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Royal Prank Call Nurse Found Dead

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More publicity? That sounds a tinsy bit wet, Endovelicus. Posting the recording isn't giving them positive publicity.


The radio presenters will no doubt feel completely awful having found out what the consequences were. Though I do wonder what other factors could have contributed to killing herself.

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This nurse was obviously very sensitive but you've got to wonder how you would feel having been humiliated in front of a worldwide audience.
She might not have been sensitive at all. She may have got bollocked by people at the hospital but the hospital covered it up. She may have been depressed. She may have had a lot of stick from colleagues. She may have had low self esteeem.


I don't think such a thing would bother me that much other if I that gullible or lacking in knowledge of the queen and local culture (which was clearly the case here). I would be anger I would have, not humiliation. And it isn't worldwide in a sense because the nurse isn't known to everyone who listens to the clip but only to the people in the hospital.

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I am afraid we live in a voyeuristic society where cheap laughs at other peoples expense is the norm with crap TV supporting those with little else to do but snigger at the misfortune of others. Twitter and Facebook just part of the problem where cyber bullying is the norm. Every so often someone very sensitive is going to become the butt of this cheap humour whether intended or not and it is a risk those who participate take

I don't really know what you're getting at with TV, Facebook and Twitter (and bullying), I fail to see the link.


But I think this joke is poor because it all centres upon the nurse and the extent of her gullibility or lack of local cultural awareness, but there is no prize at the end. If the circumstances were different and a nurse or anyone who picked up the phone put it through to someone very well known then that 'achievement' could be seen as very funny.


I think good jokes are fine. Shit jokes like this shouldn't be told or made cos they're not funny and focus the joke on the nurse or the gullible person.

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Here is the prank call, nothing confidential or special inside information given away.


No need for suicide, the nurse did nothing wrong.


Which is exactly what was reported both at the time and since. So why would you feel it necessary to give those Aussie dipsticks more publicity?


Oh dear.

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She may have had a lot of stick from colleagues.

And it isn't worldwide in a sense because the nurse isn't known to everyone who listens to the clip but only to the people in the hospital.

I think you be may well have fitted the key into the lock with those two statements LDV.

It may well be have been the case that she was subjected - or knew she was likely to be subjected - to some hurtful comments from those she worked with; or even from friends or relatives.

Knowing nothing of the lady or her background, we cannot imagine how much her sdtatus as an efficient and capable member of her profession meant to her.

Whatever the case, I find it utterly disgusting that some of the cretinous tinfoil-hat-wearers appear to be hinting at a nonsensical conspiracy from the secure barricades of their cowardly anonymity.

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Although it has been publicly denied by the hospital and they have stated no action was to be taken about the matter I would put money on her being at the butt end of a few choice remarks by those in charge, they would be absolutely furious that the Hospital's reputation had been besmirched by a lack of confidentiality, which is really a load of crap because the papers had Kate's condition all over their front pages the day before, but it is considered in a very serious light in a N.H.S. hospital if a nurse gives out any information concerning a patient, they are expressly forbidden to do so.

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What sort of conspiracy?


A ''nonsensical'' one. Were other posters not kinda hinting at something shady or did you speed-read the thread? Without doubt, some were apparently suggesting that there was something more to this tragedy than met the facts.


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Oh I thought the mention of conspiracy was just something like the hospital giving her a bollocking and then saying she hadn't. If you mean CrossRoss mention of killing her for whatever reason then erm...yeah...load of bollocks. If conspiracy theories are going be dreamed up at every opportunity then CrossRoss isn't going to get chance to continue his already massive 'mission' of dealing with paedophilia be there a conspiracy or not.

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Oh I thought the mention of conspiracy was just something like the hospital giving her a bollocking and then saying she hadn't. If you mean CrossRoss mention of killing her for whatever reason then erm...yeah...load of bollocks. If conspiracy theories are going be dreamed up at every opportunity then CrossRoss isn't going to get chance to continue his already massive 'mission' of dealing with paedophilia be there a conspiracy or not.


''All seems very fishy to me....''

''In the same way that Dr David Kelly commited suicide....''

Plus another i can't be bothered to re-trace.

CrossRoss does have a point though, that i think maybe you're not appreciating and that is the high-profile individuals who have seemingly gotten-away with their crimes of paedophilia even when suspicions and accusations remain(ed). I'm certainly not a conspiracy-theorist to any degree but how certain people seem to've been protected by the establishment, historically and contemporaneously does beg for questions to be asked that aren't being.

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His comments about paedophilia may be completely true and there may be a conspiracy. Just seems to be playing it up a bit too much.


Without wishing to sound glib, but ''playing it up a bit too much'' is a tad 'rich' when posted by your good self.



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This to me shows that the media has a responsibility to ensure that it acts in a proper manner at all times. Using ordinary people who are trying to go about their business to provide cheap laughs is irresponsible, they have no idea how people will react particularly if they have been going through a bad time personally.

I'd have been tempted to get on the next plane to Australia and beat the radio hosts faces to a pulp if it were me on the receiving end!

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I have very mixed feelings about this one. There must be more to the nurse's suicide than just putting a call through to a ward because she thought it was the queen on the phone. Could be a case of last straw? Most people could be caught out by something like this, and would feel a bit embarrassed and expect some piss-taking, but suicidal? I just can't see it. Am I the only one to feel a bit of sympathy for the Aussie DJs? Radio stations have been doing this sort of thing for years, and as far as I know no-one has killed themselves before over a prank call. There's no way they would have imagined the consequences of this call.


If you were to call an NHS hospital at any time to enquire about a patient I doubt very much if you would be put straight through.


Maybe Wrighty could tell us?


You probably would be put straight through to whichever ward the patient was on, and the phone would be answered by a nurse or ward clerk. If the caller wanted to speak to the patient, and the patient's condition allowed, a cordless phone would be taken over to allow the friend/relative to speak. Nurses are trained, however, not to divulge confidential details over the phone unless they know for sure who they're talking to. In this case the nurse believed she was talking to the Queen, and didn't say anything that wasn't already in the public domain.

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