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Shooting At Connecticut Elementary School


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Heres a scenario...


You're in a darkened cinema, a man walks in with a rifle and starts shooting...but its okay, you're packing your favourite handgun.


You bravely stand up, draw your weapon and are about to open fire.....


When someone else stands up and draws a weapon....


Is he a concerned citizen like you looking to be the hero...or is a shooter like the first guy?


And then someone else draws a weapon....


The thought of untrained and unprepared civillians wandering with firearms is a worrying and disturbing thing.

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Ruger have you ever met CrossRoss? I think the two of you would get on very well!!


Weapons of all kinds were designed to kill - defence or attack depends on your views about what it is being used for. Germany did not invent the gun - as with all weapons it was designed as a better way to kill or as a way around a new defence.


No disputes with that, they were originally designed for killing people but not indiscriminately or for no reason.


If you'd like to get back to it the original point, it was that we cannot be a civilized society to make and sell this stuff because of its design history. We are, we do, and we have been for a long time while we have done, and we can continue to be civilized while we do.


Try telling London 2012 Olympic gold winner Peter Wilson that his MX2005 was somehow designed/engineered/developed by Perazzi for killing people.


I am no expert on types of weapon/gun but Peter Wilson MX2005 would have its history in a weapon designed to kill. I daresay that if placed in the wrong hands it could still kill - after all the MX2005 is hardly going to stop itself being fired at something it was not designed to be aimed at.


As others have said criminals will find ways around gun control but by allowing private citizens to purchase and carry weapons you are only increasing the supply. Additionally a lot of the US killings seem to be someone, who for one reason or another, decided to go on a killing spree and it is made a lot easier by having a gun in the house.


The crime statistics have recently shown that if you carry a knife in the UK you are much more likely to be injured (or killed) as a result. Are there any similar statistics available for countries which allow private citizens to carry guns?


Of coarse like with anything, it could be misused to cause death and injury to vary levels of effectiveness.


Can you show us these knife carrying statistics please?. The CZech Republic allow private citizens to carry guns and knives, don't know about gun crime but knife crime is about identical to the UK where it is mostly forbidden.


I think if you want an accurate picture you need to look at one country, state by state. Try Vermont vs New York, as they are right next to each other but with vastly different laws and crime levels.


Again someone will point out the UK and the USA but ignore that neither nation had any real firearms restrictions up until the early 20th century and ignore that crime levels were just as comparable before then. We really could argue all day about it.


All I'm saying is, they need to be very careful about what they do, but they need to do something serious.

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The whole "I need my hunting rifle to defend against the gubermant (intentional spelling mistake before any pedants have a shit fit)" is fricking hilarious.


Yes, your Winchester hunting rifle is will be sure defence against drones, Apaches, Tomohawks, and Blackhawks full of highly trained and extremely well equiped soldiers.

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I think they all know something needs to change. Or are you to ignorant to believe that the people in the gun industry don't have to send their children to school to be shot like everyone else?.


For people who make firearms which are sold to the public, some of which are used to kill people every day of the year, do you honestly think they are going to lose some sleep over some kids and some teachers?

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They also supply military, law enforcement, and security sectors. You can't possibly comprehend the security that these people help to provide for. They can hardly be responsible for the actions of a psycho.


Something will happen don't doubt it. It can't not. I hope it happens quick and I hope they can succeed by whatever means.

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Lets certainly hope that if they go that way, they succeed or at least improve things.


Interesting and realistic comment from a big gun control advocate.


A ban is extreme and impossible; but severe restrictions on assault weapons and high-powered rifles, as well as stricter licensing, tests and registration procedures, would improve the situation.




Even they know that the boat has sailed for some of these seemingly obvious strategies long ago. Sadly.

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What gets me is the clamour by the press to discuss his "personality disorder" as the driver in the massacre. What happened to just being a good old fashioned nutter? They can attempt to explain it in any way they want but the lad was obviously a f**king nutter .. enough said! Does it really need to be over analysed to the degree it is being in the press? Sad lonely complete f**king loony flips and kills his mum and a load of children .. that's the basic reason why it happened.


'Personality Disorder' is psychiatric-speak for 'that's the way he is, and we can't treat him', whereas 'fucking nutter' may more imply a treatable mental illness. You can be sectioned for the latter, if thought dangerous, but not I believe for the former.


Every so often a psychiatrist is vilified for allowing a mentally ill person out who goes on to commit murder. If the diagnosis is 'personality disorder' then they can't be similarly criticised.


(This is general commentary, and in no way relates to the specifics of this case - I have no idea whether the perpetrator had ever been assessed by a psychiatrist or not)

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They can still continue their contracts with military, law enforcement, etc.


Just stop selling millions of guns to public every year.


Seems simple enough.

Not simple at all.


Unfortunately, money talks. Americans will always be able to walk around like Dirty Harry because of political donations.


Polls show Republicans enjoy heavy support and donations from gun owners. In return, the gun lobby has had steady success in weakening gun laws — especially in the two dozen statehouses that followed Florida in enacting new self-defense laws to allow the instant use of deadly force in a confrontation rather than retreat from danger. These laws are fostered by the conservative American Legislative Exchange Council, with heavyweight business supporters like Walmart, a major gun retailer.


New York Times.

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