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Burn A Poppy, Get Arrested


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The obvious potential one would be the threat to naval power. Germany was building up its navy. When would it have stopped? It would have posed too much of a risk to british command of the seas and the interests supported by the existence of a navy.


And you have to remember that Germany did want to weaken France (which could have meant war). Although Britain would never have allowed france to fight alone, if Germany did win and had control of the coast all the way down to Spain it would have been an even bigger threat to British naval power.
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Such as? How about Iraq for starters? Oh yeh - I forgot that the reason given was that we were searching for the mastermind who orchestrated 9/11 from a network of caves. And of course there was the "weapons of mass destruction" lie. Where did Bliar get the script from? Surveys have shown that a large amount of Americans thought that Iraq was responsible for the attack and therefore fear of further attacks made that war ok. People don't keep their eye on the ball. Why is the US putting pressure on Iran? Israeil is ok to have nuclear weapons btw. But we should be fearful of Iran.Just keep up the insinuations.

Doesn't imply that the governments go to war due to fear. Fear is only what makes such things appear acceptable to the public. Is that what you mean?
[As for vaccinations - oh dear you really do swallow everything don't you? Please try an open mind.
You think all vaccines make people sick or just modern ones? Need to be more specific. I am the one asking the questions here based on your supposed claims. You need some evidence for them but I don't even know what you are talking about specifically yet.


Yes, fear is what makes the public accept things. Bliar knew the WOMD claim was a lie but telling us we could blown to smitherenes within an hour or so ensured there were few queries about why we planned to attack innocent people who had done nothing to us. If we fear disease we will accept vaccines. If we fear terrorists we will accept intrusive and draconian measures.


Please just check out Dr Russell Blaylock and Natural News.There are innumerable doctors who explain very clearly what is wrong with vaccinations. Please research. Btw. I had the first symptoms of auto immune disease after a flu vaccination some years ago. I later discovered that thimerosal, an immune booster, was added to these. With a family history of auto immune disease it might have been advisable to warn me and leave the decision to me. There was no flu epidemic that year. I have never had another flu vaccination and despite a now impaired immune system I have coped with what the winter brings ever since. I believe I could have been spared the illness I still suffer from. But that is a personal view. Please research.

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So why did Britain go to war in 1939? What were the real reasons? I find it difficult to find anything positive that was achieved apart from the defeat of an expansionist Nazi regime. Britain ended up in massive debt and shortly after the British Empire started to break up. What benefits did Britain get?

The question is also what would Britain have lost if it didn't go to war.

Britain could have chosen the route of appeasement as heavily lobbied for. The problem with that would have been that Hitler would have gone ahead and conquered Europe, built up his strength for an invasion of Britain while we were going about our business and ignoring his treatment of non Aryan races and Jews.

We were written off by the USA as an imperial aggressor and they wouldn't have had time to come to our aid, even if they wanted to. The chances are that they wouldn't have bothered, until Hitler turned his attention to them at his leisure.

By the time Japan was about to invade South East Asia in late 1941, they could probably have avoided war with the USA by ignoring the Phillipines negating the need to attack Pearl Harbour. They could have walked into the colonies of Britain, France and Holland without firing a shot.

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Hang on. My father was a desert rat, was at the D-day landings etc etc. My mother always told me stories of life in wartime IOM and the difficulties involved and the liberties removed, followed by the comment: But it had to be done.

Our freedom was at stake. Yet it seems that the freedom of speech has already disappeared.


In later years I noticed that my father, who said little about the war, despite being wounded, became very resistant to the Big Brother tactics

which were being introduced. He was not happy with the car seat belt regulation. He felt it should be his choice - klunk-klick and all that stuff from you know who. Thinking about it I realised that they had been shoved out on fhe front and saw comarades die and escaped death themselves

on a daily basis. This was all in the interests of freedom. - supposedly. Yet, in later years these men were to be nannied into protecting themselves from a car crash - by order. No wonder he resented it.



He also had little time for Churchill.


I now understand his feelings. He always observed Remembrance Day and I know the loss of comrades is something they never forgot. I believe my father could see what was coming and I suspect he regretted the enormous amount of suffering and loss of life that had been wasted.


It is difficult to stomach but it was wasted imo. Tell me exactly what freedoms we have as a result? Please don't say "The freedom to vote"

because that is the biggest farce of all when our politicians do the bidding of the globalists without exception.


I have the highest respect for those who took

part in those horrific battles - in both world wars, but the evidence of the resulting freedom seems to be disappearing on a daily basis. So that we are all safe of course. Yeh right. What a load of wimps we have these days! Certainly, grope me

at the aiirport, carry out a naked body scan, tell me what vaccinations I need and am obliged to have, tell me how to think and what I am not allowed to say - just to keep me safe. For crying out loud.


I found myself thinking about this post earlier. Very good points made.

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Britain could have chosen the route of appeasement as heavily lobbied for. The problem with that would have been that Hitler would have gone ahead and conquered Europe, built up his strength for an invasion of Britain while we were going about our business and ignoring his treatment of non Aryan races and Jews.

We were written off by the USA as an imperial aggressor and they wouldn't have had time to come to our aid, even if they wanted to. The chances are that they wouldn't have bothered, until Hitler turned his attention to them at his leisure.

By the time Japan was about to invade South East Asia in late 1941, they could probably have avoided war with the USA by ignoring the Phillipines negating the need to attack Pearl Harbour. They could have walked into the colonies of Britain, France and Holland without firing a shot.

Well Germany did go ahead and conquer Europe regardless. But yes, the french and british purpose was to put a stop to such expansion.

But Germany may not have invaded Britain if Britain stayed out of the war. Though it would be highly unlikely that Britain could have ever sat back and ignored German expansion and France could certainly not have ignored it.


As for Japan, the Japanese could not have sidestepped the US whilst the latter had interests in China. Japan would have had to get out of China, but that wasn't going to happen.

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Aquarius, you get it! Thank you for taking the time to think about it.

Hang on. My father was a desert rat, was at the D-day landings etc etc. My mother always told me stories of life in wartime IOM and the difficulties involved and the liberties removed, followed by the comment: But it had to be done.

Our freedom was at stake. Yet it seems that the freedom of speech has already disappeared.


In later years I noticed that my father, who said little about the war, despite being wounded, became very resistant to the Big Brother tactics

which were being introduced. He was not happy with the car seat belt regulation. He felt it should be his choice - klunk-klick and all that stuff from you know who. Thinking about it I realised that they had been shoved out on fhe front and saw comarades die and escaped death themselves

on a daily basis. This was all in the interests of freedom. - supposedly. Yet, in later years these men were to be nannied into protecting themselves from a car crash - by order. No wonder he resented it.



He also had little time for Churchill.


I now understand his feelings. He always observed Remembrance Day and I know the loss of comrades is something they never forgot. I believe my father could see what was coming and I suspect he regretted the enormous amount of suffering and loss of life that had been wasted.


It is difficult to stomach but it was wasted imo. Tell me exactly what freedoms we have as a result? Please don't say "The freedom to vote"

because that is the biggest farce of all when our politicians do the bidding of the globalists without exception.


I have the highest respect for those who took

part in those horrific battles - in both world wars, but the evidence of the resulting freedom seems to be disappearing on a daily basis. So that we are all safe of course. Yeh right. What a load of wimps we have these days! Certainly, grope me

at the aiirport, carry out a naked body scan, tell me what vaccinations I need and am obliged to have, tell me how to think and what I am not allowed to say - just to keep me safe. For crying out loud.


I found myself thinking about this post earlier. Very good points made.


Thank you for taking the time to consider the points, Aquarius. You get it!

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Britain could have chosen the route of appeasement as heavily lobbied for. The problem with that would have been that Hitler would have gone ahead and conquered Europe, built up his strength for an invasion of Britain while we were going about our business and ignoring his treatment of non Aryan races and Jews.

We were written off by the USA as an imperial aggressor and they wouldn't have had time to come to our aid, even if they wanted to. The chances are that they wouldn't have bothered, until Hitler turned his attention to them at his leisure.

By the time Japan was about to invade South East Asia in late 1941, they could probably have avoided war with the USA by ignoring the Phillipines negating the need to attack Pearl Harbour. They could have walked into the colonies of Britain, France and Holland without firing a shot.

Well Germany did go ahead and conquer Europe regardless. But yes, the french and british purpose was to put a stop to such expansion.

But Germany may not have invaded Britain if Britain stayed out of the war. Though it would be highly unlikely that Britain could have ever sat back and ignored German expansion and France could certainly not have ignored it.


As for Japan, the Japanese could not have sidestepped the US whilst the latter had interests in China. Japan would have had to get out of China, but that wasn't going to happen.

Yes but Japan invaded China in 1937 and the US, Britain, France and Holland who all had interests in the area did nothing. They would have merely been mopping up in the area, as contrary to popular belief, the European Colonists were seen as occupiers. The Japanese were seen by the locals as liberators. They could easily have reached a pact with the US on this basis when you think that their attitude to imperialism was pretty well unsupportive in view of it's threat to their trade. Despite the fact that they were imperialists themselves.


Perhaps Hitler would have kept his word and not invaded Britain, he wasn't the best at keeping his word though. When Britain went off to fight the Japanese would have been an ideal time to strike, unless Britain had re-armed and conscripted to an enormous level whilst supposedly acting as an appeaser?


Interesting though, but hindsight nonetheless.

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I bleieve that what LDV & Max Power have highlighted shows that there were valid reasons for Britain to go to war in 1939 that were motivated by something other than a vague conspiracy theory that was earlier being suggested.


Modern wars are somewhat less clear cut but I suppose we must remember that "Human Rights" were hardly high on the agenda in countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq and that things are now slowly changing. There are now girls receiving an education for starters.


I wonder whether the "Arab Spring" would have occured without the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? But that is probably another discussion altogether.


So going all the way back to the original post - burning a Poppy is a poorly conceived method of protest and in reality way probably done for the"fame". The arrest is over the top, however, I very much doubt he will receive anything more than a slap on the wrist. I suppose there could also be an argument that his actions could have provoked others to take more severe action against him.

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Yes but Japan invaded China in 1937 and the US, Britain, France and Holland who all had interests in the area did nothing. They would have merely been mopping up in the area, as contrary to popular belief, the European Colonists were seen as occupiers. The Japanese were seen by the locals as liberators. They could easily have reached a pact with the US on this basis when you think that their attitude to imperialism was pretty well unsupportive in view of it's threat to their trade. Despite the fact that they were imperialists themselves.

The US didn't do nothing about the Japanese invasion of China. They kicked up a stink about it. And the longer the Japanese were there the more it riled the US. The US had serious economic and political interests in China and supported an Open-Door policy in China, which Japan threatened.

They could not have made a pact with the US. Besides, Japanese invasions of China were imperialist and so were their ambitions in south-east asia.

Perhaps Hitler would have kept his word and not invaded Britain, he wasn't the best at keeping his word though. When Britain went off to fight the Japanese would have been an ideal time to strike,
Why? It wasn't the army that kept Britain safe.
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Hang on. My father was a desert rat, was at the D-day landings etc etc. My mother always told me stories of life in wartime IOM and the difficulties involved and the liberties removed, followed by the comment: But it had to be done.

Our freedom was at stake. Yet it seems that the freedom of speech has already disappeared.


In later years I noticed that my father, who said little about the war, despite being wounded, became very resistant to the Big Brother tactics

which were being introduced. He was not happy with the car seat belt regulation. He felt it should be his choice - klunk-klick and all that stuff from you know who. Thinking about it I realised that they had been shoved out on fhe front and saw comarades die and escaped death themselves

on a daily basis. This was all in the interests of freedom. - supposedly. Yet, in later years these men were to be nannied into protecting themselves from a car crash - by order. No wonder he resented it.



He also had little time for Churchill.


I now understand his feelings. He always observed Remembrance Day and I know the loss of comrades is something they never forgot. I believe my father could see what was coming and I suspect he regretted the enormous amount of suffering and loss of life that had been wasted.


It is difficult to stomach but it was wasted imo. Tell me exactly what freedoms we have as a result? Please don't say "The freedom to vote"

because that is the biggest farce of all when our politicians do the bidding of the globalists without exception.


I have the highest respect for those who took

part in those horrific battles - in both world wars, but the evidence of the resulting freedom seems to be disappearing on a daily basis. So that we are all safe of course. Yeh right. What a load of wimps we have these days! Certainly, grope me

at the aiirport, carry out a naked body scan, tell me what vaccinations I need and am obliged to have, tell me how to think and what I am not allowed to say - just to keep me safe. For crying out loud.


I found myself thinking about this post earlier. Very good points made.


Yes I have to agree there are some very good points made, it has certainly made me reconsider some of my views and made me think again.

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Yes but Japan invaded China in 1937 and the US, Britain, France and Holland who all had interests in the area did nothing. They would have merely been mopping up in the area, as contrary to popular belief, the European Colonists were seen as occupiers. The Japanese were seen by the locals as liberators. They could easily have reached a pact with the US on this basis when you think that their attitude to imperialism was pretty well unsupportive in view of it's threat to their trade. Despite the fact that they were imperialists themselves.

The US didn't do nothing about the Japanese invasion of China. They kicked up a stink about it. And the longer the Japanese were there the more it riled the US. The US had serious economic and political interests in China and supported an Open-Door policy in China, which Japan threatened.

They could not have made a pact with the US. Besides, Japanese invasions of China were imperialist and so were their ambitions in south-east asia.

Perhaps Hitler would have kept his word and not invaded Britain, he wasn't the best at keeping his word though. When Britain went off to fight the Japanese would have been an ideal time to strike,
Why? It wasn't the army that kept Britain safe.

And the US right up until Pearl Harbour in Dec 1941 wanted no part in any foreign war. Don't forget that they had interests in Europe at that time too and this didn't alter their stance in 1939? They were also weak militarily and only became roused when attacked.

The British at that time were the main world power although they were waining, the US saw it's trade restricted by the British Empire's tariff system and would have welcomed it's demise. In fact they began to dismantle the empire as part of the conditions of the loans after the war.


The army didn't save Britain from invasion as it turns out, but if we had appeased and not had a strong airforce or had sent the bulk of our under equipped forces to the far east to try and save our colonies there, who knows what Hitler may have done then?

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And the US right up until Pearl Harbour in Dec 1941 wanted no part in any foreign war. Don't forget that they had interests in Europe at that time too and this didn't alter their stance in 1939? They were also weak militarily and only became roused when attacked.

America had trading interests, but for the US the Far-East was its backdoor where it wanted to build very strong economic ties and heavily develop trade. Japan was upsetting this. Have you read about the history of the Pacific area prior to WW2 and the Chinese Open Door policy?
The British at that time were the main world power although they were waining, the US saw it's trade restricted by the British Empire's tariff system and would have welcomed it's demise. In fact they began to dismantle the empire as part of the conditions of the loans after the war.
But you seem to be implying that the US would have been happier to see the Japanese in former European colonies. That wasn't the case at all.
The army didn't save Britain from invasion as it turns out, but if we had appeased and not had a strong airforce or had sent the bulk of our under equipped forces to the far east to try and save our colonies there, who knows what Hitler may have done then?
It was air superiority that made Britain invulnerable to invasion but airpower was only the added assurance. What really protected Britain was its navy.
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