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Pat Finucane


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A horrid and brutal murder that was carried out by nutters in front of his children. But was this man dancing with the devil?




and twaddle





I can't get my head around the hatred that the Irish have for each other, firey bastids at the best of times and always up for a scrap but can't get my head around their willingness to kill each other so brutally.


I used to have to do a security briefing every month at the RAF base I worked at and every month would have to see pictures of babies that were shot by the IRA to kill their Sargeant dad. Bullets went straight through their bodies.


How does an (in my mind) irrelevant strife cause such barbarity?

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A horrid and brutal murder that was carried out by nutters in front of his children. But was this man dancing with the devil?




and twaddle





I can't get my head around the hatred that the Irish have for each other, firey bastids at the best of times and always up for a scrap but can't get my head around their willingness to kill each other so brutally.


I used to have to do a security briefing every month at the RAF base I worked at and every month would have to see pictures of babies that were shot by the IRA to kill their Sargeant dad. Bullets went straight through their bodies.


How does an (in my mind) irrelevant strife cause such barbarity?


Why would you been shown the pictures every month, that is barbaric and not a little sick.

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"It also found that an Army intelligence unit, the FRU, "bears a degree" of responsibility because one of their agents, Brian Nelson, was involved in selecting targets.


The review, published on Wednesday, found RUC officers proposed Mr Finucane, 39, be killed, said they passed information to his killers and failed to stop the attack and then obstructed the murder investigation.


However, the report concluded there had been "no overarching state conspiracy"."


So to summarise the crown was involved n selecting the target, crown agents passed information to the killers, crown agents failed to stop the attack and then crown agents obstructed the murder investigation.


Then crown agents concluded that there was no crown conspiracy.


So that is fine then, go back to sleep all you zombies.

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It has been known for years in conspiracy and republican circles that Pat Finucane was a hit by the Crown.


Why do you think the RUC was changed into the PSNI?


Because there was so so so much blood on the hands of the RUC. If the British public knew the truth about what has gone on in Northern Ireland then support for the British Crown would evaporate.

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support for the British Crown would evaporate.


Can you clarify what you mean by the British Crown please?


This is poor quality shilling, you will have to do better than that, even a casual observer might guess that you are fake with that post.


Genuine question actually. Are you referring directly to the Crown as in the Monarch or are you referring to the Crown as in the Government?

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support for the British Crown would evaporate.


Can you clarify what you mean by the British Crown please?


This is poor quality shilling, you will have to do better than that, even a casual observer might guess that you are fake with that post.


Genuine question actually. Are you referring directly to the Crown as in the Monarch or are you referring to the Crown as in the Government?


Crown as secret government of the City of London, thought to comprise representatives from the







These guys use lots of names and I think the Barclays or a guy called Marcus Agius are probably in there somewhere, somehow too


I have no respect for Elizabeth Windsor/ Gotha Saxe Coburg and her family, she is a bought and paid for puppet as much as any politician and we have not had anything resembling a real monarch for a very long time.


You may like to draw your own conclusions about the time the IRA bombed the city of London and how quickly afterwards peace in Northern Ireland broke out. A staggering coincidence perhaps but may actually indicate that the IRA figured out who their real enemies were. A lesson in there for all of us perhaps.

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Always worth asking the question as it was no-one that I would have though off!


In relation to the Monarch - The power that they now hold is largely ceremonial as the population is not rules/governed in the same was as years gone past. That was one of the reasons I questioned what you meant by the Crown.


Northern Ireland is historically a very complicated situation. What has always amazed me is that the USA (courtesy of George Bush JR) delcares a war on terrorism and all terrorist organisations and completely ignores the situation in Northern Ireland. I would suggest this is largely to do with the amount of Irish descendants living in the USA but it always struck me as odd. (I know that is an aside to the thread).

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If you can engineer an economic system that a small group of people are able to profit immensely from wars and conflict then these people see war and conflict as a business.


The prods in Northern Ireland have many similarities with the Jews in Israel.


The same people ultimately control all the warring factions, and we are just suckers for participating in these bullshit wars and making the cabal much much richer.


Afghanistan is the primary opium producer in the world.

Iraq is currently having its oil stolen.

The Palestinians are currently having their country stolen.

Northern Ireland is a throwback war from when it was fashionable to have catholics and protestants slitting each others throats. Most republicans have woken up but the poor proddies just do not seem to get it.


If you followed the money trail to see who is profiting from these wars you will probably find the Rothschilds, Schiffs, Warburgs and Oppenheimers at the end with a nice big unnamed Swiss bank account.

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Crown as secret government of the City of London

Have you any idea how little sense your posts make? You can dream up as many lunatic conspiracy theories as you like. You can have as many definitions of "the Crown" as you like. But to say that your definition of "the Crown" is "as secret government of the City of London" is just plain barmy.

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Crown as secret government of the City of London

Have you any idea how little sense your posts make? You can dream up as many lunatic conspiracy theories as you like. You can have as many definitions of "the Crown" as you like. But to say that your definition of "the Crown" is "as secret government of the City of London" is just plain barmy.


Have you ever had a conversation with a history scholar?


Have you ever spoken to a Northern Irish Republican? Or even a Manx Republican?


Have you ever actually read a David Icke book? (By read I mean read and understand and check with personally researched evidence)


Have you ever read any financial assessments of wars and Empires where profits are made from war?


When you can answer yes to the above questions and can field a better argument than "plain barmy" then I shall not dismiss you as an ignorant obnoxious moron.

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Sorry CrossRoss, with your continuous abuse of others who question your rantings, and your attempts to dismiss everyone as uneducated morons, you do nothing of good for your causes.

On this particular subject, there are people on here who are very well aware of the problems in Northern Ireland. Your references to 'Prods' indicates where your sympathies lie and your lack of understanding of the whole picture.

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The modus operandi of the avid conspiracy-theorist is to marginalise and abuse those who don't agree with their theories. It's a tactic of the desperate, inadequate and isolated individuals that most of them are. It's a powerful emotion, this assumption that they are in possession of wonderous esoteria. It drives them on to ever more enthusiasm for the fantastic and the ultimately unprovable. Even when faced with a logical and intelligent argument that counters their 'beliefs', they are unshakeable and steadfast in their version of reality; vis, 9/11, Bilderberg, black-ops. etc etc etc... 'Truthers', as they vainly wish themselves to be known, are so convinced of their own infallibility and the monumental information that they possess in relation to world events, that their perception becomes entrenched in paranoia and servitude to what is an unhealthy addiction.

The verbal abuse, silly-minded intimidation and obfuscation tactics of this playground bully should be ignored.

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Sorry CrossRoss, with your continuous abuse of others who question your rantings, and your attempts to dismiss everyone as uneducated morons, you do nothing of good for your causes.

On this particular subject, there are people on here who are very well aware of the problems in Northern Ireland. Your references to 'Prods' indicates where your sympathies lie and your lack of understanding of the whole picture.


Well if you can tell where I stand off from my use of the word "prod" then you are of a stupendously impressive intelligence.


I do not abuse everybody by calling them an uneducated moron, sometime I simply call them a name.


You do not go on a forum like this trying to expose paedos and the banking conspiracy to the general public and expect to be Mr Popular and to have everybody agree with you straight off. Even with open minded intelligent people it takes a lot to comprehend the magnitude of this.

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