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Shooting At Connecticut Elementary School


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The type of gun used in 1776 is irrelevant.
Really, so why are gun nuts today trying to use a 1776 piece of legislation to justify owning something that wouldn't look out of place on the battlefield of 2013?
The Constitution refers to the right to bear arms, it doesn't specify a musket. Obviously they meant within reason, and not for everyone to each have a tactical nuke or a tank in their garage. There's a fine line. I don't believe the Government has any better right to have such weapons than the ordinary citizens.


Nor was the 1stA suposed to limit the types of religion you could practice to whatever existed at the time or free speech or freedoms of press to whatever means existed at the time.


And just to put things back into perspective, rifles account for 3.5% of homicides and the "assault weapon" is just a subset of that category. Hardly the problem its being made out to be considering the millions in circulation.


Anyone looked at democide, http://www.hawaii.ed...kills/NOTE1.HTM . Says it all, gun rights look like a small price to pay in light of that. Especially when there are plenty more options on the table than just trying to further infringe upon the 2A. But, Obama may use executive orders to bypass congress, the poop will really hit the fan then.

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Can you give a source please?. Its still far higher in the UK even after deducting those percentages (just a quick calculation so could have made a mistake). And the US has many more highly populated metropolitan areas than the UK* (nearly 6times as many areas where the population is greater than 250, 000) which is always the source of the bulk of violent crime, so factor that in.


Crime rates (in general) are higher in the UK everywhere I look for sources.


Also using credates logic the US having the highest gun ownership rates should also have the highest gun homicide rates but they dont, they're ranked 28th wordwide. So hardly that clear cut.


Edit *

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And then there is the small issue of getting your military to turn its guns on the public.....




Oh yes I forgot the Government installed "kill the public switches" in all members of the Armed Forces. With one command, Dave Smith, Corperal in the Welsh Dragoons will walk down the highstreet in Cardiff, gunning down men, women and child with the stoney cold determination of a Terminator.

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As I said, your statement is total bullshit.


Keep saying that all you want, but the UK has a worse violent crime rate than the United States, and is the capital of violent crime in Europe.


Have a watch of this video in which Ben Shapiro (of Breitbart) totally destroys smug asshole Piers Morgan and his whiny anti-gun crusade (despite not being being a US citizen, which makes him guilty of subversion). Piers Morgan is a sleazy son of a bitch and doesn't care about dead children -- he's merely a propagandist peddling tripe. People should really look into the history of the mass media and news operations like CNN. They are totally run by the CIA and the military. They are not nice people who care about any of the nice and fluffy socialist principles they're peddling; they're cynical totalitarians who manipulate and lie to the population to further their draconian agenda.



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And then there is the small issue of getting your military to turn its guns on the public.....




Oh yes I forgot the Government installed "kill the public switches" in all members of the Armed Forces. With one command, Dave Smith, Corperal in the Welsh Dragoons will walk down the highstreet in Cardiff, gunning down men, women and child with the stoney cold determination of a Terminator.


It isn't the military who would be doing it. It's the TSA and police departments. Actually, a lot of military are clued in to what is going on, and that's why veterans are persecuted and monitored when they return home.

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And then there is the small issue of getting your military to turn its guns on the public.....




Oh yes I forgot the Government installed "kill the public switches" in all members of the Armed Forces. With one command, Dave Smith, Corperal in the Welsh Dragoons will walk down the highstreet in Cardiff, gunning down men, women and child with the stoney cold determination of a Terminator.


It isn't the military who would be doing it. It's the TSA and police departments. Actually, a lot of military are clued in to what is going on, and that's why veterans are persecuted and monitored when they return home.


Oh so now the police are going to start shooting civilians wholesale. Sorry I used the wrong term there, they aren't police....they are Murder Death Kill squads.

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As I said, your statement is total bullshit.


Keep saying that all you want, but the UK has a worse violent crime rate than the United States, and is the capital of violent crime in Europe.


Have a watch of this video in which Ben Shapiro (of Breitbart) totally destroys smug asshole Piers Morgan and his whiny anti-gun crusade (despite not being being a US citizen, which makes him guilty of subversion). Piers Morgan is a sleazy son of a bitch and doesn't care about dead children -- he's merely a propagandist peddling tripe. People should really look into the history of the mass media and news operations like CNN. They are totally run by the CIA and the military. They are not nice people who care about any of the nice and fluffy socialist principles they're peddling; they're cynical totalitarians who manipulate and lie to the population to further their draconian agenda.




Yeap lets ignore the fact that different crimes are recorded differently in different countries.

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And then there is the small issue of getting your military to turn its guns on the public.....




Oh yes I forgot the Government installed "kill the public switches" in all members of the Armed Forces. With one command, Dave Smith, Corperal in the Welsh Dragoons will walk down the highstreet in Cardiff, gunning down men, women and child with the stoney cold determination of a Terminator.


So no government anywhere has ever turned it's guns on it's own people and it is perfectly O K for a serving member of the armed forces to decide which orders one choses to carry out?


I don't trust politicians ,and the military even less, many of whom could not be trusted with scissors. Whoever said something about power corrupting and absolute power corrupting absolutely had it about right .

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Oh so now the police are going to start shooting civilians wholesale. Sorry I used the wrong term there, they aren't police....they are Murder Death Kill squads.


They will round people up and put them in camps like they did in Germany.


Hundreds of millions of people were rounded up by local police and military and murdered or used as forced labour during the 20th Century. All done by their own government, all in the name of socialism!!!

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And then there is the small issue of getting your military to turn its guns on the public.....




Oh yes I forgot the Government installed "kill the public switches" in all members of the Armed Forces. With one command, Dave Smith, Corperal in the Welsh Dragoons will walk down the highstreet in Cardiff, gunning down men, women and child with the stoney cold determination of a Terminator.


So no government anywhere has ever turned it's guns on it's own people and it is perfectly O K for a serving member of the armed forces to decide which orders one choses to carry out?


I don't trust politicians ,and the military even less, many of whom could not be trusted with scissors. Whoever said something about power corrupting and absolute power corrupting absolutely had it about right .


Yes. The "I was only following orders defence" went out the window a long time ago.


You know Order 66 in Star Wars was makey uppey right?

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Oh so now the police are going to start shooting civilians wholesale. Sorry I used the wrong term there, they aren't police....they are Murder Death Kill squads.


They will round people up and put them in camps like they did in Germany.


Hundreds of millions of people were rounded up by local police and military and murdered or used as forced labour during the 20th Century. All done by their own government, all in the name of socialism!!!


So because Germany did something, every other government ever to exist will do the same.....okay....

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I really do pity all the "well Germany's armed forces and police did X during WW1 and WW2, so all police forces and militaries around the world will do exactly the same thing" types on the forum.


But then I was installed with a "murder death kill" chip, so just you watch out. One word from my government overlords and I will be down Strand Street killing people.


Or.......in the real world......people in the police and armed forces have families, neighbours, people they buy their newspapers from, etc and aren't going to start shooting people on sight.

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Whoever said something about power corrupting and absolute power corrupting absolutely had it about right .


Lord Acton was right. Did you know that in 1933, there was a real and actual CONSPIRACY by big business interests to overthrow FDR and install a fascist right-wing dictatorship in the United States? So the fear of a totalitarian government taking over in the United States is really not that outlandish. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot

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So because Germany did something, every other government ever to exist will do the same.....okay....


It hasn't just happened in Germany. It's happened in numerous countries all throughout history.

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