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Shooting At Connecticut Elementary School


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The facts of the matter are that possibly there would have been fewer fatalities had he not been so lethally armed.








Not very good grounds for a change in legislation there.


In any event the country is awash in firearms and who thinks any potential nutters would meekly hand theirs in should the law be changed?


Welcome to Reality Land!

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You make a powerful point Alan but before the UK are congratulated too much perhaps we need to be reminded that it's still fairly easy to own something that fires dozens of lead balls in one go. It's not got quite the same range but it can be deadly if within range.


The UK's gun laws didn't stop the murder of those two policewomen at Hattersley, Manchester a few weeks ago. OK, ok, a hand grenade was involved as well as a banned firearm. I therefore think we should, in a knee-jerk reaction, completely ban hand grenades to kid j.p. that he and his family are now completely safe and maybe make some political capital in the process. Wot? grenades are already banned? er.... er....but.... but.... this one eyed nutter had one......and used it!


It also has to be said that if the police had done their job properly (or in the case of Dunblane had been allowed to do their job properly without political interference) it's likely neither Hungerford or Dunblane would have happened. Makes you think doesn't it? Well it makes me think.


PS before anyone gets angry and feels the need to hurl retaliatory abuse, this post is based on healthy and slightly excessive sarcasm only to make the point that you have to abide by the law for it to be able to protect the vulnerable. Nutters have a tendency to completely disregard the law but having said that, present US gun law is plain stupid and just makes it easier for the nutter. Whether it would stop him (it's nearly always a him innit?) if changed if probably wishful thinking.


I agree with what you say BF.


But you have to agree that the time has come for the American Government to at least make a token gesture towards making it appear more difficult for potential nutters to get their hands on such firearms.


I don't think anyone can say the UK gun laws has not saved lives. We have all had our nutter moments in the past. Thank goodness I did not have a gun in my hands.


OK. Melodramatic. But you see what I mean?

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I think it's a No Brainer that US Gun Law doesn't work and has contributed to a country where an innocent child cannot go to school safely. Not just the one time but again.


I personally think if Obama wants to make a change he needs to have the balls to ban all sales of gun and gun related products until all parties involved can get together and come up with a system that works.


That should at least get the NRA to come up with some positive input instead of bleating on about the " Right to bare Arms " shoite which is an archaic law brought about by the fight for independance in a relativly young country. That young country that went on to carry out near Genocide of the Native American with the use of firepower and ,as far as i'm concerned, the gun totting, big balls, shoot-em up aggressive mentality is still alive in the US today. Not only by the Nation itself but in many individuals as well. The NRA solution for safer schools in to have armed guards in them shows that to me. Armed guards in schools for feks sake ohmy.png


Hower, sadly i doubt much, if anything, will be done. On a day where 2 Firemen were shot and killed whilst answering an emergancy call, the right of a person not to be shot or feel safer is totally outwayed by the right of some dickhead to own a gun. But, i think, the main reason not much will change is becuase of what MDO remarked on, that to much money is made out of Fire Arms and the associated paraphanalia for it to allowed to change. Let us remember that life is cheap in the US and the Dollar is king.


When i think of the US, i'm always reminded of something i read,


America has a big heart but no soul.

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Cockhead Morgan puts the boot in...




But we don't want him back on this side of the water though. Talentless media whore.


However, good on him to stand up to the NRA and their cohorts.


You havin a laugh?! He's just a puppet and gets told to sing for his supper, which he is doing. He hasn't got an intelligent bone in his body. Stick to Britains Got Talent you moron.

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Cockhead Morgan puts the boot in...




But we don't want him back on this side of the water though. Talentless media whore.


However, good on him to stand up to the NRA and their cohorts.


You havin a laugh?! He's just a puppet and gets told to sing for his supper, which he is doing. He hasn't got an intelligent bone in his body. Stick to Britains Got Talent you moron.



Using those fake photos of Iraqi soldiers being abused took talent devil.gif

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Cockhead Morgan puts the boot in...




But we don't want him back on this side of the water though. Talentless media whore.


However, good on him to stand up to the NRA and their cohorts.


You havin a laugh?! He's just a puppet and gets told to sing for his supper, which he is doing. He hasn't got an intelligent bone in his body. Stick to Britains Got Talent you moron.



Using those fake photos of Iraqi soldiers being abused took talent devil.gif


I think he reached his limit on that one.

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Good post Celt.


America´s answer to everything is "We need more guns"


Armed guards in schools ffs. The only lesson that teaches is that you need guns to be safe.


The NRA seem to work on a small arms MAD philosopy.


It really makes one think about the cold war. Everyone appears to be finished with it apart from the Americans.


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