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Germans Ban Bestiality


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Heehee, that is not what I meant but I did laugh, now behave or I will report you, I'm no parrot licker and neither is my ...no I cannot even make that joke, it is not funny, well, it is, in my head funny, but imagine if my mum read it or something.

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Heehee, that is not what I meant but I did laugh, now behave or I will report you, I'm no parrot licker and neither is my ...no I cannot even make that joke, it is not funny, well, it is, in my head funny, but imagine if my mum read it or something.

You mean your mum's a parrot licker?!!!!

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I don't know, I've never asked her, hmmm are you? Is parrot a euphemism I've yet to discover? I should just like to add, my mum is not a parrot licker (well she might be but, I don't want to be the one to start rumours about her) but you digress.....Where is Pierrot?

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PL banned? I very much doubt it. He made it quite clear that it would be impossible to ban his I.P address in which case he can just open another account under 'Cheese Waffle' or something equally stupid.


Personally I think if he wants 'followers' he quite simply should create his own forum, rather than treat this one as his own and try to belittle other posters.

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I can see where Amadeus is coming from.


The only posts that annoy me personally are the ones directed at me being Scottish. Both PL and LDV have done this to me in the past, and to my shame I took the bait a few weeks back and had a bit of a rant at LDV over his sexuality. Very out of character for me (sorry LDV), but that's how much his comments annoyed me. Him being an educated man and all that.


Also, as we all know, Amadeus is now spending most of his time in in Manilla. This can be tough you know. When you are living and working in a foreign country you can get a bit fed up with the stares and the comments that you encounter on a daily basis. You know the sort of stuff....... the smart alecs doing their Del boy impressions, the endless "come on Man U" , and the "hello, how are you".


That is just something a person needs to deal with. And most people living abroad deal with it ok.


I like to visit this forum to escape all that stuff sometimes. Hopefully to be treated as an ordinary person in a familiar world. So can we not drop the German jokes and just let Amadeus get on with his stuff?


Ok, maybe it was a joke that some people found funny. But I can certainly see Amadeus' point of view on this.


Banter can go too far at times.

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The only posts that annoy me personally are the ones directed at me being Scottish. Both PL and LDV have done this to me in the past, and to my shame I took the bait a few weeks back and had a bit of a rant at LDV over his sexuality. Very out of character for me (sorry LDV), but that's how much his comments annoyed me. Him being an educated man and all that.
It's fine. But I didn't actually realise you were Scottish. You poor thing.
So can we not drop the German jokes and just let Amadeus get on with his stuff?
Well no. The only reason that an exception ought to be made is because he is a moderator and moderators are more prone to hit the button when it comes to things that they aren't keen of so they can get rid of them.

Nobody was ripping it out of being German or being nasty about being German. It was just a reference to a cultural stereotype that everyone knows is old-fashioned and geographical specific, so it is a silly but funny one. But Amadeus was unhappy because of the implication that he could have actually have been having sex with farm animals.

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The only posts that annoy me personally are the ones directed at me being Scottish. Both PL and LDV have done this to me in the past, and to my shame I took the bait a few weeks back and had a bit of a rant at LDV over his sexuality. Very out of character for me (sorry LDV), but that's how much his comments annoyed me. Him being an educated man and all that.
It's fine. But I didn't actually realise you were Scottish. You poor thing.
So can we not drop the German jokes and just let Amadeus get on with his stuff?
Well no. The only reason that an exception ought to be made is because he is a moderator and moderators are more prone to hit the button when it comes to things that they aren't keen of so they can get rid of them.

Nobody was ripping it out of being German or being nasty about being German. It was just a reference to a cultural stereotype that everyone knows is old-fashioned and geographical specific, so it is a silly but funny one. But Amadeus was unhappy because of the implication that he could have actually have been having sex with farm animals.


I rest my case LDV.


You are reverting to moronic stereotyping to try to appear funny.


Why not just have banter over political views, opinions on gun control, outlook on nanny state etc etc.


These are things worth debating, because opinions can be swayed or changed. But geographical background or 1970's stereotypes can't.


Many of your posts have led me to change my opinion in certain debates. Why can't you just agree to move on and admit your references to geographical sterotyping is out of place today's world?


Of course you can't, because it's against your politics. You need to fight back against authority, no matter what. And I do understand that.


But this is a free website. It cost's you nothing. The Mods make no money from it but still spend their time looking after it. So why not cut some slack and just for once accept that maybe a handfull of people do deserve their little bit of power? It's not as if your freedom of speech is at real risk after all.

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I was pulling your leg.


As for the moderators and given the joke, I think you are taking the whole matter of making a silly joke far, far too seriously and looking into it too much.


Maybe I am.


But how many times can a leg be pulled before it falls off ?


That's my point. One person cracking a joke based on a geographical stereotype may be funny. But a hundred jokes can soon get tiresome.


But I do take note of your point. From now on I will consider every post you make as a non serious joke :-)


It's not as if you try to make any serious points in your 50 plus posts a day, is it?

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I was pulling your leg.


As for the moderators and given the joke, I think you are taking the whole matter of making a silly joke far, far too seriously and looking into it too much.


Maybe I am.


But how many times can a leg be pulled before it falls off ?


That's my point. One person cracking a joke based on a geographical stereotype may be funny. But a hundred jokes can soon get tiresome.


But I do take note of your point. From now on I will consider every post you make as a non serious joke :-)


It's not as if you try to make any serious points in your 50 plus posts a day, is it?


Well, if you give a dog a bone.


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