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Royal Prank Call Nurse Found Dead

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It was a tasteless hoax that had a tragic end, but even if the situation had just ended up with getting a hard working nurse into trouble for giving out personal information that would still be an awful thing to do and this surely they had considered this or do they just think life is a big larf and sod it if anyone gets hurt or in the way of their 'big story'. They do not deserve any sympathy as they had not considered anyone else in this jape at all.

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If I was told about this on the day it happened I would think that the nurse would have had at most mild embarrassment. It would never have crossed my mind of anything worse, because the vast majority of us it shouldn't be a big deal considering what the joke was about.

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If media reports are to be believed the two presenters are now having severe psychological problems. Just goes to show - we can never forecast all of the ramifications of our actions - Karma always gets you in the end!


Karma? Try calling it "The Force" and forget the Star Wars connotations, think of it as a 21st century version of what was called fate.

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Where does this unstable judgement come from, two jokers landed her in deep, deep, shit, they obviously could not forsee the action she took but they would have been fully aware that if there hoax worked it would get someone into serious trouble, the poor soul probably envisaged being sacked and because of her serious error of judgement unable to get another job. The radio station should be thanking their lucky stars that it was Kate and not some so called celebrity involved or law suits would be hitting them, and the hospital like confetti. litergation is now, thanks to the U.S. a controlling fact of life, and with all the ho ha involving phone hacking this false representation would be viewed as a much more serious matter.

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At least with the mirror there is a vague appreciation that there is a possibility that somebody in the hospital management team tore a strip off the nurse.


Naturally they are not going to admit that nor is the media going to do anything but down play that.


Nobody has even mentioned any drugs she may have been given. There is no timeline of events between the hoax call and her death.

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At least with the mirror there is a vague appreciation that there is a possibility that somebody in the hospital management team tore a strip off the nurse.



The chances are that both Nurses who handled the prank call would have been suspended on full pay pending an investigation into possible Gross Misconduct on the basis that there actions had led to bringing the Hospital into disrepute.


If this was the case it is likely they offered some support during the period of suspension and investigation. The Hospital is not going to divulge that information as it is personal data as defined by the Data Protection Act.


This is all speculation but I would not think that anything more sinister had happened.

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Aside from any other issues going on in this woman's life, she would be far better being alive than dead.

In your opinion.


She had poor reasons to kill herself.

That you know of, in your opinion.


She had poor thinking at the time

In your opinion.


If her life was genuinely in such a state that she thought ending it was the best option, who are you to call her wrong?

Taking her own life was a personal decision. If she felt it justified, then it was justified.

All we can do is hope she's at peace.

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