated: We have turned into wimps that are prepared to abandon freedom for "protection". All the lives lost in world wars for "freedom". Consider what these people had to endure. For what? The wimps are out in force wanting to be protected from 'terrorists' by happily removing their clothes, being groped and scanned. They want protection from illness by repeated vaccinations. They want protection for children by permitting secret courts and D notices. Having lived through the times of the 'troubles' I can say that we all just got on with our lives. The vast majority of air travellers survived without scans etc.There are also questions about who the real terrorists were. After all we were subjected to state broadcasts. Vaccinations? Why is it that the higher the rate of vaccination in a country, the poorer the general health (allergies, chronic illnesses etc). Don't stop to ponder this - just keep accepting the brainwashing. As for secrecy protecting children. Get real. This leaves things open for the predatory paedophiles that are highly organised in all strata of society. The monied and titled have the ability to indulge in this depravity and cover their tracks. Just think how everyone bowed and scraped to JS!


Please, please spare me protection. I prefer freedom. I cringe every time I hear people prefering protection. What a load of wimps. You have your protection if you wish. But please allow me the freedom to choose.


What 'freedoms' were the two world wars about (particulary world war one?) and what freedoms have the wars since then been about exactley? The closest to a fight for 'freedom' was WW2 which was a battle against a Nazi regime which if it had not tried to conquer Europe probably would have been allowed to continue to exist at the time.


As for vaccinations it was following the two world wars that we saw a massive step forward in health care and the recent paranoia over vaccinations has seen an increase in certain illnesses (TB) which had all but been eliminated. Now I have no problem with your freedom not to have a vaccination (that is your or your parents choice). I do not think you can link vaccinations with a general poorer health as there as so many other factors that would need to be considered. We now live in very clean environments due to modern day cleaning products which limit our exposure to germs/viruses and therefore we do not build up a resistance to them from a young age. There are then the issues of diet, exercise and local external environments.


Going back to airport security - you say you lived through "the troubles" and everyone just got on with it. That is fine, but airport security was around at that time as well. Additionally I remember that the IRA were "nice" enough to issue warnings before an attack (just to cause more panic/disruption) so they operated a little differently to the terrorist organisations we see today.


Really how many wars fought by the British Armed Services have been about creating more freedoms for the citizens of this country? Do not get me wrong I wear the poppy and always take the time to remember those that have died in the service of their country but I do take issue with this argument about freedom.


You put your finger on the issue. How many wars were fought for freedom? The fear of Nazi domination is surely one of fear of lack of freedom. This is the underlying fear that is put about. The US 'had' to attack numerous countries because of the fear that they would otherwise be attacked - the poor paranoids. Strangely, those countries that don't go round getting involved in everyone else's affairs have no fears. Wars are therefore based on selling fear of loss of liberty to a nation. The real reasons are quite different. It is not about freedom at all. After all call-up means that many are not free to choose whether or not they risk their lives.


Yes, the IRA did give us warnings. But for crying out loud - how many terrorist attacks have there been in recent years? This is not because Mrs Jones was apprehended for carrying a bottle of water or Fred Bloggs was discovered to have a penknife in his pocket. Security employs a lot of people and introducing full body scans all over the US was a big money maker. Michael Chertoff, who demanded the introduction of these, had connections with the producers. It also gets us used to lining up and obeying - because once controls are in place others follow. The more we all comply the more we will be subjected to further controls.


As for vaccinations - please check out research that doesn't emanate from the pharmaceutical companies. The fewer vaccinations the better is general health. These killer diseases were already diminishing through better nutrition and hygiene. Again, what better than to make vaccinations mandatory if you want to make mega bucks? It requires an open mind and research. I predict that African children will start to develop all the common western childhood chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, eczema etc. now that they are being vaccinated on a large scale. Bill Gates' team were reported as moving into a village and vaccinating children while the real problem was lack of clean water. This was ignored. It took volunteers to quickly and easily solve the problem. There is little money involved in improving sanitary conditions.


I politely urge you to research outside of the usual media sources. You will find verifiable stories that the media prefers not to publicise.

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You put your finger on the issue. How many wars were fought for freedom? The fear of Nazi domination is surely one of fear of lack of freedom.

Fear of nazi domination didn't lead Britain into war. And what other wars were about the freedom of british people?
This is the underlying fear that is put about. The US 'had' to attack numerous countries because of the fear that they would otherwise be attacked - the poor paranoids.
Such as?


I predict that African children will start to develop all the common western childhood chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, eczema etc. now that they are being vaccinated on a large scale. Bill Gates' team were reported as moving into a village and vaccinating children while the real problem was lack of clean water.
You are implying that vaccinations make people sick. What is the evidence of us?
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Agreed Amadeus.


IMHO it has fuck all to do with respect for the dead of our great and glorious nation.


It is part of a zero tolerance policing policy of treating everybody like criminals for just living their life.


IMHO it is part of Bill Bratton's policy to get in lots of private security firms and privately owned prisons and make the law even more fucked up than it already is.


The more people you can criminalise the bigger the profits are going to be. Hence we have "nonsense crimes" like this to keep the police courts and prisons very very busy.


First they need to discredit the police then the "solution" will be private security firms. Then posting this on here will make me a "nonsense criminal"


I dont think the above post is as mad as it first appears, CrossRoss is only really describing what has already happened in the world, in the USA.




1 IN 32 Americans either in prison or under prison control, ie parole.


Dont think it could not happen here if it has happened in the "Land of the Free"


Thank you


This is not a secret or new plan, it has been around for donkeys years. Read George Orwell's 1984. This is not a novel it is a plan.

Orwell's real name was Eric Arthur Blair, yes Blair........that's right BLAIR (Woolley the biggest cretin in Christendom shall no doubt pipe up with his "just a coincidence" comment as if it is original interesting or remotely intelligent)

Eric Arthur Blair's father was an administrator in India who looked after opium production.


The same people who are behind Bill Bratton are also probably behind the drugs trade. Look at how opium production rocketed in Afghanistan after the taliban were ousted. Coincidence ? Not a fkn chance.

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You put your finger on the issue. How many wars were fought for freedom? The fear of Nazi domination is surely one of fear of lack of freedom.

Fear of nazi domination didn't lead Britain into war. And what other wars were about the freedom of british people?
This is the underlying fear that is put about. The US 'had' to attack numerous countries because of the fear that they would otherwise be attacked - the poor paranoids.
Such as?


I predict that African children will start to develop all the common western childhood chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, eczema etc. now that they are being vaccinated on a large scale. Bill Gates' team were reported as moving into a village and vaccinating children while the real problem was lack of clean water.
You are implying that vaccinations make people sick. What is the evidence of us?


I have somehow found myself agreeing with LDv for once!

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Deek Jackson's worst and mosting boring video ever but it is relevant to the thread



Deek Jackson taking the piss out of stupid twats like Albert Tatlock and Woolley, (watch the bit after Davina McCall, Albert this is about you specifically you yes you)

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Agreed Amadeus.


IMHO it has fuck all to do with respect for the dead of our great and glorious nation.


It is part of a zero tolerance policing policy of treating everybody like criminals for just living their life.


IMHO it is part of Bill Bratton's policy to get in lots of private security firms and privately owned prisons and make the law even more fucked up than it already is.


The more people you can criminalise the bigger the profits are going to be. Hence we have "nonsense crimes" like this to keep the police courts and prisons very very busy.


First they need to discredit the police then the "solution" will be private security firms. Then posting this on here will make me a "nonsense criminal"


I dont think the above post is as mad as it first appears, CrossRoss is only really describing what has already happened in the world, in the USA.




1 IN 32 Americans either in prison or under prison control, ie parole.


Dont think it could not happen here if it has happened in the "Land of the Free"


Thank you


This is not a secret or new plan, it has been around for donkeys years. Read George Orwell's 1984. This is not a novel it is a plan.

Orwell's real name was Eric Arthur Blair, yes Blair........that's right BLAIR (Woolley the biggest cretin in Christendom shall no doubt pipe up with his "just a coincidence" comment as if it is original interesting or remotely intelligent)

Eric Arthur Blair's father was an administrator in India who looked after opium production.


The same people who are behind Bill Bratton are also probably behind the drugs trade. Look at how opium production rocketed in Afghanistan after the taliban were ousted. Coincidence ? Not a fkn chance.


I think you might be right about Orwell's 1984 being a secret government plan... It is clearly late (18 years) and is probably over budget as well! biggrin.png

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You put your finger on the issue. How many wars were fought for freedom? The fear of Nazi domination is surely one of fear of lack of freedom.

Fear of nazi domination didn't lead Britain into war. And what other wars were about the freedom of british people?
This is the underlying fear that is put about. The US 'had' to attack numerous countries because of the fear that they would otherwise be attacked - the poor paranoids.
Such as?


I predict that African children will start to develop all the common western childhood chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, eczema etc. now that they are being vaccinated on a large scale. Bill Gates' team were reported as moving into a village and vaccinating children while the real problem was lack of clean water.
You are implying that vaccinations make people sick. What is the evidence of us?


No of course Nazi domination didn't lead us into war. The story given out was that as Poland's allies we were obliged to enter the war.(yeh right). However, fear of Nazin domination is what helped to galvanise the public. Please note I did not state that fear of Nazi domination was the government's reason for going to war! The subtle and constant fear-mongering - think terrorism today - is what helps tptb achieve their aims.


Such as? How about Iraq for starters? Oh yeh - I forgot that the reason given was that we were searching for the mastermind who orchestrated 9/11 from a network of caves. And of course there was the "weapons of mass destruction" lie. Where did Bliar get the script from? Surveys have shown that a large amount of Americans thought that Iraq was responsible for the attack and therefore fear of further attacks made that war ok. People don't keep their eye on the ball. Why is the US putting pressure on Iran? Israeil is ok to have nuclear weapons btw. But we should be fearful of Iran.Just keep up the insinuations.

The idea is to keep us fearful. You haven't noticed the news? Does it inform us about acts of kindness, successes? No. Be fearful of the latest virus, global warming, recession, terrorists etc etc


As for vaccinations - oh dear you really do swallow everything don't you? Try Dr Russell Blaylock, Dr Mercola for starters. Yes, of course there will be articles to the contrary produced by the all-powerful pharma industry. However, one simply question: Is mercury good for you? Why give it to babies then? That is only a small part of it. You either get it or you don't.


Please try an open mind.

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So why did Britain go to war in 1939? What were the real reasons? I find it difficult to find anything positive that was achieved apart from the defeat of an expansionist Nazi regime. Britain ended up in massive debt and shortly after the British Empire started to break up. What benefits did Britain get?


You are right that the news is always focused on the negative, however, that seems to sell. Perhaps though you can tell me some good news stories from the paragons of virtue that are Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan? Perhaps you will tell us about there marvelous legislation giving freedom speech, thought and action to everyone?


In terms of disease and viruses it is a fact that these evolve and in all likelihood will always exist, however, modern science has meant that many diseases and viruses that were killers are not under control. Mercury might not be good for you but maybe applied through science is a better alternative... Chemotherapy drugs are posionous to the human body but would you stop producing them?


I must admit I am a little confused about who you think is orchestrating all this? I assume you are pointing the finger at private businesses and suggesting that they dictate Government policy? If that is the case then there must be an awful lot of people being paid for their silence or otherwise being dealt with so to keep this a big secret. To somewhat misquote Tim Minchin "you show me that it works and how it works and when I've recovered from the shock I will take a compass and carve "fancy that" on the side of my c**k"

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Thank you


This is not a secret or new plan, it has been around for donkeys years. Read George Orwell's 1984. This is not a novel it is a plan.

Orwell's real name was Eric Arthur Blair, yes Blair........that's right BLAIR (Woolley the biggest cretin in Christendom shall no doubt pipe up with his "just a coincidence" comment as if it is original interesting or remotely intelligent)

Eric Arthur Blair's father was an administrator in India who looked after opium production.


The same people who are behind Bill Bratton are also probably behind the drugs trade. Look at how opium production rocketed in Afghanistan after the taliban were ousted. Coincidence ? Not a fkn chance.



Can anyone else see the irony of the opium trade being brought up on a thread about burning the poppy?!

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Such as? How about Iraq for starters? Oh yeh - I forgot that the reason given was that we were searching for the mastermind who orchestrated 9/11 from a network of caves. And of course there was the "weapons of mass destruction" lie. Where did Bliar get the script from? Surveys have shown that a large amount of Americans thought that Iraq was responsible for the attack and therefore fear of further attacks made that war ok. People don't keep their eye on the ball. Why is the US putting pressure on Iran? Israeil is ok to have nuclear weapons btw. But we should be fearful of Iran.Just keep up the insinuations.

Doesn't imply that the governments go to war due to fear. Fear is only what makes such things appear acceptable to the public. Is that what you mean?
[As for vaccinations - oh dear you really do swallow everything don't you? Please try an open mind.
You think all vaccines make people sick or just modern ones? Need to be more specific. I am the one asking the questions here based on your supposed claims. You need some evidence for them but I don't even know what you are talking about specifically yet.
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So why did Britain go to war in 1939? What were the real reasons? I find it difficult to find anything positive that was achieved apart from the defeat of an expansionist Nazi regime. Britain ended up in massive debt and shortly after the British Empire started to break up. What benefits did Britain get?

The question is also what would Britain have lost if it didn't go to war.
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So why did Britain go to war in 1939? What were the real reasons? I find it difficult to find anything positive that was achieved apart from the defeat of an expansionist Nazi regime. Britain ended up in massive debt and shortly after the British Empire started to break up. What benefits did Britain get?

The question is also what would Britain have lost if it didn't go to war.


Good point! I believe that Hitler made overtures towards Britain as being a potential ally. So you could also ask what Britain would Britain have stood to lose or gain from such an alliance?

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