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Germans Ban Bestiality


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This has to be a spoof:




If it wasn't on the bbc I wouldn't believe it.


Michael Kiok, chairman of the zoophile pressure group zeta:


"It is unthinkable that any sexual act with an animal is punished without proof that the animal has come to any harm," he said, adding that animals are capable of showing what they do, or do not, want to do. "We see animals as partners and not as a means of gratification. We don't force them to do anything. Animals are much easier to understand than women,"

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According to my German colleagues the entire nation only has one joke:


"I must be allergic to leather. Every time I wake up with my shoes on I have a headache."


Mind you, the xmas treat for all of Germany and a great deal of Northern Europe is the annual tv screening of "Dinner For One" - a must see item!

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Oh, the joke has gone. Don't be a softie, Amadeus, it was funny.


It was wasn't it. There you go. And another warning point. The standard of moderation on this site is getting increasingly poor. Amadeus is letting personal stuff cloud his judgement.

No, I am making use of the same rights every user has. Not like people don't complain about you.


Today I mostly didn't feel like being connected to bestiality. I don't think that's unreasonable. And if you smart alec then think it's funny to use your signature for that, what exactly do you expect, a card congratulating you for your wit and awesomeness? Like I said, tone it down sometimes. Not many people get warnings here - you're collecting them from multiple mods. Wonder why that is...

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The problem as I see it, and I have touched upon this before, is when moderating powers are instilled in one whose first language is not the language in which they are supposed to be moderating. And impressive though Amadeus's grasp of English is (it's just as good as my second language), there have been several examples where subtleties and nuances have passed him by. Let's study this example further. Drawing attention to the Teutonic penchant for inter species sex caused no offence in the original post, which remains intact. As does the second post, which teasingly suggested Amadeus might approve or disapprove of such exotic eroticism. Clearly no offence taken there. Then came my contribution, which subtly played on the ambiguity of the word 'fence', exploiting it's ability to be used as a line dividing opposing opinion on the one hand, and on the other as a physical barrier preventing the escape of what might be considered sexually attractive livestock. With a throwaway remark uuh, thrown in ; )) pertaining to traditional Bavarian costume. It was, in my opinion, funny, on topic, and inoffensive.

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