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Shooting At Connecticut Elementary School


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I noticed that the Discovery Channel had the good grace to pull those redneck shows 'American Guns' and 'Family Guns' straight after the shootings.

If ever there was a case for gun control it was the characters in these programmes.


I had Crimbo dinner with a genuine Redneck. I did not bring this subject up because it was a sort of expat ( I hate that word) social meal. It would have been rude.





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Alex Jones is a perfect example of someone who shouldn't be allowed within 10 feet of a water pistol, let alone a high powered assault rifle.


Correction. He shouldn't be allowed out of a padded cell.


Odd that you should say that because a lot of what you say or believe in (according to your MF posts, as I do not know you personally) he does too.

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Alex Jones is a perfect example of someone who shouldn't be allowed within 10 feet of a water pistol, let alone a high powered assault rifle.


Correction. He shouldn't be allowed out of a padded cell.


Odd that you should say that because a lot of what you say or believe in (according to your MF posts, as I do not know you personally) he does too.



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Care to elaborate?

If ordinary citizens carried a gun, I think it would serve as a deterrent to violent crime against ordinary citizens in communities. Besides, I think we should look at this from an individual viewpoint: if a gang of thugs were to break into someone's property and kill them and their children, are they safer with a gun to protect themselves, or are they safer dialing 999 and then sitting and waiting like lemmings for the police to come to the rescue?

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America has 10.2 gun related deaths per 100,000 head of population, with gun ownership in something like 88%.


Australia is 1.05, Japan is 0.07 and the UK is 0.25. All three of these countries have similar firearms control laws.


Adopting a US style "gun culture" is a really, really, really bad idea.

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If ordinary citizens carried a gun, I think it would serve as a deterrent to violent crime against ordinary citizens in communities.

It has never worked that way - anywhere! Such freedom to bear arms inevitably leads to an escalation of violence. All of the countries where firearms are easily obtained have much higher homicide rates than those which exercise control.

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Alex Jones is a perfect example of someone who shouldn't be allowed within 10 feet of a water pistol, let alone a high powered assault rifle.


Correction. He shouldn't be allowed out of a padded cell.


Odd that you should say that because a lot of what you say or believe in (according to your MF posts, as I do not know you personally) he does too.


A lot of what I post on here is designed to get a (predictable) rise out of the usual suspects who jump on everything I say. It's amusing.


Alex Jones is a nutjob, designed to attract fellow nutjobs who have lost their grip on reality.

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If ordinary citizens carried a gun, I think it would serve as a deterrent to violent crime against ordinary citizens in communities.

It has never worked that way - anywhere! Such freedom to bear arms inevitably leads to an escalation of violence. All of the countries where firearms are easily obtained have much higher homicide rates than those which exercise control.


Indeed. I believe the term is "to maintain and effective militia".


Ignoring the fact that the 2nd amendment was written at a time when the height of firearms technology was a musket that, if the firer was skilled, could fire 2 maybe 3 shots a minute, not like today where firearms can fire in hundreds a minute (the M16 rifle is around 800 a minute).

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