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Royal Prank Call Nurse Found Dead

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At peace? She's dead for fucks sake. She's not anything now.


If, and I say IF, handling this call was the ONLY reason why she killed herself then yes, it definitely would have been better that she was alive. Killing yourself because you have simply transferred a call just isn't worth it.


If you are unsure of you I would concerns over your daily struggle in life.


I think you might be wandering off into some sort of suicide talk where you are trying to explain how it is a personal decision and that maybe I am being uncaring because I am telling her what to do with her life. But we are so far on the assumption that she doesn't have chronic problems which make life difficult and that this is the result of this call.

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Regardless of what caused her to do it, if she thought it was justified and what she wanted to do then it's nobody's place to say otherwise.

What a stupid thing to say. I mean, if you found out your friend had killed themselves because somebody called them a smelly pooface I would hope you would think that their thinking at that time was poor and that it is better for them to get over being called this and carry on living.

You may think that is a silly example, but such a hypothetical situation follows from the thinking you seem to be talking about.

When people end their lives because of temporary high emotional states we can understand what might have led them to kill themselves, but we ought to think that it would have been a better thing if they hadn't have killed themselves. And when it is something due to temporary high emotional states consider that they aren't thinking as rationally as they would and have therefore succumbed to poor thinking that led them to kill themselves.

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Regardless of what caused her to do it, if she thought it was justified and what she wanted to do then it's nobody's place to say otherwise.

What a stupid thing to say. I mean, if you found out your friend had killed themselves because somebody called them a smelly pooface I would hope you would think that their thinking at that time was poor and that it is better for them to get over being called this and carry on living.

You may think that is a silly example, but such a hypothetical situation follows from the thinking you seem to be talking about.

When people end their lives because of temporary high emotional states we can understand what might have led them to kill themselves, but we ought to think that it would have been a better thing if they hadn't have killed themselves. And when it is something due to temporary high emotional states consider that they aren't thinking as rationally as they would and have therefore succumbed to poor thinking that led them to kill themselves.

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I am repeating myself I know but I cannot believe that this nurse did not believe there would be repercussions effecting her career and her reputation. don't tell me the people at the hospital said, never mind dear it could happen to anyone, that is bollocks, it is a very serious matter giving out personal medical information and is viewed very seriously this lady was frightened, confused and had definately felt intimidated. These two idiots although it is fair to say could never in a thousand years have anticipated this tragic outcome would have known this hoax would cause distress and trouble for someone, did they care ? no, it was just a big joke, well I hope it haunts them until their dying day.

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Regardless of what caused her to do it, if she thought it was justified and what she wanted to do then it's nobody's place to say otherwise.


Not even her husband's and kids' place?


No. Of course, it is utterly horrible and devastating for them and it would have been better for them had she not done it, but if she honestly believed it was the best thing for her and that that outweighed the effects on them, it's sure as hell not our place to say she was wrong.

Regardless of what caused her to do it, if she thought it was justified and what she wanted to do then it's nobody's place to say otherwise.

What a stupid thing to say. I mean, if you found out your friend had killed themselves because somebody called them a smelly pooface I would hope you would think that their thinking at that time was poor and that it is better for them to get over being called this and carry on living.

You may think that is a silly example, but such a hypothetical situation follows from the thinking you seem to be talking about.

When people end their lives because of temporary high emotional states we can understand what might have led them to kill themselves, but we ought to think that it would have been a better thing if they hadn't have killed themselves. And when it is something due to temporary high emotional states consider that they aren't thinking as rationally as they would and have therefore succumbed to poor thinking that led them to kill themselves.

Do we know that it was a temporary state? Seems to me like it wasn't exactly straight after the event was it?

If a friend of mine killed themselves I'd be devastated. But assuming they were of sound mind, I wouldn't start shouting about how they were wrong to do so.

It is not a position I envy in the slightest to feel like death is your best option. Anyone who comes to that conclusion does not do so lightly, and I do not feel it's in any way anyone else's jurisdiction to comment on how "just" they are.

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...it is a very serious matter giving out personal medical information and is viewed very seriously...


But she didn't. She transferred a call from someone she reasonably thought was a woman enquiring as to the health of her grand-daughter-in-law to another nurse. That was all. She would not have been disciplined - can't say the same for the other nurse - just mildly ridiculed and/or sympathised with. Can't understand her suicide and don't agree with Helix's laissez-faire stance on the situation.

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Do we know that it was a temporary state? Seems to me like it wasn't exactly straight after the event was it?

If a friend of mine killed themselves I'd be devastated. But assuming they were of sound mind, I wouldn't start shouting about how they were wrong to do so.

It is not a position I envy in the slightest to feel like death is your best option. Anyone who comes to that conclusion does not do so lightly, and I do not feel it's in any way anyone else's jurisdiction to comment on how "just" they are.

It was within a few days of it. The prevailing assumption is that the hospital didn't give her a bollocking and that she was of sound mind. With that being the case, her death would be the result of poor thinking. If she felt humiliated or embarrassed it would pass. And given that she was only transferring the call, there was not good reason for her to be very embarrassed at all.


You seem to be of the assumption that there was some rational decision here. And that taking her life must be an extremely difficult thing to do. Well...if she wasn't thinking rationalyl and was overwhelmed (for little good reason) simply because she was embarrassed for transferring the call then it could easily be that something that is difficult to envisage doing could happen.


But who knows. I think it is unlikely that someone would kill themself for such poor reason and have be in a serious emotional state simply for transferring a call. Unless she was extremely sensitive to the point of making it difficult to get by in life or not of sound mind. Yet being a nurse, this would not seem likely.


Or she got an extremely bad bollocking at the hospital and maybe had her job security threatened. It would seem more understandable then. But even so, if she killed herself for the risk of losing her job then that would still be a bad reason for ending a life.


I wonder whether you are getting an understanding of why she might do something mixed up with whether it was a good idea.


Suicide is the end. Game over. There is no more of that person. Considering that situations change, emotions change, and ways of seeing the world can change then it is better that people who through tough times continue.


Only those with a real shitty, shitty life full of pain and misery could be argued to have good reasons for killing themselves.

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If a friend of mine killed themselves I'd be devastated. But assuming they were of sound mind, I wouldn't start shouting about how they were wrong to do so.

Erm...strawman. Where has it been mentioned that I would say it is right to shout at someone that they are just wrong? Assuming they were of sound mind then the question is why they wish to end their life and THEN you find they have good reasons. And they may exist if circumstances are very desperate or when someone's mental state is such that they are in great pain because of chronic depression.
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I felt a bit sorry for the djs until I saw their interviews.

Yeah and how they tried to contact her 5 times for permission to run with the story. If that's true, which I very much doubt, then despite failing to obtain permission they probably thought oh f*it, let's have a laugh and just do it anyway!


Frankly I'm amazed at some of these posts. They really do show how little some of us understand people and their differences. I can't be assed to look back but I think only two of us have mentioned the word honour. In the sometimes crass and cynical world we now live in I realise its concept is difficult for most westerners but that doesn't mean to say it doesn't exist for some people. If we struggle with the concept of honour we definitely won't understand the shame some suffer because of loss of honour.


Whilst I know these two aussie piss takers thought they were just having a laugh, they took no notice that what they were doing was potentially cruel and humiliating. Whilst we think we might be able to cope if our cock up was a local matter, I bet some of us would have really suffered if we had worldwide attention because of it and thousands of you tube hits a day just to titillate numptys laughing at our mistake. Sure, it's still no reason to kill yourself but you don't really know how she felt about it. To try to say she should have felt differently and therefore acted differently is placing your ideas, ideals and morals onto someone else and that's more than a bit arrogant.

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Do we know that it was a temporary state? Seems to me like it wasn't exactly straight after the event was it?

If a friend of mine killed themselves I'd be devastated. But assuming they were of sound mind, I wouldn't start shouting about how they were wrong to do so.

It is not a position I envy in the slightest to feel like death is your best option. Anyone who comes to that conclusion does not do so lightly, and I do not feel it's in any way anyone else's jurisdiction to comment on how "just" they are.

It was within a few days of it. The prevailing assumption is that the hospital didn't give her a bollocking and that she was of sound mind. With that being the case, her death would be the result of poor thinking. If she felt humiliated or embarrassed it would pass. And given that she was only transferring the call, there was not good reason for her to be very embarrassed at all.


You seem to be of the assumption that there was some rational decision here. And that taking her life must be an extremely difficult thing to do. Well...if she wasn't thinking rationalyl and was overwhelmed (for little good reason) simply because she was embarrassed for transferring the call then it could easily be that something that is difficult to envisage doing could happen.


But who knows. I think it is unlikely that someone would kill themself for such poor reason and have be in a serious emotional state simply for transferring a call. Unless she was extremely sensitive to the point of making it difficult to get by in life or not of sound mind. Yet being a nurse, this would not seem likely.


Or she got an extremely bad bollocking at the hospital and maybe had her job security threatened. It would seem more understandable then. But even so, if she killed herself for the risk of losing her job then that would still be a bad reason for ending a life.


I wonder whether you are getting an understanding of why she might do something mixed up with whether it was a good idea.


Suicide is the end. Game over. There is no more of that person. Considering that situations change, emotions change, and ways of seeing the world can change then it is better that people who through tough times continue.


Only those with a real shitty, shitty life full of pain and misery could be argued to have good reasons for killing themselves.

And you seem to be making the assumption that this was something done on a whim, which she hadn't thought about for more than a few minutes. I would wager the vast majority of suicide is not impulsive.

I would imagine her job security was threatened whether or not she got a bollocking. Patient confidentiality is a huge deal.

Re: "Suicide is the end. Game over. There is no more of that person. Considering that situations change, emotions change, and ways of seeing the world can change then it is better that people who through tough times continue."

Correct. But sometimes people don't have the strength to wait for that change.

If a friend of mine killed themselves I'd be devastated. But assuming they were of sound mind, I wouldn't start shouting about how they were wrong to do so.

Erm...strawman. Where has it been mentioned that I would say it is right to shout at someone that they are just wrong? Assuming they were of sound mind then the question is why they wish to end their life and THEN you find they have good reasons. And they may exist if circumstances are very desperate or when someone's mental state is such that they are in great pain because of chronic depression.

I didn't say shout at someone, I said shout in general. Which in this instance I was referring to airing my opinion of whether or not they were right, loudly, on a public forum.

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