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Tynwald 19Th February 2013

Donald Trumps

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I think that Eurocars are going to be the most badly affected business along Peel Road. They will have huge operating costs and new customers are going to be deterred from visiting, just like Walton's, McDonald's and the Milestone I fear for the security of their staff.

What the government gives with one hand it takes away with the other. While they create a few jobs on road repairs they dispense with others in retail.


While retail is in the doldrums, is this a good time to be doing this work? Maybe it should be postponed to allow businesses to plan and recover some reserves?




As for McDonald's, it may hurt hem a bit but again buying food is not something you "window shop" for, you realise you are hungry, decide to buy a takeaway and then go to the establishment that you fancy. I really cant see McD's serving many people that driving past happen to see them and then think "Oh I want food"




I tend to agree , but an overlooked point perhaps,for me,is that if ever i have a Maccy's it is because I'm looking for a quick option. If I've got to sit at traffic lights for 10 minutes to get one the 'quick' aspect has gone and I might as well queue at a chippy or butty shop I can drive to without delay. So it would cost them my rare visits.

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