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How Is This Right?

Matt Bawden

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Check this link out, whilst the guy is an idiot, fantasist, Walter Mitty type character, in desperate need of psychiatric help, sad, pathetic and barbaric of mind..................there is no way his sentence is appropriate, how the hell can this person get such a sentence or am I missing the point:




If I was the judge, I'd have had him hanging with piano wire from a meat hook.

I guess,like most,I can be thankful your not a judge then.


Just as I, like most, can be thankful you're not an English teacher.

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I'd have had him hanging with piano wire from a meat hook.


Strange, that's what I'm usually thinking when I read one of your ridiculous, rambling posts. You know, the ones where you feel the need to share your thoughts about how we all should live; and that anyone who doesn't share your bizzare views is a sheep?


I have no interest in how you live; I am only interested when it affects me and my loved ones.

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I'd have had him hanging with piano wire from a meat hook.


Strange, that's what I'm usually thinking when I read one of your ridiculous, rambling posts. You know, the ones where you feel the need to share your thoughts about how we all should live; and that anyone who doesn't share your bizzare views is a sheep?


I have no interest in how you live; I am only interested when it affects me and my loved ones.


You have loved ones???huh.png

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Does this not come to what prison is for? You know, the old question of wether prison is for punishment or is it to remove a dangerous person from the society for the protection of others.


So this guy has not harmed others has he? I mean, if you don't like what he posts on FB, you just need to report his posts and defriend him.


Has he been removed from society to protect others? Does not sound like it. He has no links to terrorist organisations. If they thought he was part of a cell planning attacks, surely they would have tailed him to catch the lot.


Nah, this is thought police at it's best in my opinion.


I don't agree with what he appears to believe of course.


But jail for the thoughts in his head? Nop, they should have just taken his computer away for a while for breaching the rules of the websites he was posting to.


And if anyone posts that they wan't to string me up by the balls because of my opinion, are you not just doing the same thing that he is in jail for stuart.gif

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Does this not come to what prison is for? You know, the old question of wether prison is for punishment or is it to remove a dangerous person from the society for the protection of others.

It's not an old age question. Incarceration as is undertaken today isn't an old way of dealing with criminals and problem people. And the question isn't even a modern one. Nobody gets banged away just because they are thought to be dangerous, EXCEPT those who are dangerous to government power.
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Does this not come to what prison is for? You know, the old question of wether prison is for punishment or is it to remove a dangerous person from the society for the protection of others.


So this guy has not harmed others has he? I mean, if you don't like what he posts on FB, you just need to report his posts and defriend him.


Has he been removed from society to protect others? Does not sound like it. He has no links to terrorist organisations. If they thought he was part of a cell planning attacks, surely they would have tailed him to catch the lot.


Nah, this is thought police at it's best in my opinion.


I don't agree with what he appears to believe of course.


But jail for the thoughts in his head? Nop, they should have just taken his computer away for a while for breaching the rules of the websites he was posting to.


And if anyone posts that they wan't to string me up by the balls because of my opinion, are you not just doing the same thing that he is in jail for stuart.gif

I share your view on this,the dangerous element here is the anti libertarian 'thought police.'

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His motives are vague, i can't work out his real reason for this. The video links, specifically. He's obviously down on muslims and maybe his intention was to highlight the barbarity and scripture-driven atrocities carried-out by some muslims, i.e. Taleban, Al-qaeda other islamic extremist groups. Is this really a crime? Showing stuff that may cast a shadow over Islam is frowned-upon in our multi-cultural society and maybe part of his prosecution and subsequent sentence. Obviously he's an extremist himself and in a culture-war of his own but speech is either free or it isn't, extreme or not. I suspect there was pressure to make an example of this guy because of his views on Islam, hence the suggested severity of his sentence.

I don't recall many prosecutions in the opposite direction, after all, youtube and other sites out there regularly call for us ''Kaffirs'' to be punished and, alarmingly, beheaded, and this from 'home-grown' British muslims, hateful of the culture they grew up in, and intent on establishing sharia law. His may've been a reaction too far, for some, but i suspect there are many as he, out there, on both 'sides'.

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The establishment can do whatever they like to whoever they like under anti terrorism legislation. Pre 9/11 he would never have been charged.

And with good reason, if it keeps nut jobs of the street!

It's really more about justifying positions of power for control freak nutters than exacting any form of acceptable societal justice.


As the justice system 'stinks'! People are able to abuse the system in place regularly, there is no other way justice is able to deal with persons who have (in my opinion), a very different outlook on life and will push the boundaries with their idiocy. Therefore the 9/11 harsh introduction is a good thing - don't get me wrong it is open for abuse, and this will/has happened since it was introduced.


Although I do believe that the person within this post would benefit more from specialist treatment until they find the missing link to humanity!

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Are you talking about all laws introduced after 9/11 relating to terrorism?


LDV! I can honestly say I have no idea how many laws have been introduced since the 9/11 tragedy! All I can see is a bigger more proactive stance on potential terrorist threats! Don't get me wrong, there have been some OTT policing of the situations at times!

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Are you talking about all laws introduced after 9/11 relating to terrorism?


LDV! I can honestly say I have no idea how many laws have been introduced since the 9/11 tragedy! All I can see is a bigger more proactive stance on potential terrorist threats! Don't get me wrong, there have been some OTT policing of the situations at times!


They had a whole load of draconian legislation they were wanting to push down our necks, and they were waiting for an event 9/11 as an excuse to push them through. It is in their own white papers going back years before 9/11. In the 1960s, they even considered carrying out false flag terrorist attacks and then blaming it on the Cubans. Look up OPERATION NORTHWOODS.

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