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Pope Benedict Retires


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Fucks sake. Forget the Hitler Youth. The man's a cunt whether he intends on being evil or not. He caused suffering and death by simply making out that contraception is bad. He also would be aware of paedophilia within the Church. There were accusations of him moving an American priest out of the country and re-assigning him after some allegations went his way. But the fact that he is aware of paedophilia in the church and has done nothing speaks loud and clear. And then you have his treatment of sex and sexuality.


The Catholic Church (although it has done and does some good on occasions) is ultimate a force for evil in the world and the Pope the top guy in it. Not a figurehead but a major player.


Maybe you're right -- I really couldn't care less one way or the other -- which should make all the people on these forums who support/condone the exploitation of those on the lower rungs of the economy think twice about their consciences, given that even such a man as this is able to see the obvious and speak out against it.

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You really expect a 14 yr old kid to stand up to the might of the Third Reich and refuse to join the Hitler Youth.....


Better to die for something, than live for nothing.....John Rambo


Better to live for something, than die for nothing. - me


Yeah, better to bend knee to the Furher like a coward.


How does the saying go?..."The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

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You really expect a 14 yr old kid to stand up to the might of the Third Reich and refuse to join the Hitler Youth.....


Better to die for something, than live for nothing.....John Rambo


Better to live for something, than die for nothing. - me


Yeah, better to bend knee to the Furher like a coward.


How does the saying go?..."The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."


We're talking about a 14 yr old KID here. I don't think the same idea applies, and for him to refuse would also invariably have caused harm or death to his entire family and not just to himself.

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You really expect a 14 yr old kid to stand up to the might of the Third Reich and refuse to join the Hitler Youth.....


Better to die for something, than live for nothing.....John Rambo


Better to live for something, than die for nothing. - me


Yeah, better to bend knee to the Furher like a coward.


How does the saying go?..."The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."


We're talking about a 14 yr old KID here. I don't think the same idea applies, and for him to refuse would also invariably have caused harm or death to his entire family and not just to himself.

Frankly, none of can even imagine what it would be like to be a child or an adult living in those times, in those places, so to be fair, we aren't really in a position to judge are we?


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You really expect a 14 yr old kid to stand up to the might of the Third Reich and refuse to join the Hitler Youth.....


Better to die for something, than live for nothing.....John Rambo


Better to live for something, than die for nothing. - me


Yeah, better to bend knee to the Furher like a coward.


How does the saying go?..."The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."


We're talking about a 14 yr old KID here. I don't think the same idea applies, and for him to refuse would also invariably have caused harm or death to his entire family and not just to himself.

Frankly, none of can even imagine what it would be like to be a child or an adult living in those times, in those places, so to be fair, we aren't really in a position to judge are we?


Thats true but think of this he has gone from this to heading an organisation telling people how to live their lives and if they dont follow the rules they will end up in hell and before anyone says anything I am not comparing the nazis to catholics just stating that if he was so terrified of the Nazis and being told what to do how can he devout his life to becoming the leader of a religion who tells people what to do?

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The man highlighted in this photo is August Landmesser, a German shipyard worker. The image of his seeming refusal to give the Nazi salute has earned him a posthumous reputation as a resistance symbol.

And what a difference that made! That was 1936 and a few years later both he and his wife were dead and largely forgotten until this photo emerged in the 1990s. Quite simply, his protest made no impact whatsoever.

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Why are people even talking about the Pope and Hitler Youth as if it is something worth pondering over. It isn't. He didn't get a choice to join it and it has no bearing on his politics. (And even if it did, those politics are not relevant.)



The dude's politics and economics are firmly left-wing socialist. On the other hand, religiously, he's a social conservative on the right-side of the spectrum. I am not entirely clear as to his role in the cover-up of abuses. Maybe he was involved in this personally, but still no evidence has been forthcoming. Do I have to actually get off my lazy ass and google it myself? I expect the evidence to be spoon-fed to me.

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Why are people even talking about the Pope and Hitler Youth as if it is something worth pondering over. It isn't. He didn't get a choice to join it and it has no bearing on his politics. (And even if it did, those politics are not relevant.)


Your quite right, it is not worth pondering over when his teaching is responsible for millions suffering and dying from aids in Africa. Aids is what you have to suffer for your sins, but you will be rewarded in heaven. However, use a condom and you will burn in hell for eternity.

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