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Shooting At Connecticut Elementary School


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Okay....so all military and police will engage their murder death kill chips because thats what the Germans did....


I really do pity you.


Given that I said no such thing, I pity your lack of reading comprehension skills.

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Okay....so all military and police will engage their murder death kill chips because thats what the Germans did....


I really do pity you.


Given that I said no such thing, I pity your lack of reading comprehension skills.


No but you keep saying because the Germans did, we're going to do the same thing...

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Okay....so all military and police will engage their murder death kill chips because thats what the Germans did....


I really do pity you.


Given that I said no such thing, I pity your lack of reading comprehension skills.


No but you keep saying because the Germans did, we're going to do the same thing...


No I didn't. What I said was that if it could happen in a civilised nation like Germany under certain circumstances, then, under similar circumstances, the same thing could POTENTIALLY happen in the United States, or even here. I didn't say it was going to happen. I said it's POTENTIAL. Just like there's a potential chance that I might win the lottery, or that space aliens might blow up the planet earth tomorrow. In statistical probability, there is no such thing as 100 % certainty of anything.

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Okay....so all military and police will engage their murder death kill chips because thats what the Germans did....


I really do pity you.


Given that I said no such thing, I pity your lack of reading comprehension skills.


No but you keep saying because the Germans did, we're going to do the same thing...


No I didn't. What I said was that if it could happen in a civilised nation like Germany under certain circumstances, then, under similar circumstances, the same thing could POTENTIALLY happen in the United States, or even here. I didn't say it was going to happen. I said it's POTENTIAL. Just like there's a potential chance that I might win the lottery, or that space aliens might blow up the planet earth tomorrow. In statistical probability, there is no such thing as 100 % certainty of anything.


So whats the potential for this German style assault on the civillian population by its own armed forces and police?

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Okay....so all military and police will engage their murder death kill chips because thats what the Germans did....


I really do pity you.


Given that I said no such thing, I pity your lack of reading comprehension skills.


No but you keep saying because the Germans did, we're going to do the same thing...


No I didn't. What I said was that if it could happen in a civilised nation like Germany under certain circumstances, then, under similar circumstances, the same thing could POTENTIALLY happen in the United States, or even here. I didn't say it was going to happen. I said it's POTENTIAL. Just like there's a potential chance that I might win the lottery, or that space aliens might blow up the planet earth tomorrow. In statistical probability, there is no such thing as 100 % certainty of anything.


So whats the potential for this German style assault on the civillian population by its own armed forces and police?


In the Isle of Man? It would never happen here in isolation. If it did happen, it would only ever happen as an extension of a UK-based initiative (which is highly unlikely to ever happen), and not something organised by our own Government.

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Okay....so all military and police will engage their murder death kill chips because thats what the Germans did....


I really do pity you.


Given that I said no such thing, I pity your lack of reading comprehension skills.


No but you keep saying because the Germans did, we're going to do the same thing...


No I didn't. What I said was that if it could happen in a civilised nation like Germany under certain circumstances, then, under similar circumstances, the same thing could POTENTIALLY happen in the United States, or even here. I didn't say it was going to happen. I said it's POTENTIAL. Just like there's a potential chance that I might win the lottery, or that space aliens might blow up the planet earth tomorrow. In statistical probability, there is no such thing as 100 % certainty of anything.


So whats the potential for this German style assault on the civillian population by its own armed forces and police?


In the Isle of Man? It would never happen here in isolation. If it did happen, it would only ever happen as an extension of a UK-based initiative (which is highly unlikely to ever happen), and not something organised by our own Government.


Once again not talking about the Isle of Man....I'm talking about bigger nations like the USA, you know where the shooting occured and people are talking about gun controls, but the gun huggers are banging their fists up and down about their 2nd amendment rights because they need their collection of 50 guns to protect themselves from the Gubermant (intentional mistake).


Johnny Gunnut is worried about the Gubermant taking away his arsenal and he'll have nothing to defend himself against the evil Gubermant when they send the Army against him.

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I'd say there's a slim yet not slim enough possibility of it happening in the United States. Have you read the Patriot Act or the National Defense Authorization Act? They've made it legal for the president to imprison and assassinate US citizens without habeas corpus.

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So you're another one that ignores the fact that the 2nd Amendment was written, the firearm of the day was a musket, capable of firing 2-3 rounds a minute (if you're well trained and practiced).


The type of gun used in 1776 is irrelevant.


I don't think the founding fathers imagined anything that can fire 800 rounds a minute, at 8000 fps and designed to penertrate body armor...


And lets face it (as it has been said before on this thread) if the government was going to take over the US, they have access to drones, Apaches, stealth bombers and Blackhawks full of highly trained and well equipped professional soldiers....Billy Bob and his Winchester aren't exactly a major threat...


And then there is the small issue of getting your military to turn its guns on the public.....


Yes, things have gotten very complicated. The thing is, most of the military on the ground are pro-Constitution. Of all the candidates, Ron Paul (a constitutional libertarian) received the most support from them. More than Obama or Romney. If we assume for a moment that there are forces in the United States who want to steer it toward totalitarianism, then I think they fear the military people, because they might be the instrument in preventing it or carrying out an insurrection, the same way the Roman legion came down and liberated Rome from the grip of Nero. We should never assume that being in the military makes someone automatically on the side of the government no matter what. The military swear an oath to defend the country and the constitution, NOT the government.


It won't be such an issue if the troops they choose are wearing blue helmets and don't speak the language......


.....or they use the illiterate muppets from the Department of Homeland Security, who will carry out whatever orders they are given for a nice pay check in a crumbling economy.

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It won't be such an issue if the troops they choose are wearing blue helmets and don't speak the language......


.....or they use the illiterate muppets from the Department of Homeland Security, who will carry out whatever orders they are given for a nice pay check in a crumbling economy.


Exactly. There are politicians in the United States pushing for NAFTA to be extended into a political union much like the European Union. Alternatively, the UN could be sent in. Emperor Obama recently spat in the face of Congress' sole authority to declare war, and claimed he could bomb the hell out of Libya because he got permission from the UN. It doesn't take a conspiracy nut to see how things are going, how continental unions of nations are being amalgamated, while there are politicians calling for international organisations like the UN, the World Bank, etc., to become the basis for a de facto world government. This is not a conspiracy, it's what a heck of a lot of left-wing politicians, intellectuals and economists are pushing for. People need to read more. It's already here largely in the economic sphere. Transnational corporations have already globalized production and becoming more powerful than nation-states. All they need to do is push for it politically, and it would only take some great catastrophe (real or imagined) to be used as a pretext to bring this on. In a state of emergency, who knows what would happen? There have already been serious calls by leftists to send UN troops to take over Jerusalem and stay there indefinitely to "demilitarize" it. I mean that's the capital city of one of the world's most advanced nations, and they're seriously talking of sending in UN troops. There was talk of the same thing in Libya, and Syria. There really are lunatics out there and some of them wear suits, in positions of power, and they act respectable and even say crazy things in a way which makes them sound reasonable to people the general population, and that's why the world is so messed up.


Agencies like the TSA deliberately look for authoritarian-type sicko personalities when recruiting. They want to employ people who get a kick out of intimidating other people. You don't need any qualifications.

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It won't be such an issue if the troops they choose are wearing blue helmets and don't speak the language......


.....or they use the illiterate muppets from the Department of Homeland Security, who will carry out whatever orders they are given for a nice pay check in a crumbling economy.


Exactly. There are politicians in the United States pushing for NAFTA to be extended into a political union much like the European Union. Alternatively, the UN could be sent in. Emperor Obama recently spat in the face of Congress' sole authority to declare war, and claimed he could bomb the hell out of Libya because he got permission from the UN. It doesn't take a conspiracy nut to see how things are going, how continental unions of nations are being amalgamated, while there are politicians calling for international organisations like the UN, the World Bank, etc., to become the basis for a de facto world government. This is not a conspiracy, it's what a heck of a lot of left-wing politicians, intellectuals and economists are pushing for. People need to read more. It's already here largely in the economic sphere. Transnational corporations have already globalized production and becoming more powerful than nation-states. All they need to do is push for it politically, and it would only take some great catastrophe (real or imagined) to be used as a pretext to bring this on. In a state of emergency, who knows what would happen? There have already been serious calls by leftists to send UN troops to take over Jerusalem and stay there indefinitely to "demilitarize" it. I mean that's the capital city of one of the world's most advanced nations, and they're seriously talking of sending in UN troops. There was talk of the same thing in Libya, and Syria. There really are lunatics out there and some of them wear suits, in positions of power, and they act respectable and even say crazy things in a way which makes them sound reasonable to people the general population, and that's why the world is so messed up.


Agencies like the TSA deliberately look for authoritarian-type sicko personalities when recruiting. They want to employ people who get a kick out of intimidating other people. You don't need any qualifications.


It would make things a lot easier politically if the US had some kind of economic breakdown resulting in chaos. Be easy to trot out the Orwellian 'UN Peace Keeping' troops to go in then, especially if they'd already taken steps to disarm the public.


What was it Kissinger said 'Today Americans would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order, tomorrow they will be grateful.'

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Good to see the Americans have got their priority right of the issue of gun related violence....






From South Park: the Movie


"The smut we must stop

The trash we must bash

The Laughter and fun

Must all be undone

We must blame them and cause a fuss

Before somebody thinks of blaming uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus!"

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