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Royal arrogance and contempt or what? Dump him in Helmand....on his own.

I think you are the one who should be dumed in helmand....on your own, or possibly along with the media who wrote this tripe.


Harry was asked - Have you killed any taliban.He responded - we all have. You have to take a life to save a life. (meaning your own).


When talking about the Apache, he mentioned that he play Xbox a lot. What he means is that he has very good hand/ eye coordination, which helps him in his job of flying.


Watch the interview before you believe the tripe in the guardian.



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Royal arrogance and contempt or what? Dump him in Helmand....on his own.

I think you are the one who should be dumed in helmand....on your own, or possibly along with the media who wrote this tripe.


Harry was asked - Have you killed any taliban.He responded - we all have. You have to take a life to save a life. (meaning your own).


When talking about the Apache, he mentioned that he play Xbox a lot. What he means is that he has very good hand/ eye coordination, which helps him in his job of flying.


Watch the interview before you believe the tripe in the guardian.




Even the article says that further down if people would just read more than the headlines:


"It's a joy for me because I'm one of those people who loves playing PlayStation and Xbox, so with my thumbs I like to think I'm probably quite useful,"

So he doesn't compare it to a video game at all. He compares the control systems. Which is probably reasonably accurate, since they're both designed to be used by hands.

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Royal arrogance and contempt or what? Dump him in Helmand....on his own.

I think you are the one who should be dumed in helmand....on your own, or possibly along with the media who wrote this tripe.


Harry was asked - Have you killed any taliban.He responded - we all have. You have to take a life to save a life. (meaning your own).


When talking about the Apache, he mentioned that he play Xbox a lot. What he means is that he has very good hand/ eye coordination, which helps him in his job of flying.


Watch the interview before you believe the tripe in the guardian.



Still................ dump the little pr!ck in Helmand.....
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That's a bit of an over simplification sarah. However it's one of the jobs of some of the army definitely. I think he is in that 'some of the army' so it's perhaps inevitable that he's killed one or two of the enemy. Again I can't see the big issue apart from the view that perhaps we shouldn't be there in the first place.


I'm no royalist (quite the opposte in fact) but I can't really see what terrible crime he's committed apart from not choosing his parents very well. I certainly wouldn't swop places with him . You can hardly put in the same bracket as that other ginger one. What's she up to now?

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Lots of people seem to forget that it's a soldier's job to kill people.



Only if they haven't read Sun Tzu:


In the practical art of war, the best thing of all is to take the enemy's country whole and intact; to shatter and destroy it is not so good. So, too, it is better to recapture an army entire than to destroy it, to capture a regiment, a detachment or a company entire than to destroy them. Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.
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Lots of people seem to forget that it's a soldier's job to kill people.


Yup. But only the bad people...... no matter if they are soldiers or not.


Oh wait.... if bad people are soldiers why are they trying to kill the good soldiers?


I blame Roy Rodgers myself. Imagine if his cowboy Character had still been a good guy but he wore a black hat. And the baddies wore white hats. Things might just have turned out a little different than they are now....




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  • 2 weeks later...

His job's to be a prince, the army's his hobby.

I think you'll find that he was born a prince and became a soldier. He is a member of the royal family although he didn't really get much of a choice in that did he?


As a member of the royal family, he has a duty to the Queen. I can see no better way of him fulfilling his duty than by serving in the armed forces for and on behalf of his country.

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