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North Korea Get It Up!


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So the DPRK have finally managed to get something into orbit after many attempts.


I have mixed feelings. My first thought was "Yeah. Go for it !!! " I do feel happy for them ( You gotta love their news reader).


Why do I feel happy? Because they have stuck two fingers up at everyone else and done it.


But then I think of the starving people who rely on international food aid etc.


I read about as much as I can about NK on the internet. The country fascinates me.


So erm, I will be shot down in flames for this, but I say well done DPRK :-)

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So the DPRK have finally managed to get something into orbit after many attempts.


I have mixed feelings. My first thought was "Yeah. Go for it !!! " I do feel happy for them ( You gotta love their news reader).


Why do I feel happy? Because they have stuck two fingers up at everyone else and done it.


But then I think of the starving people who rely on international food aid etc.


I read about as much as I can about NK on the internet. The country fascinates me.


So erm, I will be shot down in flames for this, but I say well done DPRK :-)


Very true. The arrogant west have for too long preached to other countries what they can and can't do so good on them for sticking it to 'em.

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And it's not as if North Korea are the only ones at it:




I find the American secret space plane to be more of a worry to me than anything North Korea can put up there.


I'd be more inclined to worry more about the defense contractors and their capabilities than anything else. Ben Rich, the former head of Lockheed Skunkworks and the man who was responsible for the Stealth Bomber, said in one of his last addresses before his death “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity….. anything you can imagine we already know how to do.”

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Odd comments on this thread.


Who are you saying 'well done' to exactly? North Korea isn't a singular entity. Are you applauding the North Korean government? I'd hope not. One of the worst regimes on the planet.


As for Cuba, it isn't a bloody great country. The system isn't working well at all. And socialism is likely to collapse in a decade or a few decades unless things are really overhauled.

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