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Germans Ban Bestiality


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Am I supposed to tolerate that? I mean, how old are you that you resort to childish and immature behaviour like that? You now have two warn points from me. Quite a few from others. Can't be only me then I think...

Maybe you should in future and maybe others should. If everyone reported everything that offended them you would be bombarded with stuff to look at and do. The fact is that the anonymity on here means that any posts are limited by their seriousness because the person being offensive is unlikely to know much about the person they are offending. It just seems babyish to report things to the mods unless there is some harrassment or someone IS known the being offensive.

It was like I was saying, I read all sorts of offensive things about me and see offensive views from others. But I wouldn't have expected in the past that this would warrant doing anything about. I certainly wouldn't want people's posts to be deleted.


With the offensive joke earlier in this thread I would never have thought that you would do anything like what was implied in PL joke. That was what made it funny. Unless PL knows you it can't be taken seriously by you or anyone else.

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Am I supposed to tolerate that? I mean, how old are you that you resort to childish and immature behaviour like that? You now have two warn points from me. Quite a few from others. Can't be only me then I think...

Maybe you should in future and maybe others should. If everyone reported everything that offended them you would be bombarded with stuff to look at and do. The fact is that the anonymity on here means that any posts are limited by their seriousness because the person being offensive is unlikely to know much about the person they are offending. It just seems babyish to report things to the mods unless there is some harrassment or someone IS known the being offensive.

It was like I was saying, I read all sorts of offensive things about me and see offensive views from others. But I wouldn't have expected in the past that this would warrant doing anything about. I certainly wouldn't want people's posts to be deleted.


With the offensive joke earlier in this thread I would never have thought that you would do anything like what was implied in PL joke. That was what made it funny. Unless PL knows you it can't be taken seriously by you or anyone else.


Well bugger me! I can only agree. I doff my cap to LDV.

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Amadeus please stop feeding the troll, how about putting it to a poll instead? I'd vote that PL should have his I.P address banned.


The problem with that is we have dynamic IP addresses on the island. So you get a new one every time you connect. And sorry, who are you again?



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Well, when you've brought to Manx Forums even a tiniest fraction of the value that I have done so maybe your opinion will be worth something. Until then I suggest you shut the fuck up... ; ))


I don't want to engage into any further conversation with you, I just find your class clown act tiresome, that is all.

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