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Pope Benedict Retires


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imagine 37k people have watched this


some will think it is nonsense

some will be unsure

some will be motivated enough to do something


say divide it up into thirds that is 12k people who are motivated enough to occupy a church or something

88,000 now!

Sorry CrossRoss, this lot are complete fruitcakes. How are they ever going to have any educated experience and insight into world affairs?


Quantum Leap Television, where was Ziggy?

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I suspect the election will be a long drawn out affair.


Because the time has come to dissolve the Catholic Church.


The poor people believe in God .And the Cardinals are rich because of that.


I really believe the Princes of Rome understand what is going on. The next Pope they elect will be a world changer.


If they fail in this, and elect another consevative theologian, then they only have themselves to blame for fucking up their gravey train.

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I suspect the election will be a long drawn out affair.


Because the time has come to dissolve the Catholic Church.


The poor people believe in God .And the Cardinals are rich because of that.


I really believe the Princes of Rome understand what is going on. The next Pope they elect will be a world changer.


If they fail in this, and elect another consevative theologian, then they only have themselves to blame for fucking up their gravey train.


Very true. I'm sure certain members of the inner sanctum have seen the writing on the wall for this particular fairy story for years and they needed a strong pope to admit it was bollox and that it could do with upgrading to enable them to keep wearing their fancy dress outfits and drinking from gold goblets for a while longer. Expect some pretty radical statements from the next paedo-leader which will throw a billion or so fruit loops into a tizz.

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Judging by the news today they are not expecting the conclave to last that long. The impression was that a lot of the "talking" had been done in the build up to today and that there would just be a little wrangling going on.


The Catholic Church seems to be more and more out of touch with its members (let alone the rest of the world) and if it is to remain relevant (especially in Europe) then it really needs to take action to address the issues it faces internally.


It is obvious that they have lost the moral high-ground and that undermines the good that the Church can do. Please note that when I say the "good the Church can do" I am simply saying that when you stip everything back the core messages of most religions are admirable and have the potential to influence people in a positive way. The problem is that those messages get lost in ceremony and BS.

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First Jesuit Pope. Got to be a conspiracy theory brewing right there....


There are good and bad in every group of people. There are of course bad things to say about Jesuits during the Counter-Reformation, but on the other hand the Jesuits in South America since the 60s or 70s have been heavily involved with popular liberation movements, standing up for the poor, and speaking out against government oppression. That's why so many of them have been bumped off by the CIA and/or their lapdog dictators' CIA-trained militias.

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First Jesuit Pope. Got to be a conspiracy theory brewing right there....


There are good and bad in every group of people. There are of course bad things to say about Jesuits during the Counter-Reformation, but on the other hand the Jesuits in South America since the 60s or 70s have been heavily involved with popular liberation movements, standing up for the poor, and speaking out against government oppression. That's why so many of them have been bumped off by the CIA and/or their lapdog dictators' CIA-trained militias.


That makes all the top dogs in the European Union and now the Pope all members of the same fringe gang. I smell a rat.....those bloody scheming one worlders. Pffft....

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First Jesuit Pope. Got to be a conspiracy theory brewing right there....


There are good and bad in every group of people. There are of course bad things to say about Jesuits during the Counter-Reformation, but on the other hand the Jesuits in South America since the 60s or 70s have been heavily involved with popular liberation movements, standing up for the poor, and speaking out against government oppression. That's why so many of them have been bumped off by the CIA and/or their lapdog dictators' CIA-trained militias.


That makes all the top dogs in the European Union and now the Pope all members of the same fringe gang. I smell a rat.....those bloody scheming one worlders. Pffft....


What do you mean? The European Union is full of "ex"-communists. The Jesuits are anti-communist.

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First Jesuit Pope. Got to be a conspiracy theory brewing right there....


There are good and bad in every group of people. There are of course bad things to say about Jesuits during the Counter-Reformation, but on the other hand the Jesuits in South America since the 60s or 70s have been heavily involved with popular liberation movements, standing up for the poor, and speaking out against government oppression. That's why so many of them have been bumped off by the CIA and/or their lapdog dictators' CIA-trained militias.


That makes all the top dogs in the European Union and now the Pope all members of the same fringe gang. I smell a rat.....those bloody scheming one worlders. Pffft....


What do you mean? The European Union is full of "ex"-communists. The Jesuits are anti-communist.


Just reporting the facts guv. Van Rompuy, Barroso and Juncker, as well as Draghi are all Jesuit-trained. Now we have the first Jesuit Pope to complete the set. Adolfo Nicolas must be a proud man, his boys have done good.

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Just reporting the facts guv. Van Rompuy, Barroso and Juncker, as well as Draghi are all Jesuit-trained. Now we have the first Jesuit Pope to complete the set. Adolfo Nicolas must be a proud man, his boys have done good.


I have a Jesuit to thank for the greater part of my education, so the conspiracy just gets bigger and bigger!



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Just reporting the facts guv. Van Rompuy, Barroso and Juncker, as well as Draghi are all Jesuit-trained. Now we have the first Jesuit Pope to complete the set. Adolfo Nicolas must be a proud man, his boys have done good.


I can thank the greater part of my educational development to a Jesuit professor, so the conspiracy just gets bigger and bigger!


Aaaah....so you're one of em as well. Manxforums is being taken over too. Run for the hills. Next you'll tell me old daddy Corkish once went to Georgetown as well!

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