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Pope Benedict Retires


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LDV, how about reading Jung. You will find plenty of proof that human beings are ritualistic animals due to the reptilian part of their brain. It is also responsible for tribalism and the herd mentality. It is also why they hold ceremonies such as state banquests, coronations, funeral services, weddings, the need to create liturgy both in religious as well as in the judicial and political arena, and it's also why they have built huge imposing monuments all throughout history (though I think Freud would have something to say about that as well).

I could read into him. Will take a look. But at this point, I am very sceptical of the idea that ritualistic behaviours are due to brain make in anything but a very 'indirect' manner. I will think it entirely plausible (and likely) that human brain make-up makes us predisposed to social behaviours that lead to herd mentality, tribalism, etc. but rituals in my understanding are complex social behaviours that exist for different reasons depending on what they're about.



I don't see the connections with big buildings at all. I don't see how the matter of ritual even comes into that.

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Seriously, I propose Malala Yousufzai.


That girl could make a difference.


If there's one person I'd love to have seen made Pope, it would have been Gore Vidal. The sheer entertainment value would have been worth it, especially to see all the religious people going crazy and rioting in the streets after he told them to drop the Bible and to read Marcus Aurelius, Seneca and the other great philosophers of classical antiquity for their moral guidance.

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We don't want a Lerned person.


Education causes as many problems as religion.


We want an ordinary smart person


Not a high brow educated snob like you...


"Education causes as many problems as religion" <<< LOL, what a load of anti-intellectual bollocks. Most of the problems in this world would be done away with if we raised the educational level of the world, and I don't mean the systematic brainwashing sort of education we are subjected to in schools - I mean real learning and freedom of enquiry. The reason our world is so messed up and we have exploitation and inequality everywhere is because people are glued to television screens instead of reading books. If there's a snob here, it's you.

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Yeah.... I am anti intellectual.Nothing worse than an intellectual clerk in my opinion.
I believe in equality, which is why I believe that our entire society --- regardless of where we are in the pecking order, regardless of whether we're a high-flying banker or an underpaid cleaner --- should be intellectually engaged and awake, rather than knowledge being limited to an elite few. The only way we can have a democracy is by having an informed citizenry.


It is because learning has for most of history been monopolised by those at the top that injustice and exploitation has been allowed to continue for so long. The last thing the elite want is for uppity commoners to be using their brains. Before long, they might start thinking about such "intellectual" things as equal pay for equal work, or they might figure out how the political system works and use their knowledge to push for raising the minimum wage.

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I see it like this:


Jesus had an o level in woodwork.


Not a doctarate in Philosophy.


He suggested we live our life in a certain way, and he used simple words to explain his idea.


But we fucked up big style.


We invented a whole philosopy based upon his single sylable words. And many people died.


But amazingly, the message is still there. The churches tried to twist it and turn it for their own ends..


But the original impossible message still survives.


We may not believe in heaven or hell.


But who can deny that the ability to forgive is the greatest gift we have....

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