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Binge Drinking


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I imagine she's lost a lot more than her marbles....In that video alone she has lost a lot of her clothing.


You can do that now, it's called White Lightning


Incorrect, it's called snakebite and it is slightly less minging than white lightning...but only just.

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I'll have you know i got up at 10am this morning to work...there's dedication! (Seriously, the rest of my block were amazed to find that 10am still existed)

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Err, so this reduces the tolerance to alcohol? Why is this a good thing?


People will just drink the same amount over the usual duration of their night out, but they'll be drunker. Awesome. This idea will end well.


I think the idea behind it is less aimed at people going out but more at the one's having a serious alcohol problem. If this stuff can make the brain of an alcoholic believe that it had it's daily fix after 5 pints instead of ten, then that person is still drunk but his liver has to cope with 5 pints less - add that up over a longer period of time and I can see it to be somehow beneficial, altough it might not be a total solution...

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Isn't it a little bit like smoking longer cigarettes so you don't smoke quite as many?


Er..no, I really don't think so - not sure if you smoke, but just smoking "superkings" won't necessarily make you smoke less..


Having a drug that makes you drunk quicker (let this be a good or a bad thing), will result in you losing the shakes quicker and I know quite a few people that are definitely consuming more than the "national average", far away from pubs, sitting at home.. If they only have half the booze they normally take in every day, then that's a start - you just wouldn't smoke half the cigarettes you normally smoke just by making them a fraction of an inch longer...

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