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Thieving Mp Gets Away With It


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Margaret Moran Found To Have Fiddled Expenses




A former Labour MP has been found to have fiddled £53,000 in expenses, in the worst case to have emerged from the parliamentary scandal.


A jury decided Margaret Moran did commit 15 counts of false accounting and six counts of using a false instrument.


Moran, who was MP for Luton South from 1997 until 2010, falsely claimed around £60,000 between 2004 and 2008, of which she received £53,000.


She claimed almost her entire annual allowance in one bogus entry and forged invoices for more than £20,000 of non-existent goods and services.



Wuhu, you may think, she got caught! Worst case of them all. let's throw the book at her! Only that....no:



Jurors at Southwark Crown Court in London were unable to return a guilty verdict after Moran was ruled unfit to stand trial for mental health reasons.


But the case went ahead as a trial of issue and the jury reached a unanimous verdict on all counts.


Mr Justice Saunders adjourned the disposal of the case to a later date.


Moran, 57, could be given a supervision order, hospital order or absolute discharge where no further action is taken against her, the court heard.



Pisstake or what? Steal from the taxpayer & get away with it. Don't tell the goons in Tanwald or they'll try the same trick when the dirty laundry comes out under the FoI Act.

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This is the same woman who went off with "Stress" then did an interview saying she was available for other work. Reckon she has played the system perfectly, she will be back out and about soon.

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The way I see things at the moment, those who have nothing or fairly little are ok, they've not conned anyone, stolen anything or been underhanded and 'trickeryous'. Any one who is rich, and didn't win the lottery is a con man or the descendant of a conman and thus, is a wrong un.

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The way I view it is the multi-millionaire who had his moat cleaned out courtesy of the public purse is just as guilty.


I guess there's no "Having your moat cleaned out courtesy of the public purse is an offence" in criminal law....

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You know, when you go on holiday to places where the people have 'absolutely nothing' the people are generally much nicer, kinder and ultimately happier than we are. Maybe money is like a drug, the more you have the more you need, phew, glad I'm skint.

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