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Someone In Argentina Has Been At The Silly Juice Again


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One set of Imperialists (People who are originally Spanish, who conquered the land now known as Argentina and killed almost all of the indigenous people in that land) think they have some sort of moral superiority over another bunch of imperialists whatever.gif

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"The Falkland Islands will be back under Argentine control within "20 years", the country's foreign minister Hector Timerman has said."


As long as BP get all the oil out in 19 - who really gives a toss?


Well I think the Falkland Islanders might be a bit pissed....

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"The Falkland Islands will be back under Argentine control within "20 years", the country's foreign minister Hector Timerman has said."


As long as BP get all the oil out in 19 - who really gives a toss?


Well I think the Falkland Islanders might be a bit pissed....


That can be Bell's diplomatic masterstroke. Offer them all repatriation here with land for a large bung from the UK to replace the VAT money, once BP have raped all the natural resources. Fast Eddie will love that.

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"The Falkland Islands will be back under Argentine control within "20 years", the country's foreign minister Hector Timerman has said."


What do the Falkland Islanders themselves want?


We'll find out in March when their have their referendum. But considering the Argentinians have basically said they do not recognise their existence, I can imagine they aren't going to vote to be part of Argentinia.

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Didn't they have a referendum there recently, where 90% of th population wanted to stay British.

I could understand Argentina's claims if it was uninhabited, but it's not and nobody there wants to be Argie.

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Hardly in a position to defend them with similar force this time around though.....


I doubt Argentinia has the military budget to stage a similar invasion.


Also, the UK has the advantage of a stationed garrison much larger than the Royal Marine detachment that was down the the last time.

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Not to mention far superior ships than last time around, and once the new carriers come onboard well, it's game over Argentina.


The time to do it would be before the carriers arrive. I'm sure some sort of force could still be put together using HMS Ocean and Bulwark etc but with no Harriers or equivalent, we'd struggle for air superiority atm.

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No, there wouldn't be anything near the resources and power projection capabilites that were used in the early 80s. A carrier, a couple of amphibious warfare craft, a few frigates and destroyers aren't going to cut it. Britain has just less of everything.

Not sure about the Argentinian forces though, but if they half decent aircraft and anti-ship weapons then there is little that can be done.


The only thing in Britain's favour are the troops stationed in the falklands, as MDO mentions. That is what would (and probably does deter) any action.

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