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Germans Ban Bestiality


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Why can't you just apologise for upsetting someone and move on PL? We all say the wrong thing sometimes and the adult thing to do would be to say - hey sorry I offended, didn't mean it.


Why should he ?.

Amadeus posts offensive remarks everytime someone mentions either of the North Douglas MHK's. They are obviously more mature than Amadeus and don't throw all their toys out of the pram. Amadeus, being German will NEVER understand British humour or sarcasm. That is not me being racist, we have very close friends in Germany who would agree that German humour and British humour are miles apart.

PL is very funny most of the time and runs circles 'round most on here making him unpopular with some. This forum would be boring as fuck with out "our" PL. (my view anyway)

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I posted this as a whimsical piece of silly season news, and look what I started!


I disagree Aquarius - I don't think PL should apologise in this case. In response to a light hearted post he made a joke which I, amongst others, found very funny. It didn't make me think any less of Amadeus, it just made me laugh. People should have thicker skins.

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I just find your class clown act tiresome, that is all.


That isn't all though, is it? You're actively lobbying the moderation team to have one of the most popular members of Manx Forums, ie me, permanently banned. And you've only been around for five minutes. You should learn your place.


I complained about one of your posts PL( and it wasn't about one of your sick posts in relation to a motorcycle fatality). That said an occasional post of yours makes me smile .


I have to say that you wouldn't get my vote as "the most popular member of manx forums" but then again that would not be something I'd strive for.


In the "unlikely event" that a majority thought that some of your posts were inappropriate would you "take that on board" ?


wahh wahhh wahh PL is the best poster on this miserabke dulldrum forum, if you do not like him - out side now, I'll smash ya.....or something

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Why can't you just apologise for upsetting someone and move on PL? We all say the wrong thing sometimes and the adult thing to do would be to say - hey sorry I offended, didn't mean it.

Nobody should apologise for any joke or pisstaking on here. It isn't serious so the problem is the wally who gets offended.
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There is a difference between apologising for posting something and apologising for offending a person. Yes PL is funny, no he shouldn't be kicked off, but sometimes a person gets a little more hurt by a comment than others because it touches a nerve or whatever and so it would be fitting to say sorry offence was caused, wasn't meant. This attitude of not taking responsibility for ones actions is fast growing in our culture. It doesn't show weakness and it doesn't mean PL is wrong - it just means he acknowledges another persons feelings. Just my opinion though.....

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I posted this as a whimsical piece of silly season news, and look what I started!


I disagree Aquarius - I don't think PL should apologise in this case. In response to a light hearted post he made a joke which I, amongst others, found very funny. It didn't make me think any less of Amadeus, it just made me laugh. People should have thicker skins.


They should have thicker skins? Why should they?! Hope you don't use that attitude as your bedside manner! Lol!

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This attitude of not taking responsibility for ones actions is fast growing in our culture. It doesn't show weakness and it doesn't mean PL is wrong - it just means he acknowledges another persons feelings. Just my opinion though.....


I don't think so in this context. It's just that everyone is so precious nowadays and looking for offence or to be offended. Hate all of this apology stuff. Where it is appropriate then fine. If you bump into someone in the street or make your girlfriend cry by being an insensitive pig etc. But grand gestures of humility seem to be expected nowadays like the recent groveling British apology for the slave trade which was widely practised by people of many nationalities all now long dead and totally nothing to do with anyone alive today. What is the point? Probably part of the process of a terminally declining society.

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There is a difference between apologising for posting something and apologising for offending a person. Yes PL is funny, no he shouldn't be kicked off, but sometimes a person gets a little more hurt by a comment than others because it touches a nerve or whatever and so it would be fitting to say sorry offence was caused, wasn't meant. This attitude of not taking responsibility for ones actions is fast growing in our culture. It doesn't show weakness and it doesn't mean PL is wrong - it just means he acknowledges another persons feelings. Just my opinion though.....

I don't think it would be fitting. If I offended you and it became known to me I would not apologise unless I mean it. If someone got offended I would need to know how. If I think they were being touchy or have poor reasons to be offended, I certainly would not apologise. If someone has been genuinely hurt that can be enough - but sometimes that has resulted from having dumb thinking which led them to be offended.
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I just find your class clown act tiresome, that is all.


That isn't all though, is it? You're actively lobbying the moderation team to have one of the most popular members of Manx Forums, ie me, permanently banned. And you've only been around for five minutes. You should learn your place.


I complained about one of your posts PL( and it wasn't about one of your sick posts in relation to a motorcycle fatality). That said an occasional post of yours makes me smile .


I have to say that you wouldn't get my vote as "the most popular member of manx forums" but then again that would not be something I'd strive for.


In the "unlikely event" that a majority thought that some of your posts were inappropriate would you "take that on board" ?


wahh wahhh wahh PL is the best poster on this miserabke dulldrum forum, if you do not like him - out side now, I'll smash ya.....or something


2bees, I was venturing to sugest that PL's assertion that he was a victim of a personal vendetta by one poster on this forum was not entirely accurate.


I accept that folk are entitled to post their opinions and one has to accept 'colourful language' and some 'trolling' but the posting of defamatory statements and the failure to retract when one has been given the opportunity are understandably considered by some as a reason to complain to the mods.


My post was not a "wahh wahhh wahh " (if that is an indication that I'm having a "poor me grizzle") , PL's post was I felt a bit of a "the nasty man is picking on me mum" but then again I'm not young enough to know everything laugh.png .








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I've never read such a load of cock and bull in all my life. You lot all think you are the bee's knees, parroting on like you all know best. Sheepishly bullying each other for your dogged beliefs. I think you all should be frog marched to mod's orrifice. I dont wish to put a cat amongst the pigeons but i think we should all hold our fists high and stop chickening away from this beastly issue................

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