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Shooting At Connecticut Elementary School


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How do you justify private ownership of firearms?


What purpose does it serve?




Can you answer my last comment?. In fact can anyone answer my last comment?. How will bans help America?. Simple question.


How did knife restrictions help china Alan?.

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How do you justify private ownership of firearms?


What purpose does it serve?




Can you answer my last comment?. In fact can anyone answer my last comment?. How will bans help America?. Simple question.


How did knife restrictions help china Alan?.


Why dont you answer his question? Seeing as I have asked the same question several times now, without a single answer...

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How do you justify private ownership of firearms?


What purpose does it serve?




Can you answer my last comment?. In fact can anyone answer my last comment?. How will bans help America?. Simple question.


How did knife restrictions help china Alan?.


You cant restrict knifes. All you need is a bit of metal and a file and you have a knife. Or a split stone even.


And of course, it's difficult to prepare food without a knife. I need a knife to prepare a potato or a cabbage for the wok.


I could use a gun I suppose. But I suspect my aim would not be good enough to peel a potato with a single shot. Never mind the risk of richochet !!!!!


I suppose a gun would be better than a knife to open a tin of baked beans. tin openers are dangerous things after all.



To answer your question. At least China had a go. They tried.


Compare that to the fuckwits in America who keep quoting some stupid amendment.

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How do you justify private ownership of firearms?


What purpose does it serve?




Can you answer my last comment?. In fact can anyone answer my last comment?. How will bans help America?. Simple question.


How did knife restrictions help china Alan?.


Why dont you answer his question? Seeing as I have asked the same question several times now, without a single answer...


I really don't know why your asking me that. I have not once said arming every fucker on the face of the Earth is the best way forward so I don't need to provide you with reasons why they are all armed 4-1.

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I really don't know why your asking me that. I have not once said arming every fucker on the face of the Earth is the best way forward so I don't need to provide you with reasons why they are all armed 4-1.


No, I have asked you several times, why the average, normal American needs a gun.


So have I on a previous thread.


This is the root of the problem MDO. As we all know.


The NRA keep quoting some ancient law out of context. The armed man in America somehow thinks he is part of a "well formed militia".


Everytime I read of these terrible events I remember Heston, with his "from my dead hands" speech.


What an arsehole he was.

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But you believe in private gun ownership Ruger?


I'm with the Czech Republic on this Alan.

General attitude to gun ownership is that there is no point in banning guns because criminals will get guns no matter how tight the law is.


The fact is (Ref post #7). I can be killed many other ways.

I don't believe in nanny states, that's for sure. So yes, if its managed properly which I think we and the UK does mange reasonably well but I do have my own issues with the system we have, regarding certain weaknesses in the system such as like what lead to Dunblane etc.


Can I ask you this, if we take all the things that have resulted in deaths in the UK, and compare it to firearms related deaths. Would you also ban every other thing that was misused and resulted in death?. So for example alcohol, it kills far, far, far more people in the year than legally held firearms do. I never drink it, but I have to put up with people who do, and accept that I could become another victim of its misuse. I'm temped to cry for it to be banned as I receive no benefit from its existence. But do I really want to live in such a pathetic world where we ban and restrict every last mortal thing in out lives that causes death and injury?.


Cars, motorbikes, people have far more of these than they can justify and look at the attributed deaths.


MDO's toy guns get people shot when they are mistaken for the real thing. Best ban those to but I'm sure he wouldn't be happy, as he does not misuse them (presumably).

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I just want to add. We all hate the UK nanny state. Yup of course we do.


But sometimes they do something that makes sense.


They banned the sale of paracetemol tablets in volume. Because the vendor has a duty of care towards the customer, and that the vendor should accept that a distraught customer walking into Asda and buying 200 tablets might not be a good thing.

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I meant to reply to your valid comments but MDO has been making it difficult lol.


R.e. the handgun ban, yes nobody has been shot with an legally held handgun since then but we still had Cumbria. There are issues with the system, not with what people could own IMO.


Interesting fact, http://news.bbc.co.u.../uk/1440764.stm . They still exist, make no mistake.

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Ban Alcohol? Perhaps.


Yes, it causes a lot of death and destruction. That is our cultural quirk.


But it damages me. Not a class of kids.


Cars, motorbikes, trains, planes, booze, whippets....... ban them all.


But ban guns first. They are engineered to kill. They are designed to do it.


How can you possibly suggest we are a civilised society when we manufacture products designed for the sole porpose of killing?

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The naivety is staggering. You can't ban stuff that already exists


Lead petrol? Smoking? Fox Hunting? CFC's? Legal Highs? Paedo DJ's? Of course you can ban stuff.


Mostly irreverent or poor comparisons, but cannabis, cocaine, LSD and all the other prohibited drugs are banned and are you going to tell me they they no longer exist?. Fox hunting still exists, that is one of the most laughable bans in existence because they can't police it.

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