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Pope Benedict Retires


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Haha, I sense that this bit of news has lightened your day LDV? smile.png

Not really. I mean the amount of news coverage would make you think that such a resignation is important when really it should have very little importance in any society where rationality, morality, and sanity are important qualities for us to hang on to.

The dove that got attached by the seagull lightened my day more.

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In the 16th century some bloke (St Malachy was it?) predicted the reign of all the future pontifs, and according to him this next one will be the last before the fall of the RC church. He called him Petrus Romanus, Peter the Roman, and he would see the fall of Rome and the accession of the antichrist. Hmmm.

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He wishes to control and be involved with the selection of his successor. It's like the gerontocracy in China where, to use Prince Charles' phrase, "dreadful old waxworks" sit behind the curtain and pull the strings to ensure the factions choose the right heir.


Benedict is archly conservative, and rigorously defends Papal authority and Catholic power. He believes he is above any secular power and that the Church must rule itself through divine authority. The pedophilia cover-ups and papal bulls against condoms, women's rights, divorce and treating gay relationships equally before the law are all symptoms of his conservatism.


Don't expect liberation theology from his successor - or tolerance.

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I haven't seen that job advertised on the website yet


Think I'll fire my CV over to the Vatican, you know, get my hat in the ring early


Then if I get the job it'll be my helmet in the ring




Seems there will only be one vote from the British Isles to elect his successor.


The conclave fucked up last time when they elected him. They should have elected an African or Filipino Pope when they had the chance.


How many people have been infected with HIV since he was elected?


Yeah, he is a smart guy. But he is a career clergyman.


Chinahand is a smart guy too. But at least he has had a few shags. That at least qualifies him above any potential successor to the position of Pope..


Sorry ChinaHand :-)..... just using you as an example....


I suspect there is more news about to come out re the Catholic Church abuse scandal. He was the main guy involved in covering it up after all. Maybe he covered up for someone he should not have.....Just a guess.

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He wishes to control and be involved with the selection of his successor. It's like the gerontocracy in China where, to use Prince Charles' phrase, "dreadful old waxworks" sit behind the curtain and pull the strings to ensure the factions choose the right heir.



Yup Chinahand. But there is a big difference between the Chinese chairman and the Pope.


The Chinese don't really give a toss about who their Chairman is. They know he is a crook by default. so they ignore what he says and just get on with doing what they do.


But millions of people hang onto every word the Pope utters. Including the democratically elected heads of secular states. So I say well done to the communist Chairman for dismissising Papist authority.


We may as well have the converted Blair in the top papist job. Yeah.... that guy who sent us to war, was responsible for the violenent and horrible deaths of 10's of thousands, and then converted when he kissed the Pope's hand.


Unusually strong words from me. Me being a Christian and all that ( Believer in God etc).


But I really believe the current Pope knew he was not the man for the job when he was elected.


Shoes of the fisherman and all that.

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