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Royal Prank Call Nurse Found Dead

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The poor woman was told she was having the Queen put through to her. You could tell from her voice that this made her nervous - its so easy to giggle and laugh about how she could have been so gullible, but if you'd been told you were going to talk to the Queen would you interrupt her and say she was talking rubbish?


When the story first came out I really hoped she wouldn't be disciplined or loose her job - such pranks aren't worth that risk, which, in our celebrity and privacy obsessed society, I though was a possibility - I understand nothing like this has happened, which is a relief, but now besides the point.


For her to take her life is tragic - having millions of people think you've been taken for a fool, and to feel you've breached the confidentiality of someone every gossip magazine idolizes must create some pressures on you, but this is a tragic, tragic over-reaction.


Doing pranks risks exposing people to ridicule. That is a dark side to such "japes" - and that can result in consequences beyond the so-called jokers control. Goodness knows what the Australian radio hosts will feel like when they awake to hear this news, they do have some responsibility for it, though, I admit, not all.

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Sad news that someone appears to have taken their life over this. As Chinahand said all she did was put through a call to the correct ward where a nurse dealt with the call from there.


There should be no blame on this woman at all. I would also be concerned for the nurse who gave out the details but I do not think that this would be an isolated case just a highly visible one.


I recently had cause to call a hospital and the nurse on the phone was happy to give me an update on the patient I was calling about so I would suggest that all Hospitals need to look at how they treat phone calls from "relatives".


There is no way that these events should have led a woman to suicide though.

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Ah - Just realized it wasn't the nurse who gave away the information on Kate, it was the person who initially answered the phone and then put who she thought was the Queen through to that nurse.


From what I understand the call was late at night to the correct ward and no receptionist was on duty - so she, as one of the nursing staff, just picked up the phone trying to be helpful, on a ward shut to anyone other than Kate, and found herself talking to someone she thought was the Queen. She got it wrong, its easy to say she shouldn't have been taken in ... but she did ... with now tragic consequences.



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It never ceases to amaze he how we apparently enjoy ridiculing others so much. That's fine and dandy until you are the subject of ridicule so best treat people how you would like to be treated.


I don't think it's fair to say this is an over-reaction. Firstly it's a bit tricky to say how someone else should or should not feel over something like this and I don't think anyone who has similarly commented knows what it is like to suffer the full force of worldwide ridicule done just to 'further' the career of two aussie idiots at a Sydney radio station. I wonder how they feel now? Probably as irreverent as ever....


Personally despite thinking the UK should become a republic, I don't like the way the royal family has to take this crap all the time. It's not as if they've done something wrong. However they are manna from heaven for the gutter press who wouldn't exist without the public demand for stuff like this.

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The Twitter accounts of both presenters have been deleted and all references to the prank call recording removed from the 2Day FM website.


SCA said on their Facebook page the company was "deeply saddened by the tragic news" and have extended "our deepest sympathies to her family and all that have been affected."


On Tuesday, hospital chief executive John Lofthouse said he had "received advice that what the Australian broadcasters did may well have broken the law".


But he added: "On the other hand they've apologised for it so we're going to have a long and careful think about what, if anything, we do."



Fuck me, Mel! A husband left without a wife and two kids without a mum! Whad'ya think?

It's our 15 minutes of fame, Mike - fuckin' enjoy, sport!

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All seems very fishy to me.



Agreed, stinks of month old kippers in a rancid whorehouse in a fishing village by the sea.


"commits suicide" is different to commits suicide


in the same way Dr David Kelly "committed suicide"


The nurse did not deserve that, if you suicided everybody who was a gullible fuckwit then lots of MF users would be "topping themselves"

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Ironically, it seems the Royals had seen the funny side of this:




As an aside, I new someone who worked closely with HRH. It was relayed to me that behind his public image he works very long hours, cares very much about his country and is prone to exhaustion due to overwork.


I think he will make a good King when his time comes. The Diana thing was awful - but they weren't the only couple in Britain to mess up a marriage.


As regards the pranksters I hope that people learn the lesson from the tragedy. Invading anyones medical privacy should be a taboo.

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Andrew Sachs must have had thicker skin!


All a bit odd to me.....


Dunno. When he was a helicopter pilot in the RN he did a spoof video pretending to be Eccles (Goon Show . . . ) in a flying suit. After all the crap the family has been through this radio spoof must have seemed very insignificant.


Just so utterly tragic that the young nurse (who sounded like she was from the far east) took it all so seriously.

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