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Shooting At Connecticut Elementary School


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Wonder what thier reasoning is?., has it been reported in the news yet?.


What a situation, surely they saw this coming, he has just told everyone what to buy. Someone raised a fair point over this saying this stuff could all end up on black markets come the new laws. Depending on what exactly they are (last time it was all gradfathered).

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People can see through the dictatorial propaganda to disarm the public so they're stocking up.

Twenty innocent little children are slaughtered by a nutter with a rifle - and you want to hang a barmy conspiracy theory on the perfectly understandable revulsion that most people feel about it.

You are nothing but a contemptuous piece of shit.

Why don't you just fuck off and take your slavering idiocy somewhere else - possibly America where your intelligence may be a match for the ignorant redneck assholes.


Tut....there's always one salivating nutter on every thread.

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Tut....there's always one salivating nutter on every thread.


Oh, come on! You're not on every thread!


Tut.... I wondered which muppet would take the bait.

It's all that was left after you swallowed it all from Lonan's.



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I did read somewhere they plan to limit magazines to 10 bullet capacity.


Well, no matter what we think of each other on this forum, there is no doubt at all in my mind that we have more common sense than Americans.


The NRA are beyond belief.


My wife asked me why does America not just ban guns?


Ahhhh I said, you Chinese just don't understand freedom do you!!!


In a way, this makes me feel proud to be from the British Isles. After Hungerford we banned automatics. After Dunblane we banned almost everything that fires a lead ball bigger than a swan shot at supersonic speeds towards soft flesh.


I am proud of the UK gun laws. It shows governence by POPULAR madate does work sometimes. Crimes such as this go beyond politics.


"Bowling for Columbine". A great film by Micheal Moore.


As is "Sicko".


America really is a sick country if they can't takes steps to protect the smallest people in their society.

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You make a powerful point Alan but before the UK are congratulated too much perhaps we need to be reminded that it's still fairly easy to own something that fires dozens of lead balls in one go. It's not got quite the same range but it can be deadly if within range.


The UK's gun laws didn't stop the murder of those two policewomen at Hattersley, Manchester a few weeks ago. OK, ok, a hand grenade was involved as well as a banned firearm. I therefore think we should, in a knee-jerk reaction, completely ban hand grenades to kid j.p. that he and his family are now completely safe and maybe make some political capital in the process. Wot? grenades are already banned? er.... er....but.... but.... this one eyed nutter had one......and used it!


It also has to be said that if the police had done their job properly (or in the case of Dunblane had been allowed to do their job properly without political interference) it's likely neither Hungerford or Dunblane would have happened. Makes you think doesn't it? Well it makes me think.


PS before anyone gets angry and feels the need to hurl retaliatory abuse, this post is based on healthy and slightly excessive sarcasm only to make the point that you have to abide by the law for it to be able to protect the vulnerable. Nutters have a tendency to completely disregard the law but having said that, present US gun law is plain stupid and just makes it easier for the nutter. Whether it would stop him (it's nearly always a him innit?) if changed if probably wishful thinking.

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You make a powerful point Alan but before the UK are congratulated too much perhaps we need to be reminded that it's still fairly easy to own something that fires dozens of lead balls in one go. It's not got quite the same range but it can be deadly if within range.


The UK's gun laws didn't stop the murder of those two policewomen at Hattersley, Manchester a few weeks ago. OK, ok, a hand grenade was involved as well as a banned firearm. I therefore think we should, in a knee-jerk reaction, completely ban hand grenades to kid j.p. that he and his family are now completely safe and maybe make some political capital in the process. Wot? grenades are already banned? er.... er....but.... but.... this one eyed nutter had one......and used it!


It also has to be said that if the police had done their job properly (or in the case of Dunblane had been allowed to do their job properly without political interference) it's likely neither would have happened. Makes you think doesn't it? Well it makes me think.


PS before anyone gets angry and feels the need to hurl retaliatory abuse, this post is based on healthy and slightly excessive sarcasm only to make the point that you have to abide by the law for it to be able to protect the vulnerable. Nutters have a tendency to completely disregard the law but having said that, present US gun law is plain stupid and just makes it easier for the nutter. Whether it would stop the nutter if changed if probably wishful thinking.


First sensible post I've seen on here for a whole. Although the guberment wouldn't sacrifice a few lickle children to push through a much larger agenda. Would they?

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