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Shooting At Connecticut Elementary School


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I really do pity all the "well Germany's armed forces and police did X during WW1 and WW2, so all police forces and militaries around the world will do exactly the same thing" types on the forum.


It wasn't just Germany. Millions were murdered in Russia and China in the name of socialism.

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Do you actually know anyone in the armed forces or the police force?


I wasn't talking about the Isle of Man, I was talking about the United States.


As long as Tesco keep baking jam donuts, I think we're safe!


And, like I said yesterday, many of the police and armed forces in the United States won't go along with it because they take seriously their oath to defend the Constitution (which includes the Second Amendment). There are a disproportionately high number of libertarians who are serving in the US armed forces. It was a Roman legion which finally liberated Rome from the tyrant Nero. I would like to think that, in the event of a tyrant taking over in the United States, that some division of the army would launch an insurrection, but anyone seriously thinking of tyranny would surely fear the same thing happening and would actively work to put their people in positions of power. All I Know is that it has been attempted before - in 1933. I'd like to think it wouldn't happen again, but nobody really knows one way or the other. To simply say "oh, it'll never happen, that's silly" is a bit naive given prior events.

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But then I was installed with a "murder death kill" chip, so just you watch out. One word from my government overlords and I will be down Strand Street killing people.


Or.......in the real world......people in the police and armed forces have families, neighbours, people they buy their newspapers from, etc and aren't going to start shooting people on sight.


That's what the Jews in Germany thought. Look what happened to them.


Right, you're comparing modern day UK and USA to what happened to the Jews in Germany. Wow, just wow.

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Right, you're comparing modern day UK and USA to what happened to the Jews in Germany. Wow, just wow.


No, I'm not making a comparison between the UK and USA and Germany. I'm saying if such things are possible in Germany then they're possible anywhere. I'm only talking about the possibility. I'm not even saying such a possibility is likely, I'm just saying it's within the realm of potentiality.

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Right, you're comparing modern day UK and USA to what happened to the Jews in Germany. Wow, just wow.


No, I'm not making a comparison between the UK and USA and Germany. I'm saying if such things are possible in Germany then they're possible anywhere. I'm only talking about the possibility. I'm not even saying such a possibility is likely, I'm just saying it's within the realm of potentiality.


So we should start working on defences against the Crab People....

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And do you think those people would carry out the POTENTIAL (your emphasis, not mine) acts if they were told to be their evil overlords?


If placed in the right circumstances, everyone -- without exception -- is capable of such behaviour. Germany proves that.

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And do you think those people would carry out the POTENTIAL (your emphasis, not mine) acts if they were told to be their evil overlords?


If placed in the right circumstances, everyone -- without exception -- is capable of such behaviour. Germany proves that.


Sure, placed in the right circumstances I would kill you and everyone you love for the cost of a Happy Meal....in the right circumstances.


But that isn't what I asked you....Do you think that the specific people that you know in either the police or the armed forces would carry out the acts of the evil overlords?

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Sure, placed in the right circumstances I would kill you and everyone you love for the cost of a Happy Meal....in the right circumstances.


But that isn't what I asked you....Do you think that the specific people that you know in either the police or the armed forces would carry out the acts of the evil overlords?


Given the right set of circumstances, yes they would.

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Sure, placed in the right circumstances I would kill you and everyone you love for the cost of a Happy Meal....in the right circumstances.


But that isn't what I asked you....Do you think that the specific people that you know in either the police or the armed forces would carry out the acts of the evil overlords?


Given the right set of circumstances, yes they would.


And what are these mythical "right" circumstances that would cause normal people to start executing civillians?


Have you spoken to your friends about this or is this just your opinion of how they would act?

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And what are these mythical "right" circumstances that would cause normal people to start executing civillians?
Those circumstances are hardly "mythical": they happened in Germany, which was of course a very progressive republic prior to the economic crises of the 1920s and 1930s. Germany was probably one of the best places for Jews to live -- even into the early 1930s. With the economic depression, there was a lot of polarisation between the left and right, which is something we again see happening in the United States today. I don't know what exact circumstances would need to happen, but they would have to be quite catastrophic, and the economy would have to get a lot worse. In the United States, there is also a Christian dominionist movement which has a lot of influence, and this too could gain further power if the social structure fell apart. A natural disaster could bring on such a social breakdown. In the event of a national emergency, who knows what can happen?


I'm only talking about potentialities. I'm not saying such things are "likely".

Have you spoken to your friends about this or is this just your opinion of how they would act?
I've known Jews who were young children back then and remember what happened. They and their parents never thought their friends and neighbours -- who they had grown up with -- would turn on them either, but the fact is that they did.


People can be influenced to turn on others only too easily, because most people are essentially morons who follow the herd.

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