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Pope Benedict Retires


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P.K. - I presume that is in reference to the Catholic Church's stance on contraception?


Interestingly on Radio 4 the other day I heard that most lay Catholic's (I assume the European ones) choose to ignore the Church on this point. If true it does show how out of touch the hierarchy of Catholic Church is with their own lay members.


It is also interesting that an organisation which is anti-homosexual relationships and asks priests to take a vow of celibacy can then ignore certain "activities" which those same priests allegedly get up too.


I can fully understand why the number of Catholics in europe is falling looking at the hypocrisy within their Church. Although I am dumbfounded about why African nations so freely embrace the same Church.


Unfortunately the majority of Africa isn't educated to the same level as Europe and as much as the church bleats differently, for the sake of their continued existence, uneducated ignorance is bliss.

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Good to see they have elected a person with a moral conscience with a track record of standing up for the poor and the oppressed. Say what you want about the Catholic Church, but in this regard they have surpassed the competency of the Manx electorate.


Still oppressing gays, still oppressing women, still anti-abortion, still anti-contraception......still the same worn out religion that is just flopping around like a fish out of water, gasping for that last breath before expiring.


"track record of standing up for the poor" So he'll be the first Pope on cash in the attic, liquidating the billions that the church in assets to.....well you know....actually help the poor as opposed to talking about helping the poor and building a financial empire bigger than some multi-national corporations (and a private army as well....)


Hey don't complain to me. President Obama said it. You do believe politicians never lie, don't you? Surely you're not one of those tin-foil hat conspiracy theorists who think politicians lie?

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