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Airport Crisis

Darth Vader

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Let’s get the word out to get our politicians into action before it’s a done deal.


Maybe you could tell John Shimmin this morning when he opens the New £750k (BA & IOM Gov funded) Stores Building next to their Engineering Hangers at 11:30am. Maybe the Govenor would like to know too, you tell him at the same time as he is due there also.


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Some Liverpool/Isle of Man flights over the last few days have been cancelled with passengers stranded, after Denim Air mysteriously pulled out of a contractual arrangement with EuroManx to handle their flights.


Passengers have been stranded at Liverpool and Ronaldsway suffering delays while Euromanx endeavoured to replace aircraft.


Ronaldsway Airport officials are tightlipped over this crisis as it may highlight the weakness of the Manx Government’s “Open Skies” policy since Manx Airlines was bought out by British Airways.


EuroManx has now contracted an airline company called Scott Air to replace Denim. But even today passengers were allegedly stranded, while EuroManx desperately attempted to get aircraft to fulfil their schedule obligations.


The local media has been informed and mysteriously have not reported these events.

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A few weeks ago it was Emerald in trouble.  It's a wonder any of these planes fly at all, the amount of trouble the companies are in!


My British Airways flight to Manchester was cancelled last week. Are they going to the wall too? :P


I can assure you that Euromanx are not in financial trouble and that the recent problems with the aircraft are due to Denim air not fullfilling their contract. Euromanx are currently sorting the problem out.

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A few weeks ago it was Emerald in trouble.  It's a wonder any of these planes fly at all, the amount of trouble the companies are in!


My British Airways flight to Manchester was cancelled last week. Are they going to the wall too? :P


I can assure you that Euromanx are not in financial trouble and that the recent problems with the aircraft are due to Denim air not fullfilling their contract. Euromanx are currently sorting the problem out.


It all started when Denim had a plane go 'tech' and failed to bring in a substitute plane to cover the flights as required under their contract. All Denim's other planes were too busy and Euromanx had big problems covering the routes.


Euromanx have massive investment plans in place for the Isle of Man and as yet I have no confirmation that any of it has been or will be done with the assistance of the Isle of Man Government? As for BA, they have had their hand out for quite some time and have received plenty for what looks like becoming another Strix saga. :(

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Euromanx are going from strength to strength regarding passenger numbers and now hold the lion's share of airport business.  Euromanx do however have serious operational difficulties owing mainly due to its rapid expansion, not due to a lack of finances although getting paid of them takes ages, again due to the work load in their accounts dept.


The two Avro RJ's with Euromanx livery have arrived but as yet they have not got full crews to operate them.  You might have noticed them flying circuits of the airport late in the evening recently, this is the new pilots doing their line checks.  Soon these planes will be joined by two Dash-8's and three Dornier 328's to complement the fleet.


In the meanwhile Euromanx continue to use the services of Highland Air (not Scott air), FarnAir, Air Atlantique, Woodgate Aviation and Flightline.  These companies are contracted to Euromanx in a similar way to Denim Air was and Ross Air before them.  When Ross Air left the island they quickly went bust but I believe that Denim Air fell out of favor with Euromanx when their contract expired and Denim asked for more money to stay on in the Isle of Man.  At this time of the year Denim can make far more money operating in Europe than they could on the deal they had with Euromanx through the winter months, so no surprise they left.


The bosses at Euromanx have made a very large commitment to the island and make it quite clear that they are here for the long term.  They are pressing hard to get everything in place so that their operation can work efficiently but it's just going to take a bit longer than they hoped for.


Bad news coming from British Airways CitiXpress however.  The engineering base and its operations to Manchester, Gatwick and Luton will finish later this year, expected to be end of September.  Eastern Airways will continue to operate the Gatwick route but does not wish to continue BA's flights to and from Manchester.


Emerald Airways are holding on for the time being but have remained very quiet about rumors that they are having problems.


Very interesting. but as an ordinary member of the public I get the impression that EuroManx is basically a ticketing company and hires other airlines to fulfil its schedule. I suppose there may be nothing wrong in that but at the end of the day to the ordinary passenger, who the hell is responsible for what?


To my mind the situation is becoming like the the hospital building scandal.

Contractors, sub contractors, sub, sub contractors.


That is not a stable situation in my mind and to be quite honest it smells.

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Euromanx do however have serious operational difficulties owing mainly due to its rapid expansion, not due to a lack of finances although getting paid of them takes ages, again due to the work load in their accounts dept.


Has anyone any idea how much if any they owe Ronaldsway Airport in services such as landing fees etc.?


Also does anyone know if Ronaldsway Airport billing department is on top of their workload? :D

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EuroManx have never hidden how they operate. Their website clearly states the situation (Our flights are operated by ULL 14 t/a EuroManx Airways (Austria) - prior to this it had a similar message about Denim Air).


Most airlines do not own the aircraft that they operate, they lease them – either from a bank or as appears to be the case with EuroManx from another airline who has already got them on a long term lease and have no use for them. The next time you fly look for the silver plaque just inside the door and it will tell you who owns the aircraft.


I fly off island at least twice a month and could not give xxxx who owns or operates the plane so long as it operated safely and it is a reasonable fare. I reckon most people feel this way.


For what it is worth, I don’t think BA will operate the Luton route much longer – there are not enough people using it. The Manchester and Gatwick routes are useful to them because they feed into their other services but they will only operate them so long as there are sufficient passengers and they are getting incentives from the Isle of Man Government.


Isle of Man passengers have never had it so good, there are more flights to more destinations and in real terms the fares are around 20 to 30 per cent cheaper than 5 years ago. This is especially true if you shop around and plan ahead.

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On Sunday 8th May, a 217 seater Airbus A321 came (empty ) to the IOM from Oslo to take about 130 passengers on their direct flight to Verona, Italy. It left Ronaldsway at 0900 (on time!!) and landed in Verona 2 hours later (15 minutes early). The plane was on charter from My Travel. Staff at the airport said it was the largest aircraft they had handled.


Thanks for that! Just remembered that it was a big bird and the biggest one ever to land here - there was a picture of it on the old MF, but didn't remember it to be an Airbus..


As to snowboarding: Bavaria is better! (Bavarians and Austrians hate each other for ages - just happens that I'm from Bavaria, so no more Euromanx for me then..)

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Euromanx are going from strength to strength regarding passenger numbers and now hold the lion's share of airport business.  Euromanx do however have serious operational difficulties owing mainly due to its rapid expansion, not due to a lack of finances although getting paid of them takes ages, again due to the work load in their accounts dept.


The two Avro RJ's with Euromanx livery have arrived but as yet they have not got full crews to operate them.  You might have noticed them flying circuits of the airport late in the evening recently, this is the new pilots doing their line checks.  Soon these planes will be joined by two Dash-8's and three Dornier 328's to complement the fleet.


In the meanwhile Euromanx continue to use the services of Highland Air (not Scott air), FarnAir, Air Atlantique, Woodgate Aviation and Flightline.  These companies are contracted to Euromanx in a similar way to Denim Air was and Ross Air before them.  When Ross Air left the island they quickly went bust but I believe that Denim Air fell out of favor with Euromanx when their contract expired and Denim asked for more money to stay on in the Isle of Man.  At this time of the year Denim can make far more money operating in Europe than they could on the deal they had with Euromanx through the winter months, so no surprise they left.


The bosses at Euromanx have made a very large commitment to the island and make it quite clear that they are here for the long term.  They are pressing hard to get everything in place so that their operation can work efficiently but it's just going to take a bit longer than they hoped for.


Bad news coming from British Airways CitiXpress however.  The engineering base and its operations to Manchester, Gatwick and Luton will finish later this year, expected to be end of September.  Eastern Airways will continue to operate the Gatwick route but does not wish to continue BA's flights to and from Manchester.


Emerald Airways are holding on for the time being but have remained very quiet about rumors that they are having problems.


Who's the Plane spotter then. you seem to know alot of rumours?? Is it you I see with the binoculars.................

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Bad news coming from British Airways CitiXpress however.  The engineering base and its operations to Manchester, Gatwick and Luton will finish later this year, expected to be end of September.  Eastern Airways will continue to operate the Gatwick route but does not wish to continue BA's flights to and from Manchester.


Emerald Airways are holding on for the time being but have remained very quiet about rumors that they are having problems.


I wish I could have put a bet on that happening! I always thought "no way, they can’t!".


I call for a public demonstration against BA for this.


Let’s get the word out to get our politicians into action before it’s a done deal.


We need our bigger names in the Manx airline industry otherwise we won’t attract the visitors on lesser known airlines. I don’t mean to be so blunt but alot of people won’t travel to certain destinations unless they know the airline. Losing FlyBe was bad but this could really hurt the Isle of Man.


I will create a new thread for this topic.




Get to it then, shouldn't of sold Manx in the first place!!

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BA Citiexpress has just invested in a new Engineering Hangar in conjunction with the IOM Government and has always been keen to see the engineering side grow.

They also have a plan to upgrade all of there computer equipment so i cant imagine why they would consider pulling out of the island after just investing in it's employees.

Maybe the rumour merchants know something we dont and can fill us all in!!!!


I guess these rumours are all intended to drive customers to another Airline on the Island.


I wonder what the next rumour will be........ A380 lands on the Island!!!

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A source close to the tarmac informed me via Reuter News (Ronaldsway info desk, the source of all taxi driver gossip and central control for bullcrap propaganda) That today Eurotrash nearly got a parking ticket for abandoning two 146 jets on the apron. They could not be moved as there was no air crew or engineers available to shift them.


Ha ha ha!

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