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Usa Guilty Of Nazi Style Sterilisation

Darth Vader

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What do you expect from hick towns.


There's nothing anyone can do about it now anyway and chances are it wouldn't happen again. But then again you never can tell with these hick towns.


The Texas chainsaw massacre springs to mind though.

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Hick town? According to that report it was practiced in 33 states. As you said though, it's a practice that's thankfully not done any more. Quite amazing how the yanks pull the holier than thou crap all the time when this is in their recent history.

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Surely less americans cant be a bad thing?


Oh I don't know.

Americans are like everyone else, good ones & bad ones wherever you go.

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Not unique to the US, especially noteworthy was India when Sanjay Ghandi inflicting a compulsory sterilization campaign during which men who had more than two children were picked up off the streets and operated on in mobile clinics though other countries did the same.


Not just compulsory sterilisation in the US. Lobotomy was a commonplace enforced treatment but to my mind one of the worst cases of population abuse is this ---


Quote from http://www.infoplease.com/spot/bhmtuskegee1.html


“For forty years between 1932 and 1972, the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) conducted an experiment on 399 black men in the late stages of syphilis. These men, for the most part illiterate sharecroppers from one of the poorest counties in Alabama, were never told what disease they were suffering from or of its seriousness. Informed that they were being treated for “bad blood,” their doctors had no intention of curing them of syphilis at all.


The data for the experiment was to be collected from autopsies of the men, and they were thus deliberately left to degenerate under the ravages of tertiary syphilis—which can include tumors, heart disease, paralysis, blindness, insanity, and death. “As I see it,” one of the doctors involved explained, “we have no further interest in these patients until they die.”


It might even be said that this report --- (http://www.drugtext.org/library/articles/901604.html ) shows that rather than addressing a medical need with the state of the art knowledge across the country observing the effects of varying treatment on a group of people infected with HIV /AIDS represented an experiment of highly questionable morality by the UK.

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Hmm - I wonder how many more countries have looked this up in our history books.. In the end, ze Führer (or Gröfaz, as he was usually referred to - "Größter Führer aller Zeiten" - greatest leader of all times.) was pretty much the first to use this - next to an endless number of other unspeakable measures and experiments to enhance the superiority of the "Arian Race" (Which he was totally a part of, with his black hair and dark eyes :huh: )


Now, who still believes that Dubya is really fighting for justice, democracy and world peace?....(wait a sec - starting a war to achieve peace?... :unsure: )


And China, they murdered someone who refused to be sterilized.


I remember stories about China and that families had, and still have, to comply with very strict birth controls - more than once did I read that babies were drowned or otherwise killed, because they were girls - every family is only allowed to have one child, and girls are second-choice to boys..


People should visit websites like this or this more, just to keep things balanced...

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