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How Is This Right?

Matt Bawden

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Check this link out, whilst the guy is an idiot, fantasist, Walter Mitty type character, in desperate need of psychiatric help, sad, pathetic and barbaric of mind..................there is no way his sentence is appropriate, how the hell can this person get such a sentence or am I missing the point:



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Check this link out, whilst the guy is an idiot, fantasist, Walter Mitty type character, in desperate need of psychiatric help, sad, pathetic and barbaric of mind..................there is no way his sentence is appropriate, how the hell can this person get such a sentence or am I missing the point:




Whilst I admire you for posting under your real name and I admit to agreeing with a lot of what you post, I have to say that I can not believe that you feel this sad, sick fucker has been dealt a bad hand.

Have we become so desensitised that you think his behavior is OK ?

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Check this link out, whilst the guy is an idiot, fantasist, Walter Mitty type character, in desperate need of psychiatric help, sad, pathetic and barbaric of mind..................there is no way his sentence is appropriate, how the hell can this person get such a sentence or am I missing the point:




Whilst I admire you for posting under your real name and I admit to agreeing with a lot of what you post, I have to say that I can not believe that you feel this sad, sick fucker has been dealt a bad hand.

Have we become so desensitised that you think his behavior is OK ?


I don't think his behaviour is ok at all, in fact quite the opposite, I just think that he needs to be in a psychiatric hospital rather than prison. Let's look at the facts, although he is severely delusional and clearly unstable there are kiddy fiddlers, rapists and in fact men who have killed women (mainly their partners) who have received sentences of the same length.


It's not that I feel he has been dealt a bad hand, it's the fact that he has been charged under the Terrorism Act of 2006 and yet people like Abu Hamza never got sentenced for anything he did/said/instigated and there are plenty of others of similar ilk.


If he were a juvenile and did this then it may well be an indicator to sociopathic/psychopathic behaviours, however he is a fully fledged adult and is merely an absolute basket case but not a killer and no real threat as might be first thought, even the police thought he was just an absolute tool with no understanding of accepted norms within society.

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Check this link out, whilst the guy is an idiot, fantasist, Walter Mitty type character, in desperate need of psychiatric help, sad, pathetic and barbaric of mind..................there is no way his sentence is appropriate, how the hell can this person get such a sentence or am I missing the point:




Totally agree.

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Check this link out, whilst the guy is an idiot, fantasist, Walter Mitty type character, in desperate need of psychiatric help, sad, pathetic and barbaric of mind..................there is no way his sentence is appropriate, how the hell can this person get such a sentence or am I missing the point:




Whilst I admire you for posting under your real name and I admit to agreeing with a lot of what you post, I have to say that I can not believe that you feel this sad, sick fucker has been dealt a bad hand.

Have we become so desensitised that you think his behavior is OK ?


I don't think his behaviour is ok at all, in fact quite the opposite, I just think that he needs to be in a psychiatric hospital rather than prison. Let's look at the facts, although he is severely delusional and clearly unstable there are kiddy fiddlers, rapists and in fact men who have killed women (mainly their partners) who have received sentences of the same length.


It's not that I feel he has been dealt a bad hand, it's the fact that he has been charged under the Terrorism Act of 2006 and yet people like Abu Hamza never got sentenced for anything he did/said/instigated and there are plenty of others of similar ilk.


If he were a juvenile and did this then it may well be an indicator to sociopathic/psychopathic behaviours, however he is a fully fledged adult and is merely an absolute basket case but not a killer and no real threat as might be first thought, even the police thought he was just an absolute tool with no understanding of accepted norms within society.

I think you're right.

He should be sent to a psychiatric hospital and as there's no get out clause or specific release date, he could easily do 5 or even life, until the shrinks feel that he's able to be let out.

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Hopefully the guy can get some help to sort his head out. On a similar vein I hope those in London who are harassing people on the streets on the basis of what they are wearing or carrying are given a long time to appreciate that London is not a Muslim country !

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There was a report on the BBC website yesterday about a person being shouted at in Whitechapel, east London by a group of Moslems. They percieved the person to be gay and to get out of Whitechapel because it is a Muslem area.


I do think that we shall see more and more trouble like this and the man above in the future.

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Uuuuur, have you not seen Four Lions? Watch it. Tells you all you need to know about tewwowists. Pfft beheadings? Whatever. It's not something I would look for but I'm sure people are into that kind of thing, it's a bit weird, maybe they have not considered the consequences or content fully, I dunno, not my idea of fun.


Forgot my answer to your question Matt :) - it is, "Yes, I think it is ridiculous"

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Whilst I admire you for posting under your real name and I admit to agreeing with a lot of what you post, I have to say that I can not believe that you feel this sad, sick fucker has been dealt a bad hand.

Have we become so desensitised that you think his behavior is OK ?

Can you tell us why you think gaoling this man and gaoling for a period of five years is deserved. You mention something about 'sick' and 'sad'. Please explain more.
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