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Pinewood...more Govt Propaganda

Albert Tatlock

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why does the manx government have to invest in (what seems to be "very risky" stock) when i (just a small investor) can invest in a relatively secure stock such as NATIONAL GRID and realise a 32% return over 14 months NOT including dividends,ffs my GSK stock look even better risk considering the dividend return i receive,should i offer them my services!!!!!!!

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I wonder if the success of Waking Ned is a large reason for the belief in Govt in films? Having hit the jackpot once early where they tempted into believing that the next one was just around the corner. Rather like a gambler who has hid the jackpot once, did they forget the inherrent risks and believe that they had the formula to guarantee they would carry on being a winner.

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It seems patently obvious to me that the few film crews I have seen on the Island, and the short periods they have been here would not hold water in respect of spend attracted to the island so I hope Eddie won't cling to that as a financial explanation as to where taxpayers long millions has gone.

The poster boy from Treasury for indirect benefits is TT: Closer to the Edge. This was a big hit and undoubtedly promoted both the IOM and the TT.

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It seems patently obvious to me that the few film crews I have seen on the Island, and the short periods they have been here would not hold water in respect of spend attracted to the island so I hope Eddie won't cling to that as a financial explanation as to where taxpayers long millions has gone.

The poster boy from Treasury for indirect benefits is TT: Closer to the Edge. This was a big hit and undoubtedly promoted both the IOM and the TT.


I understand all that slim but FFS 50 million would buy an awful lot of advertising !

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It seems patently obvious to me that the few film crews I have seen on the Island, and the short periods they have been here would not hold water in respect of spend attracted to the island so I hope Eddie won't cling to that as a financial explanation as to where taxpayers long millions has gone.

The poster boy from Treasury for indirect benefits is TT: Closer to the Edge. This was a big hit and undoubtedly promoted both the IOM and the TT.



But how did it do financially and who did it promote the IoM TT to? People "new" to the IoM or bikers who already new about the IoM & TT?

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It seems patently obvious to me that the few film crews I have seen on the Island, and the short periods they have been here would not hold water in respect of spend attracted to the island so I hope Eddie won't cling to that as a financial explanation as to where taxpayers long millions has gone.

The poster boy from Treasury for indirect benefits is TT: Closer to the Edge. This was a big hit and undoubtedly promoted both the IOM and the TT.



Prior to TT:Closer to the Edge, IOM Films produced approx 60 films. I hope that we don't have to wait another 60 films worth to reap a significant reward. If that's the case then we can look forward to writing-off another shed load of revenue that IOMG/IOMF thought they would hold a "recruitment position" on.


If IOMG want to sell TT and/or the IOM then it can be done via Google Ads. If IOMG are relying on IOMF to market the IOM then it's a very expensive way of doing it.

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TT Closer sells for £8 on Amazon. How big can our cut be? 50p?


So TT Closer & Belle need to sell 28 million copies to make up our recent £14 million loss.


To put it in perspective, "Titanic" was the first ever DVD to sell ONE million copies.

You need to add the 24.5 million written off in 2010/2011 & 2012 (I think) as well.

Edited by Andy Onchan
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When Closer to the Edge was released I think only one documentary had made more at the box office than it cost to make. To me that would have indicated the chance of success at the box office. Roughly at the same time as it was released so was Senna, which I think is the highest grossing documentary film in history and one about the West Indian cricket team which had good reviews.


I watched neither, although I might watch the cricket one if I see it on TV and that they are probably attracting an audience that already knows about or has an interest in the topic. Closer to the Edge to be a great promotional film for the IoM and TT has to grab the attention of the "neutral". I have no idea whether or not it did that. I expect those who went generally were already people who had an interest in the IoM, Motorbikes or the TT, or went with somebody who did.

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Let's get to the bottom of this


How much has been invested in Pinewood by Isle of Man Government, and how much is that investment now worth?

Two answers to those questions.


1) "Commercially Confidential" and


2) For the sake or your (and everybody else's) blood pressure, "You don't want to know"....

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Having spent a bit of time looking at iom film and box office takings they haven't done that well. The funny thing being is that the same names keep popping up. Martin Pope has done very well out of IOM Film not sure why as when you look at the films he has produced they aren't doing that well with the Box Office or DVD sales. The Cottage was a flop the latest one which cost 8 million low budget has so far taken a few hundred thousand dollars it ain't going to recoup the 8 million at the cinema so again another flop. Chico and Rita another Pope film, nice film but hasn't made any money. Why does the government back the same horse if it's never going to win.

Edited by CBman
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Having spent a bit of time looking at iom film and box office takings they haven't done that well. The funny thing being is that the same names keep popping up. Martin Pope has done very well out of IOM Film not sure why as when you look at the films he has produced they aren't doing that well with the Box Office or DVD sales. The Cottage was a flop the latest one which cost 8 million low budget has so far taken a few hundred thousand dollars it ain't going to recoup the 8 million at the cinema so again another flop. Chico and Rita another Pope film, nice film but hasn't made any money. Why does the government back the same horse if it's never going to win.

When will people work out this was never to do with making successful films (obviously given some of the turds we funded) in the IOM. Before the rules changed it was about generating VAT on the production and other costs booked through IOM registered production companies which IOMG benefitted from. If you are funding a £10m turkey - that's putting an extra £10m of 'domestic' turnover on to your total GDP figures from which you rake more than £2m off directly at the top end, and then even more indirectly by goods and services actually bought here. You probably get a £3m direct and indirect benefit for every £10m spent. Very few of what you fund needs to make money.


Why do you think Gary Barlow and other are all getting screwed by HMRC on their film partnership tax structures in the UK now? They aren't about producing films either, they are about giving tax write offs to very wealthy individuals and if they get their money back then they are doing ok as the investments are tax deductible and the losses are offsetting income being taxed at 40% elsewhere in their earnings. Very little of the film industry is actually about making films that make profits.

Edited by oldmanxfella
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So Disney don't mind if a film costs 120 million to make and rakes in half a million through sales. ...now if I was a share holder in that company and it lost a 100 million plus on every film I'd sell my shares quickly. Pope and Christian have been involved with plenty of movies over here some which have had a half decent review but not one has shown a profit. Closer to the edge is the only one to do anything.

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