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Quite amazed to see that Israil officials not only live tweeting todays missile strikes, but also showing footage of the actual results immediately on twitter followed up by the enemy's response.




It's hard to get your head around it, these are videos of people dying, live, on twitter.

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It does seem unsporting apart from anything else, one side has large numbers of aircraft, tanks, drones and a highly trained military highly equipped with the backing of the Pentagon.


The other side has some Kalashnikovs and a big pile of rocks, though the pile of rocks is getting bigger. Oh and some home made rockets the news are passing off as a big threat.


Somehow it just doesnt seem fair or decent.

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It does seem unsporting apart from anything else, one side has large numbers of aircraft, tanks, drones and a highly trained military highly equipped with the backing of the Pentagon.


The other side has some Kalashnikovs and a big pile of rocks, though the pile of rocks is getting bigger. Oh and some home made rockets the news are passing off as a big threat.


Somehow it just doesnt seem fair or decent.


That's only if you have a very naive idea about war. It's not about being fair, or decent, or whatever. It's about winning. So the best thing you can do is essentially massacre the enemy from a position of safety. Anything less just means your own side die unnecessarily. If that sounds like war is simply an exercise in killing then you're starting to get the right idea.


Put simply the idea is not to die for your cause but rather make sure the other guy dies for his....

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It does seem unsporting apart from anything else, one side has large numbers of aircraft, tanks, drones and a highly trained military highly equipped with the backing of the Pentagon.


The other side has some Kalashnikovs and a big pile of rocks, though the pile of rocks is getting bigger. Oh and some home made rockets the news are passing off as a big threat.


Somehow it just doesnt seem fair or decent.


That's only if you have a very naive idea about war. It's not about being fair, or decent, or whatever. It's about winning. So the best thing you can do is essentially massacre the enemy from a position of safety. Anything less just means your own side die unnecessarily. If that sounds like war is simply an exercise in killing then you're starting to get the right idea.


Put simply the idea is not to die for your cause but rather make sure the other guy dies for his....


There is a reason why not many people pick a fight with the USA, Russia etc... They tend to have the really destructive weapons.

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cloak and shag her about general petraeus not necessarily playing with a full deck






nonsense as usual

Of course it is! According to a survey conducted by Pace University in 2004, the Post was rated the least-credible major news outlet in New York, and the only news outlet to receive more responses calling it "not credible" than credible.

Surprising that, isn't it, for one of Murdoch's papers?

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