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there was a series of sketches on spitting image of the pope jp 2 and archbishop runcie were runcie asks how he could be as popular as jp2 the answer was.............. speak slowly


The real joke is that the Anglican church only come about because of horny Henry.


And now they spend decades argueing about allowing women bishops.


Would Jesus even know what a Bishop was......


Apart from emily of course :-)

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I see it like this:


Jesus had an o level in woodwork.


Not a doctarate in Philosophy.


He suggested we live our life in a certain way, and he used simple words to explain his idea.


In Hebrew culture, especially that of the Pharisees (who were a grass-roots intellectual movement in opposition to the ruling elite), intellectualism was and still is encouraged in every part of society, whether the person be a woodworker or a king. According to the New Testament, Jesus was an extremely knowledgeable intellectual:


'Now so it was that after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers. So when they saw Him, they were amazed...' Luke 2:46-48


'And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men.' Luke2:52

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I see it like this:


Jesus had an o level in woodwork.


Not a doctarate in Philosophy.


He suggested we live our life in a certain way, and he used simple words to explain his idea.


In Hebrew culture, especially that of the Pharisees (who were a grass-roots intellectual movement in opposition to the ruling elite), intellectualism was and still is encouraged in every part of society, whether the person be a woodworker or a king. According to the New Testament, Jesus was an extremely knowledgeable intellectual:


'Now so it was that after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers. So when they saw Him, they were amazed...' Luke 2:46-48


'And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men.' Luke2:52

Wonderful! Someone who so frequently asks for 'evidence' or 'proof' decides to quote from the New Testament!

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Wonderful! Someone who so frequently asks for 'evidence' or 'proof' decides to quote from the New Testament!


There's a big difference between citing the Bible to indicate certain incontrovertible aspects of Jesus' life and citing the Bible as evidence of supernatural aspects of his life. I don't believe for one second that Jesus was born of a virgin or resurrected, but I see no reason to doubt the Bible when it says Jesus was a carpenter, or that he spoke the Sermon on the Mount, or that he was an intelligent person. If you can't grasp such a basic difference then it's a wonder you are able to tie your own shoe laces.

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The fact that you believe there are such things as 'incontrovertible' facts about Jesus' life - and that they are to be found in a version of it which was part plagiarised from Mark's version and part plagiarised from the Bacchae, suggests that you should only ever should have slip-on shoes and that they ought to be labelled L and R.

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The fact that you believe there are such things as 'incontrovertible' facts about Jesus' life - and that they are to be found in a version of it which was part plagiarised from Mark's version and part plagiarised from the Bacchae, suggests that you should only ever should have slip-on shoes and that they ought to be labelled L and R.



So what are you saying, exactly -- that we can't believe anything in the Bible? We can't believe the Bible when it mentions Jesus wore sandals, that he had brown hair, that he had a beard, or that the Romans controlled Judea?? Just how far are you willing to take your line of reasoning? I readily acknowledge that much of the New Testament is (in my opinion) nonsense, but the fact still remains that Jesus was a real person who was clearly intelligent, charismatic and innovative enough to alter the course of world history. This is clear throughout the canonical and non-canonical scriptures. An analysis of Jesus' teachings clearly show that he was part of the outer fringes of the Pharisaic school, which was a grass-roots intellectual organisation promoting education and self-empowerment among the poor, and was opposed to the rich Sadducee elite and their Roman puppets-masters.

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"An analysis of Jesus' teachings clearly show that he was part of the outer fringes of the Pharisaic school, which was a grass-roots intellectual organisation promoting education and self-empowerment among the poor, and was opposed to the rich Sadducee elite and their Roman puppets-masters."


Except women. Which incidently, is 50% of the population. 2,000 years on and the Christian religion, along with many other religions, STILL keeps women suppressed. It was as recently as 235 years ago that the Archbishop of Canterbury approved the burning of the last woman alive, (as a witch).

As for your question - we cant believe anything in the bible ? Of course you can. It is so full of contradictions there is something for everyone.

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Wonder why he was so quick to seek immunity from prosecution...maybe his diplomatic immunity was the only thing between him and a lengthy stay in prison.


A lengthy stay in prison? lol, the dude's 85 -- even if he's guilty of any complicity in abuse cover-up, he'd be well and truly dead long before it ever got to court.

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Wonder why he was so quick to seek immunity from prosecution...maybe his diplomatic immunity was the only thing between him and a lengthy stay in prison.


A lengthy stay in prison? lol, the dude's 85 -- even if he's guilty of any complicity in abuse cover-up, he'd be well and truly dead long before it ever got to court.


but not beyond justice if there is an afterlife .......an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth .....I will repay sayeth the lord .......maybe he should brace himself!

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