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Royal Prank Call Nurse Found Dead

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Well any excuse to curb such freedoms would be grabbed. The problem is the moronic public who would actually think there should be bans or controls on this sort of thing.


Get the media to structure it in such a way that the masses will beg for the bars to be constructed on their own prison.

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Well any excuse to curb such freedoms would be grabbed. The problem is the moronic public who would actually think there should be bans or controls on this sort of thing.


Get the media to structure it in such a way that the masses will beg for the bars to be constructed on their own prison.


As long as it shuts CrossRoss up!!

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Well any excuse to curb such freedoms would be grabbed. The problem is the moronic public who would actually think there should be bans or controls on this sort of thing.


Oh dear, when LDV sounds like the voice of reason and makes intelligent comment then maybe I have finally gone mad.


I am off to see a shrink and get diagnosed with some sort of disorder.


Does anybody know a cute shrink with fairly relaxed sexual morals and a good relationship with the local chemist?

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I am off to see a shrink and get diagnosed with some sort of disorder.



That's the only sensible thing you've said in any of your posts.


That is it. The final straw.


I am off to kill myself and it is all your fault.









On second thoughts I found a shrink to tell me I have sex God disorder for £200 per hour so up yours.

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Well any excuse to curb such freedoms would be grabbed. The problem is the moronic public who would actually think there should be bans or controls on this sort of thing.


Oh dear, when LDV sounds like the voice of reason and makes intelligent comment then maybe I have finally gone mad.


I am off to see a shrink and get diagnosed with some sort of disorder.


Does anybody know a cute shrink with fairly relaxed sexual morals and a good relationship with the local chemist?


I'm sure Befuddled could help you out, although I think your mental state may be further impaired.

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Ballalaugh Biker - I had been commenting that Tuggers rant about the Royal Family was not relevant to this thread (something which I note you did also). I think it is right to question the behaviour of the DJ's who thought this was a good idea.


The MD thought it was a hoax and told HRH he didn't believe it was him.


All sorted out amicably.

I cannot see any of the Royal Family being offended if they were questioned by someone taking an unexpected call. I think they value their privacy (especially when a member of the family is in hospital) and that they would be pleased to see that someone is willing to challenge an unexpected call on what I assume was a publically available number.

The most obvious solution to me is that when such a situation arises again of a Royal going into hospital for whatever reason, that a special phone line is organised. Whether this can be done by normal land-line means (Red phone for example) or by a specific mobile number or even the use of a coded word/ID, I'm sure that the royal security could organise something like this in the future.

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Now the truth emerges, three suicide notes, one putting the management and co workers right in the frame, I was sure all along that they would not adopt a 'never mind dear, you will know for next time approach' and would have put money on a very stern and serious warning being given verbally to her, they were so ready to say they had supported her through her ordeal, lying bastards, now perhaps all will be revealed.

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