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Pope Benedict Retires


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I need to see more evidence. All I see in that article are allegations. It's very easy to jump on the bandwagon and blame the pope for this, but I am hesitant to do so because he may be innocent and surely he would have been arrested by now if substantive evidence of his personal involvement was forthcoming?

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He was not forced into the Hitler Youth, his membership was a natural extension from being in a boy-scout-type movement, or something similiar.

If you follow the link i posted earlier you'll find that his role in the cover-ups is there for all to see.


He was conscripted. It was illegal for a child of his age (14) to not join the Hitler Youth. You really expect a 14 yr old kid to stand up to the might of the Third Reich and refuse to join the Hitler Youth, knowing full well that he was living in a totalitarian society with gestapo and SS rounding people up into concentration camps, and that his parents would be liable to being shot? Be serious. There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that this man was ever a sympathiser of the Nazis, and plenty of evidence to the contrary.

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You would appear to be sympathetic to him, so one can presume you are a member of the catholic church. Isn't it ironic that you have faith, that is, you believe in a diety for which there is no proof, yet you quote a lack of evidence for believing what is alleged about the pope. Typicaly you are showing the double standards that is synonymous amongst many religions, not just yours.

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You would appear to be sympathetic to him, so one can presume you are a member of the catholic church. Isn't it ironic that you have faith, that is, you believe in a diety for which there is no proof, yet you quote a lack of evidence for believing what is alleged about the pope. Typicaly you are showing the double standards that is synonymous amongst many religions, not just yours.


I'm not "sympathetic" to him, I'm sympathetic to reality. If you show me some real evidence, I'll get my pitchfork and join your mob.

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He was not forced into the Hitler Youth, his membership was a natural extension from being in a boy-scout-type movement, or something similiar.

If you follow the link i posted earlier you'll find that his role in the cover-ups is there for all to see.


He was conscripted. It was illegal for a child of his age (14) to not join the Hitler Youth. You really expect a 14 yr old kid to stand up to the might of the Third Reich and refuse to join the Hitler Youth, knowing full well that he was living in a totalitarian society with gestapo and SS rounding people up into concentration camps, and that his parents would be liable to being shot? Be serious. There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that this man was ever a sympathiser of the Nazis, and plenty of evidence to the contrary.


From your posts it's obvious you're really big on evidence. Especially the evidence that backs-up some of your non-sensical claims. I suspect you count yourself as one of the 'truthers' and affiliate yourself to all sorts of crackpot, delusional cliques that rely on 'evidence'.


2 Nembutal and 1 Seconal, prn, will sort you out.

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I suspect you count yourself as one of the 'truthers' and affiliate yourself to all sorts of crackpot, delusional cliques that rely on 'evidence'.

That's usually Lxxx. He borders on that.


Eh? He's not talking about me brains. You just stick to your pseudo- intellectual waffle.

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He was not forced into the Hitler Youth, his membership was a natural extension from being in a boy-scout-type movement, or something similiar.

If you follow the link i posted earlier you'll find that his role in the cover-ups is there for all to see.


He was conscripted. It was illegal for a child of his age (14) to not join the Hitler Youth. You really expect a 14 yr old kid to stand up to the might of the Third Reich and refuse to join the Hitler Youth, knowing full well that he was living in a totalitarian society with gestapo and SS rounding people up into concentration camps, and that his parents would be liable to being shot? Be serious. There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that this man was ever a sympathiser of the Nazis, and plenty of evidence to the contrary.


From your posts it's obvious you're really big on evidence. Especially the evidence that backs-up some of your non-sensical claims. I suspect you count yourself as one of the 'truthers' and affiliate yourself to all sorts of crackpot, delusional cliques that rely on 'evidence'.


2 Nembutal and 1 Seconal, prn, will sort you out.


Yes, but we're not talking about abstract wishy washy philosophy here, we're talking about the actual real world. Either the dude was forced into the Hitler Youth or he wasn't; either he was involved in covering up abuse or he wasn't.


The evidence shows he was indeed forced into the Hitler Youth. I don't know what the evidence indicates in relation to his alleged personal role in covering up abuse, because I'm still waiting to see any.


Edited to add: What do you mean "truther"?

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Fucks sake. Forget the Hitler Youth. The man's a cunt whether he intends on being evil or not. He caused suffering and death by simply making out that contraception is bad. He also would be aware of paedophilia within the Church. There were accusations of him moving an American priest out of the country and re-assigning him after some allegations went his way. But the fact that he is aware of paedophilia in the church and has done nothing speaks loud and clear. And then you have his treatment of sex and sexuality.


The Catholic Church (although it has done and does some good on occasions) is ultimate a force for evil in the world and the Pope the top guy in it. Not a figurehead but a major player.

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I don't know what the evidence indicates in relation to his alleged personal role in covering up abuse, because I'm still waiting to see any.





Before being elected as Pope Benedict XVI, the pontiff was Cardinal Thomas Ratzinger who had, for 24 years, been the head of the powerful Congregation of the Doctrine of The Faith, the department of the Roman Catholic Church charged with promoting Catholic teachings on morals and matters of faith. An arch-Conservative, he was regarded as the 'enforcer' of Pope John Paul II in cracking down on liberal challenges to traditional Catholic teachings.


He sent out an updated version of the notorious 1962 Vatican document Crimen Sollicitationis - Latin for The Crime of Solicitation - which laid down the Vatican's strict instructions on covering up sexual scandal. It was regarded as so secret that it came with instructions that bishops had to keep it locked in a safe at all times.


Cardinal Ratzinger reinforced the strict cover-up policy by introducing a new principle: that the Vatican must have what it calls Exclusive Competence. In other words, he commanded that all child abuse allegations should be dealt with direct by Rome.

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I don't know what the evidence indicates in relation to his alleged personal role in covering up abuse, because I'm still waiting to see any.





Before being elected as Pope Benedict XVI, the pontiff was Cardinal Thomas Ratzinger who had, for 24 years, been the head of the powerful Congregation of the Doctrine of The Faith, the department of the Roman Catholic Church charged with promoting Catholic teachings on morals and matters of faith. An arch-Conservative, he was regarded as the 'enforcer' of Pope John Paul II in cracking down on liberal challenges to traditional Catholic teachings.


He sent out an updated version of the notorious 1962 Vatican document Crimen Sollicitationis - Latin for The Crime of Solicitation - which laid down the Vatican's strict instructions on covering up sexual scandal. It was regarded as so secret that it came with instructions that bishops had to keep it locked in a safe at all times.


Cardinal Ratzinger reinforced the strict cover-up policy by introducing a new principle: that the Vatican must have what it calls Exclusive Competence. In other words, he commanded that all child abuse allegations should be dealt with direct by Rome.



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