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Pope Benedict Retires


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Well its business as usual if the bookies favourite from Ghana is given Popedom.


He is in support of the "Kill the Gays" policy in Africa and is as much a bigot as the last Pope.


Once again, good to see Religion leading the way to a better future......not


He will say anything to become the first elected black pope whatever.gif


I am assuming that the early popes from the middle east were not dark skinned.


3 black popes, first one in 166ace.


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I find those observations to be unremarkable if we are talking about ritual itself. They don't appear to mark out a dispostion to those forms of behaviour, just an ability to perform them.


If you are talking about something different than ritual, which you later seem to be in a way by mention of 'tribal belonging' then I would agree. But it isn't ritual but about the meaning of particular behaviours and practices which people may be predisposed to.


I do agree that ritual helps to create a unified sense of community.


LDV, how about reading Jung. You will find plenty of proof that human beings are ritualistic animals due to the reptilian part of their brain. It is also responsible for tribalism and the herd mentality. It is also why they hold ceremonies such as state banquests, coronations, funeral services, weddings, the need to create liturgy both in religious as well as in the judicial and political arena, and it's also why they have built huge imposing monuments all throughout history (though I think Freud would have something to say about that as well).

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3 black popes, first one in 166ace.


North African, but not necessarily "black". North Africa was a melting pot of peoples from all over the Mediterranean -- Phoenicians, Greeks, Italians, Semites and of course black Africans.If they had been specifically black then I think that would have been indicated in the literature, although there's no reason to doubt that they could have had some black ancestry.

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Well its business as usual if the bookies favourite from Ghana is given Popedom.


He is in support of the "Kill the Gays" policy in Africa and is as much a bigot as the last Pope.


Once again, good to see Religion leading the way to a better future......not


Oh ,but if only a black dude gets voted for, everything will be hunky dory and everyone will live happily ever after, just as it happened in America when Nobel Peace Prize Winning Barack Obama got elected and ended the wars, closed Gitmo, put a stop to drone attacks, landed a pig on the moon and fixed the economy. Oh wait.....


We need to get out of this idiotic mentality of focusing on a person's colour. It is their character, mind and actions we should be judging, not their skin colour. Judging a person's ability to lead a country or a religion based on their skin colour is like judging a person's ability based on whether they have big ears or not, or whether they have blue eyes or green eyes, or whether they brush their teeth with Sensodyne Extras Fresh or Sensodyne Repair and Protect. People need to grow up. No wonder the planet is in such a sorry state.......

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We need to get out of this idiotic mentality of focusing on a person's colour. It is their character, mind and actions we should be judging, not their skin colour. Judging a person's ability to lead a country or a religion based on their skin colour is like judging a person's ability based on whether they have big ears or not, or whether they have blue eyes or green eyes, or whether they brush their teeth with Sensodyne Extras Fresh or Sensodyne Repair and Protect. People need to grow up. No wonder the planet is in such a sorry state.......


On this you are absolutely right. But... it is hugely symbolic for there to be a black president of the US, as it would be if there were to be a black pope. It adds nothing to his ability to do the job, but for the black Americans, and black catholics who for generations have been oppressed or just felt under-represented, having a black leader is significant.

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We need to get out of this idiotic mentality of focusing on a person's colour. It is their character, mind and actions we should be judging, not their skin colour. Judging a person's ability to lead a country or a religion based on their skin colour is like judging a person's ability based on whether they have big ears or not, or whether they have blue eyes or green eyes, or whether they brush their teeth with Sensodyne Extras Fresh or Sensodyne Repair and Protect. People need to grow up. No wonder the planet is in such a sorry state.......


On this you are absolutely right. But... it is hugely symbolic for there to be a black president of the US, as it would be if there were to be a black pope. It adds nothing to his ability to do the job, but for the black Americans, and black catholics who for generations have been oppressed or just felt under-represented, having a black leader is significant.


It might be symbolic for simple-minded people, but not for anyone with a brain. The idea that Barack Obama's electoral success is some sort of victory for African Americans is laughable. If anything, it signals a regression of the civil rights movement that people have become so superfcial in their thinking. Martin Luther King Jr wanted people to judge each other by the content of their character, not the colour of their skin. P.S. Obama is half-white. Don't forget, the president is a puppet of corporate America anyway, he just reads a teleprompter and does as he's told --- doesn't matter if his face is black or white, it's still the same corporations he's representing.

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We need to get out of this idiotic mentality of focusing on a person's colour. It is their character, mind and actions we should be judging, not their skin colour. Judging a person's ability to lead a country or a religion based on their skin colour is like judging a person's ability based on whether they have big ears or not, or whether they have blue eyes or green eyes, or whether they brush their teeth with Sensodyne Extras Fresh or Sensodyne Repair and Protect. People need to grow up. No wonder the planet is in such a sorry state.......


On this you are absolutely right. But... it is hugely symbolic for there to be a black president of the US, as it would be if there were to be a black pope. It adds nothing to his ability to do the job, but for the black Americans, and black catholics who for generations have been oppressed or just felt under-represented, having a black leader is significant.


It might be symbolic for simple-minded people, but not for anyone with a brain. The idea that Barack Obama's electoral success is some sort of victory for African Americans is laughable. If anything, it signals a regression of the civil rights movement that people have become so superfcial in their thinking. Martin Luther King Jr wanted people to judge each other by the content of their character, not the colour of their skin. P.S. Obama is half-white. Don't forget, the president is a puppet of corporate America anyway, he just reads a teleprompter and does as he's told --- doesn't matter if his face is black or white, it's still the same corporations he's representing.


Again, I'm sure you're right. You must agree though that 50% of the population have a below average intelligence, so my point regarding significance still stands.

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Are you sure TJ's probably right? What he's saying is that BHO's just a puppet on a string but surely his changes to welfare and health care in the states fly in the face of ''corporate America''. And surely, there's an element of empowerment being carried to Afro-Americans like we've never before seen since Lincoln.

Otherwise, what TJ appears to believe reduces it all to a rather sordid and valueless 'Black and White Minstrel Show'!

King was also a political animal, well versed in sound-bites and saying all the things he thought people wanted to hear; a darling of the hard-left. King's funding was also rather questionable and the same could also be said of him being dangled on a puppeteers string or being some secret society's frontman. He was also no angel when it came to his personal life if allegations of financial and sexual-improprietry, apparently from some of his closest aides, are to be taken seriously. If you thought Clintstone was bad...!

It's my opinion that the US, and ultimately the 'west', has benefited from BHO's appearance and that he's yet to have his day.

It cannot be one grand conspiracy, TJ, however much that idea appeals to your nature; how can some sinister over-world exert mass-control with universal mind-fucks and chicanery, when there's far too many diversive influences at play for a singular entity to push all the buttons?



Edited for length and breadth....

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Well its business as usual if the bookies favourite from Ghana is given Popedom.


He is in support of the "Kill the Gays" policy in Africa and is as much a bigot as the last Pope.


Once again, good to see Religion leading the way to a better future......not


Oh ,but if only a black dude gets voted for, everything will be hunky dory and everyone will live happily ever after, just as it happened in America when Nobel Peace Prize Winning Barack Obama got elected and ended the wars, closed Gitmo, put a stop to drone attacks, landed a pig on the moon and fixed the economy. Oh wait.....


We need to get out of this idiotic mentality of focusing on a person's colour. It is their character, mind and actions we should be judging, not their skin colour. Judging a person's ability to lead a country or a religion based on their skin colour is like judging a person's ability based on whether they have big ears or not, or whether they have blue eyes or green eyes, or whether they brush their teeth with Sensodyne Extras Fresh or Sensodyne Repair and Protect. People need to grow up. No wonder the planet is in such a sorry state.......


Actually I was raising the point, that despite being from a different continent, a different culture and younger than the current racist, sexist, bigoted, education and progression suppressing hate monger, the bookies favourite is just as nasty a piece of work as the current pope.


Being of a different ethinicity had nothing to with my raising of the point.

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Don't forget, the president is a puppet of corporate America anyway, he just reads a teleprompter and does as he's told --- doesn't matter if his face is black or white, it's still the same corporations he's representing.


I'm sure the gun manufacturers, the NRA, medical insurance industry, etc aren't exactly his biggest fans right now....

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Actually, Quilp, "Corporate America" absolutely love Obama;'s new health changes, given that it's run by private insurance corporations and his changes make it mandatory for people to purchase health insurance from those private corporations. Mr Obama has not brought in genuine universal healthcare, he has brought in a fascist system in which a few corporate oligopolies are given a state monopoly and captive consumer base. If I was African American, I wouldn't feel empowered by this jerk anymore than a serious-minded WASP American would be empowered by an idiot like Bush being president. Sure, poorly educated dimwits will feel empowered, but they're not actually empowered.


Are you sure TJ's probably right? What he's saying is that BHO's just a puppet on a string but surely his changes to welfare and health care in the states fly in the face of ''corporate America''. And surely, there's an element of empowerment being carried to Afro-Americans like we've never before seen since Lincoln.

Otherwise, what TJ appears to believe reduces it all to a rather sordid and valueless 'Black and White Minstrel Show'!

King was also a political animal, well versed in sound-bites and saying all the things he thought people wanted to hear; a darling of the hard-left. King's funding was also rather questionable and the same could also be said of him being dangled on a puppeteers string or being some secret society's frontman. He was also no angel when it came to his personal life if allegations of financial and sexual-improprietry, apparently from some of his closest aides, are to be taken seriously. If you thought Clintstone was bad...!

It's my opinion that the US, and ultimately the 'west', has benefited from BHO's appearance and that he's yet to have his day.

It cannot be one grand conspiracy, TJ, however much that idea appeals to your nature; how can some sinister over-world exert mass-control with universal mind-fucks and chicanery, when there's far too many diversive influences at play for a singular entity to push all the buttons?



Edited for length and breadth....

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Don't forget, the president is a puppet of corporate America anyway, he just reads a teleprompter and does as he's told --- doesn't matter if his face is black or white, it's still the same corporations he's representing.


I'm sure the gun manufacturers, the NRA, medical insurance industry, etc aren't exactly his biggest fans right now....


I'm sure the insurance industry just loves the guy, seeing as how he has made it law that everyone has to buy their insurance, and I'm sure the DRONE manufacturers, weapons manufacturers & Co just love the guy for his dedication to spreading "democracy" (a.k.a. US imperialism) around the globe.

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Don't forget, the president is a puppet of corporate America anyway, he just reads a teleprompter and does as he's told --- doesn't matter if his face is black or white, it's still the same corporations he's representing.


I'm sure the gun manufacturers, the NRA, medical insurance industry, etc aren't exactly his biggest fans right now....


I'm sure the insurance industry just loves the guy, seeing as how he has made it law that everyone has to buy their insurance, and I'm sure the DRONE manufacturers, weapons manufacturers & Co just love the guy for his dedication to spreading "democracy" (a.k.a. US imperialism) around the globe.


Barry Soetero, or whatever he wants to call himself these days, was a pure Manchurian candidate. What better way to usher in a virtual police state than do it with a black man, with a brand new Muslim name, with apparent Socialist leanings, raised in Asia and promising 'Change'. Jeeeez, you couldn't have done better if you'd made him up yourself, ticks all the boxes of all the groups you want to get onside whilst you're screwing them over.


Why anyone thinks a new pope will be any different just because he's looks different is beyond me.

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