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Shooting At Connecticut Elementary School


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Make of these very convenient mass shootings which are coming thick and fast what you will......expect the right to bear arms as a constitutional right to be attacked very soon.


I must say it all seems very convenient. And before anyone screams conspiracy, look up the ATFs gun walking scandal to see how desperate the American government is to create gun crime figures to try and justify further ineffectual restrictions.


Right. I take it you didn't know about the American who bought hundreds of firearms, legally at his local gun store, and was then smuggling them in to the UK. Several of the firearms he smuggled in have been tied to shootings in the UK.


Was that a conspiracy as well?

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Banning weapons in the UK didnt stop Raol Moat etc.


Look at it the other way, would adopting a US style of gun culture make things better or worse in the UK?


Like has already been said if someone really wants to kill somoene or blow something up they will eventually do it, however in the UK these incidents are rare in the US it happens 2 or 3 times a year. Guns are made to hurt and kill unless you are a soldier or a participant in shooting events at the likes of the Olympics why have one?

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Make of these very convenient mass shootings which are coming thick and fast what you will......expect the right to bear arms as a constitutional right to be attacked very soon.


I must say it all seems very convenient. And before anyone screams conspiracy, look up the ATFs gun walking scandal to see how desperate the American government is to create gun crime figures to try and justify further ineffectual restrictions.


Right. I take it you didn't know about the American who bought hundreds of firearms, legally at his local gun store, and was then smuggling them in to the UK. Several of the firearms he smuggled in have been tied to shootings in the UK.


Was that a conspiracy as well?


As ever MDO looks at a subject through one perspective and nothing else is taken into account. You are becoming a parody of yourself on here sunshine.

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Banning weapons in the UK didnt stop Raol Moat etc.


Look at it the other way, would adopting a US style of gun culture make things better or worse in the UK?


Like has already been said if someone really wants to kill somoene or blow something up they will eventually do it, however in the UK these incidents are rare in the US it happens 2 or 3 times a year. Guns are made to hurt and kill unless you are a soldier or a participant in shooting events at the likes of the Olympics why have one?


There are shootings ever day in the US. And there are significantly more than 2 or 3 large shootings.


There is zero reason to have a hand gun as a private citizen. And certainly no reason to have assualt rifles.

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Banning weapons in the UK didnt stop Raol Moat etc.


Look at it the other way, would adopting a US style of gun culture make things better or worse in the UK?


Shooting the shit out of everyone was never the done thing in the UK before either nation even implemented any firearms legislation, its always been something the US was famous for.


Would you be scared to live in the Czech Republic or Switzerland?. Per 100 residents there are 46 firearms in Switzerland (including the dreaded "assault" rifle, 16.3 in the Czech Republic, 6.2 in England and Wales.


The only thing the US needs to do is abolish the tragic fallacy of the "Gun Free Zone". This is where every mass shooting has occurred.


Colorado Massacre

Ft. Hood

Virginia tech


Omaha Mall

Salt lake Mall


and now Connecticut .


But no, Obuma has his best chance yet to push for his "assault weapons ban", which, like with GFZs, will make everyone feel all safe, warm, and fuzzy about themselves. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.


MDO, can you tell me what an "assault" weapon is technically please?. Can you then please explain why one is any more dangerous than an Mini-14 for example?.

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Make of these very convenient mass shootings which are coming thick and fast what you will......expect the right to bear arms as a constitutional right to be attacked very soon.


I must say it all seems very convenient. And before anyone screams conspiracy, look up the ATFs gun walking scandal to see how desperate the American government is to create gun crime figures to try and justify further ineffectual restrictions.


Right. I take it you didn't know about the American who bought hundreds of firearms, legally at his local gun store, and was then smuggling them in to the UK. Several of the firearms he smuggled in have been tied to shootings in the UK.


Was that a conspiracy as well?


No why would it be?. Just another bunch of laws broken by someone who couldn't give a crap about them.

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Banning weapons in the UK didnt stop Raol Moat etc.


Look at it the other way, would adopting a US style of gun culture make things better or worse in the UK?


Shooting the shit out of everyone was never the done thing in the UK before either nation even implemented any firearms legislation, its always been something the US was famous for.


Would you be scared to live in the Czech Republic or Switzerland?. Per 100 residents there are 46 firearms in Switzerland (including the dreaded "assault" rifle, 16.3 in the Czech Republic, 6.2 in England and Wales.


The only thing the US needs to do is abolish the tragic fallacy of the "Gun Free Zone". This is where every mass shooting has occurred.


Colorado Massacre

Ft. Hood

Virginia tech


Omaha Mall

Salt lake Mall


and now Connecticut .


But no, Obuma has his best chance yet to push for his "assault weapons ban", which, like with GFZs, will make everyone feel all safe, warm, and fuzzy about themselves. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.


MDO, can you tell me what an "assault" weapon is technically please?. Can you then please explain why one is any more dangerous than an Mini-14 for example?.


Assault rifles, typically, have larger magazines, chamber larger rounds, higher rates of fire, achieve higher muzzle velocities and have greater penetrative characteristics.


This are primarly used for military applications and law enforcement.


SO now you explain why the average household needs "assualt weapons"...

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I also find it interesting that the person who "protests too much" about gun control, Ruger, is named after one of Americas most prolific arms manufactorers, and also the manufactorer of the Mini-14 (as used in his example).




The Mini-14 (essentially a civillian version of the US Army M-14 Garand) chambers a Nato 5.56mm and has a 20 round capacity.


Almost invaluable at stopping unarmored burglars....

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Banning weapons in the UK didnt stop Raol Moat etc.


Look at it the other way, would adopting a US style of gun culture make things better or worse in the UK?


MDO, can you tell me what an "assault" weapon is technically please?. Can you then please explain why one is any more dangerous than an Mini-14 for example?.


Assault rifles, typically, have larger magazines, chamber larger rounds, higher rates of fire, achieve higher muzzle velocities and have greater penetrative characteristics.


This are primarly used for military applications and law enforcement.


SO now you explain why the average household needs "assualt weapons"...


BS, BS, BS, BS, BS. I though you knew a little about this?. Please don't confuse "assault rifles" with "assault weapons".


Again, please tell me what makes a firearm an "assault weapon". Its quite an interesting one this.


Ask the Swiss government why they insist that every able person in their country must bear an "assault weapon". Only when you can prove that these inanimate objects are the cause of the problem must anyone need to provide you with justification. Right at this moment in time there is an overwhelmingly large amount of evidence to suggest 'disarming' measures such as "gun free zones" are the cause of the problem.


I also find it interesting that the person who.......


Wow your quick!.

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Why do home owners need weapons that can shoot a Nato 5.56mm round, normally found in use by the military and law enforcement?


Is it to stop all those burglars wearing full kevlar and plated armor? Or is there some sort of Terminator home invasion thing going on in the States we havent heard about over here in the rest of the world?

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MDO is actually a toy gun enthusiast everybody.


Just saying, as somehow these points must be significant to this debate lol.


MDO spent 10 years in the military. MDO has fired many firearms of many calibers.


MDO also plays airsoft now he is no longer in the military.


One does not detract from the other.


Nice try at ad hominem, Ruger.

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Why do home owners need weapons that can shoot a Nato 5.56mm round, normally found in use by the military and law enforcement?


Is it to stop all those burglars wearing full kevlar and plated armor? Or is there some sort of Terminator home invasion thing going on in the States we havent heard about over here in the rest of the world?


Which is ballistically identical to the .223 Remington round, most commonly used as a hunting round for small to medium sized game all around the world. Are you suggesting people may only be allowed .22 rimfires for controlling Deer and Wild Boar, etc with?. I'm sure that would be humane!.

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