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Who Won The War On Terror?

Thomas Jefferson

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A number of analysts have observed that although bin Laden was finally killed, he won some major successes in his war against the U.S. ‘He repeatedly asserted that the only way to drive the U.S. from the Muslim world and defeat its satraps was by drawing Americans into a series of small but expensive wars that would ultimately bankrupt them,’ Eric Margolis writes. ‘“Bleeding the U.S.,” in his words.’ The United States, first under George W. Bush and then Barack Obama, rushed right into bin Laden’s trap… Grotesquely overblown military outlays and debt addiction… may be the most pernicious legacy of the man who thought he could defeat the United States—particularly when the debt is being cynically exploited by the far right, with the collusion of the Democrat establishment, to undermine what remains of social programs, public education, unions, and, in general, remaining barriers to corporate tyranny.

Excerpt from the new preface of the 10th anniversary reissue of Noam Chomsky’s 9-11: Was There an Alternative?


Interesting thoughts from Prof. Chomsky (which I agree with). What do you think?

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No one won it outright - it was a tie between the oil companies and the arms manufacturers.


Drug traffickers have also benefited, and the biggest drug traffickers of the lot are the intelligence services (especially the CIA). Also, what President Eisenhower called the "military-industrial complex" has now expanded into a surveillance-security-prison complex, thanks in large part to draconian laws brought in to supposedly combat terrorism. The prison aspect of this allows the very same corporations to benefit from a cheap labour supply of millions of people.

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The 'War On Terror' was never supposed to be won. For a start it doesn't make sense, it's Orwellian Doublespeak to leave it open to whatever interpretation the government of the day wants to apply it to. Any war/invasion/peace-keeping exercise you like (for whatever spurious reason) which might be contentious just trot out 'War On Terror' and the public go all glassy-eyed and switch off. Job done. Same with any new laws they want to pass.


It's basically a statement of intent by NATO countries to go on an empire-building spree whilst obliterating civil liberties at home at the same time.

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Today´s terrorists might be tomorrow' s freedom fighters.


Unless you are one of the innocents they slaughtered of course. In which case the murdering bastard will always be a murdering bastard.


No matter if they had a Chinese copy AK47 in their hand or their finger the launch button of a Tomahawk missile.


The first person to put the guns down and stop the killing will be the winner.


Reckon we need to wait a bit before that happens. The real shame of course is that 99.9% of the worlds population have no desire to kill other people.


But that other 0.1% does seem to let the human race down somewhat.


Edit to add: If you do some quick sums in your head, it might even be less than 0.000000000001% of the 7.062 billion people living on this planet at the moment.


Seems that more than 50% of them are American and are dressed in olive :-(


If, every day 100 terrorists kill 1000 people anywhere in the world, it would still be a stupidly small percentage.


But we read read about a handfull of people killing perhaps 100 people a week. That's terrorists of course. Seems the Americans kill a thousand people a week just on the offchance they can nail one of the handfull of real nasy bastards. Then they wonder why even more nasty bastards sring up from nowhere.....


Time to Disarm the Yanks I say. They are the most radical nutters on earth :-(

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Today´s terrorists might be tomorrow' s freedom fighters.


Unless you are one of the innocents they slaughtered of course. In which case the murdering bastard will always be a murdering bastard.


No matter if they had a Chinese copy AK47 in their hand or their finger the launch button of a Tomahawk missile.


The first person to put the guns down and stop the killing will be the winner.


Reckon we need to wait a bit before that happens. The real shame of course is that 99.9% of the worlds population have no desire to kill other people.


But that other 0.1% does seem to let the human race down somewhat.


Edit to add: If you do some quick sums in your head, it might even be less than 0.000000000001% of the 7.062 billion people living on this planet at the moment.


Seems that more than 50% of them are American and are dressed in olive :-(


If, every day 100 terrorists kill 1000 people anywhere in the world, it would still be a stupidly small percentage.


But we read read about a handfull of people killing perhaps 100 people a week. That's terrorists of course. Seems the Americans kill a thousand people a week just on the offchance they can nail one of the handfull of real nasy bastards. Then they wonder why even more nasty bastards sring up from nowhere.....


Time to Disarm the Yanks I say. They are the most radical nutters on earth :-(


The real brains are the castle dwellers behind the yanks.....

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Today´s terrorists might be tomorrow' s freedom fighters.


ple living on this planet at the moment.


Blah blah blah.....


Time to Disarm the Yanks I say. They are the most radical nutters on earth :-(


The real brains are the castle dwellers behind the yanks.....


Who are the castle dwellers Lx^3?


Please explain. Never heard of this.

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The Americans - particularly the military -are killing themselves at an astonishing rate


Not sure they need an enemy any more


Ah. the enemy is within.....


Big guns and no brains = carnage.


Is this a paradox?


No war, no friendly fire incidents. Have a phoney war and you can always blame someone else when your billion doller jets hit the wrong target.


The paradox is,if the Americans were not too busy fighting for our freedom, would there even be a war?



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Today´s terrorists might be tomorrow' s freedom fighters.


ple living on this planet at the moment.


Blah blah blah.....


Time to Disarm the Yanks I say. They are the most radical nutters on earth :-(


The real brains are the castle dwellers behind the yanks.....


Who are the castle dwellers Lx^3?


Please explain. Never heard of this.


Just trolling. Although the work of Lyndan LaRouche is worth a look.

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