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Germans Ban Bestiality


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We're volunteers. We're not paid to be here. I hardly ever warn anyone. I have, however, taken a lot of shit from all sorts of areas over the years to help look after this place and keep things running. From the fuzz phoning up at my house to sitting in some lawyers' office being shown printouts of topics the high and mighty didn't like - been there, done that, stood up for it and would stand up for it time and time again if needed.


I don't care what you think it was in your opinion, PL. You overstepped the mark. You're the most complained about and troublesome user on here. Most other forums would have nuked you already. You don't do subtleties. You do offensive and insulting remarks disguised as ever so witty look-at-me-the-edgy-forum-guy humour. Then you bring out your usual pseudo intellectual approach to show everyone how great you are and how truly superiour you are when compared to us, the bunch of idiots who look after this place and put up with your crap - your reference to my grasp of English being case in point. Add insult to injury - nice touch there. You don't know when to stop but I think the little stage you made yourself here to massage your ego on a daily basis is about to be shut.

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We're volunteers. We're not paid to be here. I hardly ever warn anyone. I have, however, taken a lot of shit from all sorts of areas over the years to help look after this place and keep things running. From the fuzz phoning up at my house to sitting in some lawyers' office being shown printouts of topics the high and mighty didn't like - been there, done that, stood up for it and would stand up for it time and time again if needed.


I don't care what you think it was in your opinion, PL. You overstepped the mark. You're the most complained about and troublesome user on here. Most other forums would have nuked you already. You don't do subtleties. You do offensive and insulting remarks disguised as ever so witty look-at-me-the-edgy-forum-guy humour. Then you bring out your usual pseudo intellectual approach to show everyone how great you are and how truly superiour you are when compared to us, the bunch of idiots who look after this place and put up with your crap - your reference to my grasp of English being case in point. Add insult to injury - nice touch there. You don't know when to stop but I think the little stage you made yourself here to massage your ego on a daily basis is about to be shut.


I would hope this is not going to be the case.

PL can be all you say but banning him is no solution. I for one enjoy most of his posts and his sense of irony can cut through to the quick. What about other Latent Deviant Vacillators who come on here and troll to their hearts content?

Nah, bad move, don't do it, leave the man be.

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Trolls offend nobody. Only gets the silly and the stupid worked up.


One things I notice on here is people are starting to teach things far too seriously. If someone absolutely slagged me off to hell with all sorts of abuse whatever its content I wouldn't use the report button and wouldn't expect anything to be done were it to be used. Why is being insulted and offended such a big deal on MF?

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Sometimes when I let the dog out in the garden for a piss at midnight and he starts to bark, I think about shagging him just to shut him up.

It always works with the wife. Not that she goes out in the garden for a piss by the way.


Reminds me of one of the worst jokes in history I sometimes tell to offend. If I've done it right you should find it here


No-one in the joke is German, and any reference to forum members past or present is purely coincidental.

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Trolls offend nobody. Only gets the silly and the stupid worked up.


One things I notice on here is people are starting to teach things far too seriously. If someone absolutely slagged me off to hell with all sorts of abuse whatever its content I wouldn't use the report button and wouldn't expect anything to be done were it to be used. Why is being insulted and offended such a big deal on MF?

Delighted to hear that - you inadequate and ignorant little shit!

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Sometimes when I let the dog out in the garden for a piss at midnight and he starts to bark, I think about shagging him just to shut him up.

It always works with the wife. Not that she goes out in the garden for a piss by the way.


Reminds me of one of the worst jokes in history I sometimes tell to offend. If I've done it right you should find it here


No-one in the joke is German, and any reference to forum members past or present is purely coincidental.


I must be a bit sick, because I find that very funny !!. They do say that there is no accounting for taste.

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I have, however, taken a lot of shit from all sorts of areas over the years to help look after this place and keep things running. From the fuzz phoning up at my house to sitting in some lawyers' office being shown printouts of topics the high and mighty didn't like - been there, done that, stood up for it and would stand up for it time and time again if needed.


Why isn't that a section all of it's own?


I for one would love to see the pompous blowhards not only taken down a peg or two but broadcast for all and sundry to enjoy....

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I have, however, taken a lot of shit from all sorts of areas over the years to help look after this place and keep things running. From the fuzz phoning up at my house to sitting in some lawyers' office being shown printouts of topics the high and mighty didn't like - been there, done that, stood up for it and would stand up for it time and time again if needed.


Why isn't that a section all of it's own?


I for one would love to see the pompous blowhards not only taken down a peg or two but broadcast for all and sundry to enjoy....

I honestly wish it was that easy. Thankfully these days John is helping MF and his help has been, and continues to be, invaluable. There have been behind the scenes shenanigans over the years and there will very likely continue to be. Some people in public office and/or business have thicker skin than others and some people posting on here sometimes go too far. I'm not sure in how far it would be wise to air any of that and will refrain from doing so. These days it only seems to be the odd email and I hope it stays that way.

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I don't care what you think it was in your opinion, PL. You overstepped the mark.


No, you overstepped the mark. You're just hounding me off the board via the warn log limit. I suspect your reason for doing so is the perceived negative publicity for the road racing scene that you're so wrapped up with and have such a vested interest in. I'm sure everybody here appreciates the volunteered time which may be directly unrewarded but gains some good publicity for your own websites. I've just offered my services to Tearz and Uni as a moderator - I'm sure they'll appreciate my impartiality which of course will be given on a voluntary basis. I look forward to joining the team.... ; ))

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I don't care what you think it was in your opinion, PL. You overstepped the mark.


No, you overstepped the mark. You're just hounding me off the board via the warn log limit. I suspect your reason for doing so is the perceived negative publicity for the road racing scene that you're so wrapped up with and have such a vested interest in. I'm sure everybody here appreciates the volunteered time which may be directly unrewarded but gains some good publicity for your own websites. I've just offered my services to Tearz and Uni as a moderator - I'm sure they'll appreciate my impartiality which of course will be given on a voluntary basis. I look forward to joining the team.... ; ))

You're making the same mistake many trolls make by thinking you're actually important in any way and believing anyone actually spends much time thinking about what you do. I am most certainly not hounding you off the board, and especially not because of anything TT related. I objected to your offensive joke. Mod or not, that's a right I have. That's a right every user has. You then posted the same joke again in your signature, like some child that has to get its way. Am I supposed to tolerate that? I mean, how old are you that you resort to childish and immature behaviour like that? You now have two warn points from me. Quite a few from others. Can't be only me then I think...


I think most people have by now grasped your stance towards the races but it will always have fans and people who don't like it. I'm not fanatical about it and what you think about the races is as important to me as a bicycle falling over in China. Again, you are over-estimating how much people care about you or what you write on here. Do you really think I run around all day thinking "That PL fella...I must find an excuse to get rid of him"? Seriously, if you do, it's time to maybe see a doc or something. There have been far worse trolls and TT haters than you in the past. Hate or love the TT, all the same to me.


Looking forward to working with you then. You can start by sending me your real name and contact number, as is customary between mods.

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