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How Is This Right?

Matt Bawden

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There was a report on the BBC website yesterday about a person being shouted at in Whitechapel, east London by a group of Moslems. They percieved the person to be gay and to get out of Whitechapel because it is a Muslem area.


I do think that we shall see more and more trouble like this and the man above in the future.

I have no idea why you think this mentally disturbed person's antics and incidents on the streets of London have any connection that would lead you to think that.
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Check this link out, whilst the guy is an idiot, fantasist, Walter Mitty type character, in desperate need of psychiatric help, sad, pathetic and barbaric of mind..................there is no way his sentence is appropriate, how the hell can this person get such a sentence or am I missing the point:




If I was the judge, I'd have had him hanging with piano wire from a meat hook.

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Check this link out, whilst the guy is an idiot, fantasist, Walter Mitty type character, in desperate need of psychiatric help, sad, pathetic and barbaric of mind..................there is no way his sentence is appropriate, how the hell can this person get such a sentence or am I missing the point:




If I was the judge, I'd have had him hanging with piano wire from a meat hook.


Well of course you would, it's hardly surprising being the smug self-righteous twit that you are.

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Whilst I admire you for posting under your real name and I admit to agreeing with a lot of what you post, I have to say that I can not believe that you feel this sad, sick fucker has been dealt a bad hand.

Have we become so desensitised that you think his behavior is OK ?

Can you tell us why you think gaoling this man and gaoling for a period of five years is deserved. You mention something about 'sick' and 'sad'. Please explain more.


Can't be arsed trying to explain to you (of all people), but I think you need to read a bit more about the chap before you jump to defend him. !!!

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Well of course you would, it's hardly surprising being the smug self-righteous twit that you are.


I was thinking the same of anyone stupid enough to defend this evil person.


It's a good job I wasn't defending him then, merely defending myself regarding liberty and freedom, but then you'd already know this being the all knowing and seeing oracle/demi-god that you believe yourself to be.

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It's a good job I wasn't defending him then, merely defending myself regarding liberty and freedom, but then you'd already know this being the all knowing and seeing oracle/demi-god that you believe yourself to be.


Would you care to provide a citation for when/where I have claimed to be an all-knowing and seeing oracle/demi-god?


Didn't think so.

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It's a good job I wasn't defending him then, merely defending myself regarding liberty and freedom, but then you'd already know this being the all knowing and seeing oracle/demi-god that you believe yourself to be.


Would you care to provide a citation for when/where I have claimed to be an all-knowing and seeing oracle/demi-god?


Didn't think so.


Oh my, the irony is actually lost on you.

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The establishment can do whatever they like to whoever they like under anti terrorism legislation. Pre 9/11 he would never have been charged.

And with good reason, if it keeps nut jobs of the street!

It's really more about justifying positions of power for control freak nutters than exacting any form of acceptable societal justice.

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Check this link out, whilst the guy is an idiot, fantasist, Walter Mitty type character, in desperate need of psychiatric help, sad, pathetic and barbaric of mind..................there is no way his sentence is appropriate, how the hell can this person get such a sentence or am I missing the point:




If I was the judge, I'd have had him hanging with piano wire from a meat hook.

I guess,like most,I can be thankful your not a judge then.

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I'd have had him hanging with piano wire from a meat hook.


Strange, that's what I'm usually thinking when I read one of your ridiculous, rambling posts. You know, the ones where you feel the need to share your thoughts about how we all should live; and that anyone who doesn't share your bizzare views is a sheep?

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